4 or 5 Marks Important Questions for Class 12 CBSE Board Exam 2024

Jagran Josh

4 or 5  Marks long type questions: Here, students can find 4 or 5 marks important questions for various subjects of Class 12. These long type important questions will be useful for students in preparation for the upcoming CBSE Board Exam 2024.

CBSE 12th Grade 4 or 5 Marks Questions: Students of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) must be all geared up for their upcoming CBSE Board Exams 2024. We are quite excited about your annual examinations too. As the students of the 2023-2024 batch must be nearing their preparation end, we would like to assist you in your final preparation phase with some important questions. So, in this article, we have brought to you 4 or 5 marks important questions for Class 12. Students can check the subject-wise list of important questions worth 4 or 5 marks for the students of grade 12. All the important questions presented here have been picked up from authentic and credible sources and hence can be carefreely used by students in their preparation process. 

Check the list of subjects of Class 12 with PDF links for 4 or 5 marks answer type important questions. The chapter-wise PDF links have been provided to you for your reference. If questions are repeatedly asked in the previous year’s question papers, then it has a high tendency to be asked in the exam. Look at the questions from two to three years back and check the sample paper/practise questions provided by the board for your academic session. We have done the process for you and have brought to you a list of important 4 or 5 marks questions for various subjects of Class 12. 

List of Important Questions of 4 or 5 Marks for Class 12th with Solutions

Check the list of 4 or 5 marks important questions for various subjects of Class 12 along with solutions for the same. PDF download links for each chapter have been provided in the article itself. Students can check the PDF and download it to save them for future reference. 

Links for the rest of the subjects will be uploaded soon. Till then students can keep checking the link attached here to keep the flow of preparation going smoothly. Also, keep tuning to check the links of other subjects as well. 

Why are Practise Questions Important?

The NCERT exercises and question bank references are not enough to help students get the sufficient amount of knowledge required to score well in the board exams. Therefore, students use various other additional support materials to strengthen their preparation and be aware of the variety of questions asked in the paper. Here, are some reasons as to why practise questions are important for board aspirants. 

  • Practise questions keep students equipped with relevant support materials
  • Informs students about a variety of questions that have been or might be a part of the question paper in the exam
  • Assists in greater understanding of the topic and correct procedure for solving problems
  • Enhances the preparation standards and always brings something extraordinary to the table
  • Ensures students indulge in multiple practise sessions before sitting for the real test

Important questions are a great source of attaining knowledge required for the exam. It can also get you possible and potential marks in the exam, thus increasing your overall score. However, we would like to advise students not to completely rely on these questions only. Instead, various other questions should be practised along with the important ones as these are pure suggestions and are formed on the basis of assumptions. 

Also Read:

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2023-2024

CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers 2023-2024

NCERT Solutions for Class 12

CBSE Class 12 Science Study Materials

CBSE Class 12 Commerce Study Materials


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