A month in the life of CV Shed – December 2021
CV Shed This time last year, I blogged about what had been happening behind the scenes at CV Shed. A year on, plenty has changed but lots has stayed the…
Building Career. Changing Lives.
CV Shed This time last year, I blogged about what had been happening behind the scenes at CV Shed. A year on, plenty has changed but lots has stayed the…
Personal Branding Blog – Stand Out In Your Career As time has gone on and the pandemic has not resolved, it has become apparent that virtual learning is here to…
Personal Branding Blog – Stand Out In Your Career To progress your career and increase job satisfaction, keep up with current trends. Most for the New Year relate to the…
May Busch The Art of Rest: How to Find Respite in the Modern Age by Claudia Hammond This book is for achievers who feel exhausted because when you’re exhausted, your…
Personal Branding Blog – Stand Out In Your Career A brand advocate or a brand ambassador is someone who promotes and represents a business in a positive manner. They are…
Personal Branding Blog – Stand Out In Your Career Brand: It’s what people think when they hear your name, what Google finds when it searches for you, and your social…
CV Shed Recent, Relevant, Results The difference between writing a good CV and writing a great CV is to write from the perspective of the reader. Make sure that they…
career Archives – Photo by Lukas on Pexels.com Unlike 50 or even 30 years ago, technological and other developments seem to occur at breakneck speeds. Things happen so fast, in…
Career Blog – Hallie Crawford Are you getting ready for your year-end performance review? While we realize that some professionals feel they aren’t necessary, others feel they aren’t accurate representations…
How I Got The Job Introduction А finаnсiаl аdvisоr helрs сlients рlаn their shоrt аnd lоng-term finаnсiаl gоаls. These goals саn vаry frоm sаving uр fоr retirement tо рlаnning tо…