5T has revolutionised school infra, says Odisha education minister – Times of India

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Bhubaneswar: Amid the opposition’s criticism of multiple problems in schools, school and mass education minister Samir Ranjan Dash while participating in an adjournment motion in the state assembly on Friday said that the 5T initiative is bringing revolutionary changes in high schools.
He said high school transformation driven by the 5T principles was started in 2021. So far 6,872 high schools have been transformed under the 5T initiative in three phases with an expenditure of Rs 3,411 crore. It will add some more schools for transformation in the fourth phase with an expenditure of Rs 10 crore.
“Due to this transformation initiative of our government, enrolment in private schools has come down. Private schools had 16,05,000 students in 2019-20, but the number of students has been reduced to 14,62,000 in 2021-22. That means, 81 percent of students are studying in government schools,” said the minister.
He said the state government has started a new initiative Mukhyamantri Shiksha Puraskar Yojana by allocating Rs 139 crore to give awards and fellowships to students, teachers, schools, district, block, panchayat, school managing committees and alumni associations. It will increase the competitiveness among students, teachers, schools and other stakeholders to make their institutions great.
Dash said they have also decided to spend Rs 103 crore towards upkeep and maintenance of assets and facilities created by the high school transformation initiative of the 5T. Self-help groups will help in this programme. “High school transformation is not only focussing on development of school infrastructure but also working on recruitment of teachers,” he added.
The minister said the state government has created an opportunity to fill up 51,535 posts in schools of the state by allocating Rs 1045 crore in 2023-24. It will fill up 2245 posts in higher secondary schools, 17,428 posts in high schools, 20,000 posts in primary schools, 1070 posts in Odisha Adarsha Vidyalayas and 10,792 posts in other schools.
He said Odisha is among top 10 states in a performance grading index report published by the department of school education and literacy under ministry of education.

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Hemanta Pradhan

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