Jagran Josh
HCL has invited online application for the 290 Trade Apprentice Post on its official website. Check HCL Recruitment 2022 application process, age limit, qualification and other details here.

HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022
HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 Notification: Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) has published the recruitment notification for the 290 Trade Apprentice posts under the Apprentices Act 1961. Candidates having age between 18 to 30 years as on cut-off date can apply to the posts on or before 12 December 2022.
Candidates having certain educational qualification including 10th /Matric passes under 10+2 system/ITI with additional eligibility as mentioned in the notification can apply for HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 Notification.
Under selection process, candidates will be selected on the basis of merit based on their marks obtained in ITI & 10th. Further, a weightage of 30% to marks scored in relevant trade in ITI & a weightage of 70% will be given to marks scored in 10th board. You can check the short notice regarding the details of the selection process under HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 Notification.
Notification Details HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 :
HCL/KCC/HR/Trade Appt/2022
Important Date HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 Notification:
Cut-off date for Age & Qualification & in all other respect : 01.11.2022
Online application closing date: 12.12.2022
Publication of short-listed candidates List (Tentative): 31.12.2022
Vacancy Details HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 Notification:
Total Posts: 290
Discipline wise posts
Mate (Mines)-60
Blaster (Mines)-100
Diesel Mechanic-10
Welder (Gas & Electric)-25
Electronics Mechanic-06
Draughtsman (Civil)-02
Draughtsman (Mechanical)-03
Computer Operator & Programming Assistant-02
Refrigeration & Air Conditioner-02
Eligibility Criteria HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 Notification:
Educational Qualification
Mate (Mines)/Blaster (Mines): Passed 10th /Matric exam under10+2 system of education or its equivalent
Other Posts: Passed 10th /Matric exam under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent
Technical Qualification: ITI passed in the concerned trade from an institute recognized by NCVT/SCVT.
Check the recruitment notification available on the official website for details of the educational qualification of the posts.
HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 Notification PDF
How To Apply HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 Notification:
Candidates will have to submit their application online through the Company’s website (www.hindustancopper.com) on or before 12 December 2022. Candidates should register themselves for apprenticeship in Government of India portal
(www.apprenticeshipindia.org) which is compulsory.
What are the numbers of Vacancy in HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022?
Total Posts: 290
Discipline wise posts
Mate (Mines)-60
Blaster (Mines)-100
Diesel Mechanic-10
Welder (Gas & Electric)-25
Electronics Mechanic-06
Draughtsman (Civil)-02
Draughtsman (Mechanical)-03
Computer Operator & Programming Assistant-02
Refrigeration & Air Conditioner-02
What are the Important Dates for HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022?
Cut-off date for Age & Qualification & in all other respect : 01.11.2022
Online application closing date: 12.12.2022
Publication of short-listed candidates List (Tentative): 31.12.2022
What is the Eligibility Criteria for HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022?
Candidates should have 10th /Matric passed under 10+2 system/ITI.
What is the Eligibility Criteria for HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022?
Candidates should have 10th /Matric passed under 10+2 system/ITI.
What are the Jobs in HCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022?
Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) is hiring for the 290 Trade Apprentice posts in various disciplines.
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