5 Rules to Successful Lunch Meeting


Whether you are a team leader representing a company or owning the company, lunch meetings are essential. It is where you meet with clients or potential partners and discuss business in a more relaxed environment.

While it is easy to schedule a lunch meeting, succeeding in hosting one is a different story. You will need to abide by several rules for it to be successful. But, out of all these rules, here are 5 that you need to remember:

1. Meetings For Two

When you talk about lunch meetings, it is between two people. This number enables both parties to bond, learn about each other and discuss suitable topics in detail without fearing disruptions. Having more people in a lunch meeting can derail discussions, so keep your meetings between you and your business partner or lead as much as possible.

2. Know What To Order

Since you will be discussing many topics with your business partner or lead, you don’t have to order many food and drinks immediately. Order moderately, and don’t order alcohol as much as possible. It is also best not to order finger foods because it may cause a lot of mess for you and your lunch partner. Stick to food items you can clean with a spoon, fork and knife as much as possible.

3. Give Your Attention To Your Guest

During the meeting, make sure to give all your attention to your guest because they are taking time off from their usual schedule to speak with you. Put your phone on silent or turn off your laptop before the meeting. Having them on can be considered either rude or distracting for your guest.

4. Know What To Discuss

During your lunch meeting, you must be clear about what you are about to discuss and know how to follow up with other topics. Small talk is okay at first, especially if you are getting to know each other and this is your first meeting. But, most importantly, focus on the matter at hand to achieve your goals.

5. Who Should Foot The Bill?

If you arrange the lunch meeting, you must be the one who pays the bill. Should the other person insist on sharing the bill, don’t be afraid to say okay. Suppose you want to save up on the cost. In that case, you can speak to your meeting partner beforehand to pick a set menu or select a good restaurant that offers excellent meals at an affordable price while having areas where you can discuss things privately.

One cannot honestly plan out a successful lunch meeting all the time because many things can happen before or on the day itself. But, if you remember these five major rules, you can create a great meeting environment for you and your lunch partner, leading to a productive meeting that more future meetings can follow.

What else can you do to have a successful meeting? Find out more.
Is It A Good Idea to Use ChatGPT to Optimise Your Meetings?
How to Apologise for Missing a Meeting
Meeting Hacks that will make you look Great!

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#Rules #Successful #Lunch #Meeting

By bpci

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