7 common words classy people avoid (that you should avoid, too)

Personal Branding Blog

Language is a powerful tool. It can elevate your image or diminish it, often without you realizing it.

Being ‘classy’ isn’t about the clothes you wear, the car you drive, or the neighborhood you live in. It’s about how you present yourself to the world. And a big part of that is the words you choose to use.

Believe it or not, there are some common words that classy people steer clear of. Not because they’re inherently bad words. But because these words can sometimes project an image that doesn’t line up with the authenticity and self-awareness we strive for.

In this article, I’ll share with you seven of these words. So, if you’re ready to refine your vocabulary and cultivate a more polished personal brand, read on.

1) “Just”

The word “Just” is a common and seemingly innocent word. However, classy individuals tend to avoid this word when possible.

Why? Because it can subtly undermine your authority and diminish the importance of what you’re saying. It’s like you’re apologizing for your opinion or your request before you’ve even stated it.

Consider the difference between, “I just think that…” and “I think that…”. The former sounds tentative, almost as if you’re asking for permission to have an opinion.

Whereas the latter is much more assertive and confident. You’re stating your opinion as a fact, not as something that needs approval.

Next time you find yourself about to say “just”, pause and reconsider. You might find that what you’re saying carries more weight without it.

2) “Maybe”

“Maybe” is another word that classy people often avoid. It’s a word that I used to use quite frequently myself.

I remember when I was asked if I’d like to attend a certain event. My usual response would be, “Maybe, I’ll see how I feel on the day.”

But over time, I realized that this non-committal response was doing me more harm than good. It was creating an image of indecisiveness and lack of confidence.

Classy people are decisive. They know their minds, and they’re not afraid to make a decision and stick with it.

Instead of saying “maybe”, I’ve learned to be more definitive in my responses. Now, I say, “Yes, I’d love to attend,” or “No, I don’t think I can make it.” It’s made a big difference in how others perceive me and how I perceive myself.

3) “Literally”

The word “Literally” has become a common fixture in everyday conversations. Its original meaning is to indicate that something is exactly, truly, or strictly the case, without exaggeration.

However, its overuse and misuse have led to it often being used to emphasize a point, even when the statement isn’t literally true. This can lead to confusion and can dilute the impact of what you’re trying to say.

Interestingly, in the English language, the misuse of “literally” has become so widespread that dictionary definitions have been updated to include its informal usage as an intensifier for statements that are not literally true.

Nevertheless, classy individuals strive for clarity and precision in their language. Therefore, they avoid using “literally” unless it’s in its original context, thus maintaining the integrity and impact of their words.

4) “Whatever”

The word “Whatever” is often used in casual conversations. However, it can come off as dismissive and disrespectful when used in the wrong context.

When someone pours their heart out to you, or shares an idea they’re passionate about, responding with a casual “whatever” can be hurtful. It sends a message that you don’t care about what they’re saying or how they’re feeling.

Classy people value the thoughts and feelings of others. They strive to respond with empathy and understanding, making sure the other person feels heard and valued.

So, instead of resorting to a nonchalant “whatever”, consider using phrases like “I understand”, “I see your point”, or “That’s an interesting perspective”. These responses show respect and consideration for the other person’s viewpoint.

5) “Can’t”

“Can’t” is a word that I had to consciously remove from my vocabulary.

I used to find myself saying, “I can’t do this,” or “I can’t handle that,” when things got tough. But then I realized that every time I said “can’t”, I was reinforcing my own limitations and doubts.

It was a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more I said I couldn’t do something, the more I believed it, and the less likely I was to try.

Now, instead of saying “can’t”, I say “I’ll find a way”, or “I’ll try my best”. It’s not always easy, but this shift in language has helped me to overcome challenges and achieve things I once thought were beyond my reach.

Classy people understand the power of words in shaping our reality. They choose words that reflect their strength and resilience, not their doubts or fears.

6) “Hate”

“Hate” is a strong word, loaded with negative energy. It’s often used casually to express dislike or annoyance, as in “I hate traffic” or “I hate broccoli”.

But classy people understand that language shapes our perception. Constantly expressing hate, even for trivial things, can create a negative mindset and affect our overall demeanor.

Instead, they choose to express their dislikes in a more balanced way, using phrases like “I prefer not to be in traffic” or “Broccoli isn’t my favorite”. These statements convey the same message but in a more positive and refined manner.

Remember, your words reflect your personal brand. Choose them wisely to project an image of positivity and class.

7) Swear words

Swear words, while commonly used in casual conversations, are generally avoided by classy individuals. They recognize that these words can come off as disrespectful and unprofessional, and can tarnish their personal brand.

More importantly, they understand that there’s always a more articulate way to express oneself, a way that respects all parties involved and upholds the dignity of the conversation.

It’s not about being prudish or old-fashioned, it’s about maintaining respect and decorum in all interactions.

This is perhaps one of the most important things to remember when refining your vocabulary. Words are a reflection of who we are.

Choose words that uplift, inspire, and respect. In doing so, you’ll not only elevate your own image but also contribute to a more respectful and thoughtful discourse.

The power of words

Language is indeed a potent tool. It doesn’t just communicate our thoughts and ideas; it shapes them. Our words have the ability to build bridges or barriers, to inspire or discourage, to heal or hurt.

Classy people understand this power. They know that their words are a reflection of their personal brand. Therefore, they choose them wisely, opting for phrases that uplift, inspire, and show respect.

Among the great leaders and influencers of history, Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” This quote encapsulates the importance of using our words effectively and responsibly.

As we strive to improve our language and elevate our personal brand, let’s remember to use words that matter, words that reflect our true potential. Let’s choose words that not only represent who we are but also who we aspire to be.

In the end, it’s not just about avoiding certain words; it’s about fostering a mindset of positivity, respect, and self-awareness. Because when we change our words, we can change our world.

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Ava Sinclair

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By bpci

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