Professionals in many industries may write self-evaluations to discuss their performance with a team leader or manager. A self-appraisal, also known as a self-assessment or self-evaluation, can assist you in reviewing your accomplishments, productivity, and weaknesses. Learning more about these appraisal tools and viewing sample comments may assist you in writing an effective self-appraisal during your career. In this article, we provide 50 examples of self-appraisal comments for you to use and explain how to write your own.

50 Sample Self-Assessment Comments

Here is a list of 50 sample self-appraisal comments that you can refer to during your performance assessment:

Communication comments

Here are 10 sample comments to help you mention your communication skills:

  1. I ensure clear communication of objectives and targets to my team members.
  2. I effectively convey my messages across departments of the organisation.
  3. I offer my feedback and suggestions to my team members tenaciously with a great sense of consideration.
  4. I approach sensitive situations with a thoughtfulness which proves to be helpful in times of disagreement.
  5. I continually share relevant information and updates with my colleagues and managers to keep them in loop of major and minor developments and to stay on the same page.
  6. I make sure to communicate progress or changes that can affect stakeholders, coworkers and customers.
  7. I take pride in the success of my colleagues and do not hesitate to applaud their triumphs.
  8. Although I try to be transparent, I have recently learned that I am not always clear in my communications. I plan to create a strategy to increase my communication skills.
  9. I refrain from holding difficult conversations and realise that it is necessary to hold such conversations with a positive outlook.
  10. With my cordial communication skills, I possess the ability to build good relationships with my team members and members outside of it.

Job performance comments

Here are nine sample self-appraisal comments that you can use to describe your job performance:

  1. I respect my work and find pleasure and value in it.
  2. I often take up projects that extend beyond my responsibilities of the job.
  3. It gives me immense satisfaction to share that I have exceeded my performance goals.
  4. I encourage a team-oriented work environment by inclusion of all the team members.
  5. I have effectively made sure to decrease the bounce rate of our website.
  6. I make sure to take on new challenging projects.
  7. It never bothers me to answer questions of my peers and clear their doubts.
  8. I make sure I am open to discussions and approachable if my colleagues need my assistance.
  9. I effectively manage my team and conduct specific exercises to strengthen the team.

Customer experience comments

Here are six sample self-appraisal comments related to customer experience you can reference:

  1. I am adept at handling difficult and confrontational customers by means of persuasion and maintaining composure.
  2. I patiently listen to the grievances of the customers before coming to a conclusion.
  3. If I find a customer lacks knowledge about our products or services, I ensure their questions are answered and they receive solutions swiftly.
  4. My positive customer feedback during the last year has gone up by 80%.
  5. I make sincere efforts to enhance the customer experience by being prompt and relevant.
  6. I am extremely thoughtful of my interactions with a customer and think like one to better understand their perspective.

Innovation and creativity comments

Here are eight sample comments related to innovation and creativity:

  1. I am frequently on the lookout for novel ways to organise my work and fulfill my duties.
  2. I remain committed to my professional growth for which I have taken training courses specific to the skills in which I acknowledge a need for improvement.
  3. I am always eager to collaborate with others in my field and learn from them.
  4. I stay updated with the latest trends, innovations and developments in my field.
  5. I have mapped out my future plans regarding my career and have taken up concrete steps towards accomplishing the career objectives.
  6. I am a quick learner who can make adjustments to the ways of working to foster efficiency and fellowship.
  7. I hold the importance of learning high in my personal and professional life and constantly seek out opportunities to learn something new and of value to my professional endeavors.
  8. I approach each challenge with originality and constantly come up with imaginative solutions.

Reliability comments

Here are four sample comments you can use to discuss your reliability and work ethic:

  1. I abide by my commitments and ensure I remain dedicated towards the completion of tasks on time in all situations.
  2. In order to not generate pressure on my team, I plan my leaves well in advance so that my supervisor can make arrangements accordingly.
  3. I admire punctuality in life and thus show up on time regularly.
  4. I promptly respond to communications over emails and telephone calls received from customers and coworkers.

Performance improvement comments

Here are 13 sample comments you can use to reflect on your performance improvement:

  1. My aim is to strengthen my interpersonal skills and tranquilise situations that propagate discord between me and my colleagues.
  2. I want to create a personal communication plan to promote an open and honest work environment for my team members.
  3. I sometimes struggle when managing multiple deadlines at the same time. I am persistently working towards getting things in order by effectively managing my time and priorities.
  4. I acknowledge my inclination for written communication, but remain committed to improve and focus more on verbal communication at the same time.
  5. I recognise how often I depend on the efforts of the team. To improve that, I am working on ensuring that I am able to deliver more and add my efforts to those of my team.
  6. I understand the importance of communication in management of a team and constantly work towards avoiding any instances of miscommunication within the team or outside of it. I am working to improve my follow up activities to help increase my sales performance.
  7. My self-realisation has offered me the opportunity to understand that I can use feedback as motivation to accomplish goals effectively.
  8. I believe I could develop my customer service skills. I plan to take a workshop course to help me strengthen these skills.
  9. I find myself figuring out things on my own and I am working hard to be comfortable with people helping me out to get the job done quickly.
  10. Although I communicate with small groups with brevity and clarity, I usually do not succeed in getting my ideas across when I am presenting information to a larger group. I plan on taking a public speaking course to help me grow in this area.
  11. I have an inclination for being guided by what works the best for me, but also plan to make use of new and unique approaches.
  12. I am comfortable sharing ideas with people who are close to me, but I would like to extend these ideas to the whole team.

How To Write A Self-Appraisal?

To write an effective self-appraisal, consider highlighting your accomplishments and strengths that align with the targets of the company. You may also mention your weaknesses, challenges and areas where you may improve. Here is a list of tips to help you write a clear and relevant self-appraisal:

1. Share efforts and obstacles

Mention how your efforts made a measurable impact on the team and the organisation. You can also include details about the challenges you overcame to accomplish your goals. This can show your resilience and work ethic.

2. Identify areas of improvement

Make sure to point out areas where you hope to improve. This helps you formulate a list of skills, knowledge and exposure you require to prosper both in the field and the organisation. Your manager may provide different training sessions and exercises to help you develop new skills and refine the ones you already possess.

3. Quantify achievements

Describe your achievements using facts and figures. This data can help you point out your competence and productivity. You can also underline your key learnings and how your performance has improved.

4. Ask for growth opportunities

You can use the self-appraisal to show your manager you are ready for more responsibilities. If you are excelling in a role, you may mention figures to support your claims. If an advanced role opens in the future, your manager may use this information when they consider you for a promotion.

5. Set goals

Consider listing your goals in the self-evaluation for a performance review. These goals can relate to your performance or ongoing projects. Try to make your goals as specific as possible.

6. Stay positive and respectful

Try to keep your language positive and respectful by focusing on your actions and performance. When discussing a challenge or obstacle, you may add details about how you overcame the challenge to keep the language positive. Try to leave time to review your appraisal before submitting it to ensure your language is positive and actionable.

By bpci

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