Things Career Related

Have you ever had questions about writing a resume and LinkedIn profile, networking, interviewing, or any aspect of the job search? Of course you have. Otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article on how to find job-search content using LinkedIn.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

LinkedIn is noted foremost for a networking platform, but we often forget that it is also a platform where we can find job-search and other types of content. Is said content always excellent or even solid? No, it’s not. But there is great content to be found; you just have to know where to find it.

There are a number of ways that you can find posts, articles, videos, podcasts, and other media. Let’s look at seven ways from least to most effective.

The least effective way to find content on a certain topic is to scroll haphazardly down your feed. This will take a great deal of time and will often lead to frustration. It’s akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

I’m guilty of using this method to find job-search advice. It takes me down a rabbit hole because there’s no strategy. For example, today I decided to look for content on interviewing. It took me a few minutes to find one, but this is because I have a fairly large, like-minded network and was lucky.

Join Groups to find content

It’s no mistake that I list Groups as the second least effective way to find content. Groups took a hit years ago and hasn’t recovered entirely, so I rarely visit the groups of which I’m a member. However, there are LinkedIn members who swear by groups, but the large majority of members don’t feel the same.

This said, you can find solid content shared in Groups if you are active in them. I’m not as active as I should be. This includes a group I set up for the organization for which I work. I know, this is a heinous crime.

In Groups you can have content delivered to your Notifications, including “All New Posts,” “Highlights,” or “No New Posts.” I guess my disenchantment with Groups is due to the fact that I don’t receive a great deal of content in my Notification stream.

A more effective way to find content on interviewing, or any topic, is by typing hashtags in the Search field. In Search I typed #interviewing and found this interesting article from, 6 Signs Of A Toxic Job You Can Spot During Your Interview. This took me seconds to find.

Hashtags can also be useful for populating content to your feed, so if you’re feeling lazy and hoping for something to jump out at you, you might get lucky.

Use the Posts feature to find content from providers

Following LinkedIn members who you think will provide excellent job-search content is better than the aforementioned methods. Start with one of your favorites members by typing in Search the topic of interest. Again, I’m choosing “interviewing.” Select Post, then From member, and then type the member’s name.

You’ll hit pay dirt when you find a true curator who shares content from other reputable sources.

Follow LinkedIn members who produce great content

Another way to follow LinkedIn members is by “ringing” the bell next to their name. Whenever they produce content, it will show in your feed. The problem with using this method to find content is poor timing. In other words, if you’re not looking at your feed that hour or that day, you’ll miss the person’s content.

Check out your Notifications feature

Notifications is a LinkedIn feature that, you guessed it, notifies you of actions taken by your connections that can include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Attending an event
  • Writing a post
  • Sharing a post
  • Reacting to a post
  • Commenting on a post
  • An article published by a company or magazine you’re following
  • Publishing an article

Many people don’t realize that they can improve their notifications by selecting View Settings to the left of their Notifications‘ view. You’ll be brought to the page you see below. Click the arrow to the right of Conversations for messages, posts, comments, etc.

Commenting on what your connections write is the best way to find job-search content. This might sound counterintuitive, but LinkedIn rewards you for doing well by others. LinkedIn also frowns upon those who flood its platform with their own posts multiple times a week.

To comment on what your favorite content providers post will encourage LinkedIn’s algorithm to provide you with their content, as well as the content their favorite content providers share. In other words, you’ll be seen in Comments more often and attract job-search content.

One more way to find job-search content

You’re probably been scratching your head wondering how I came to finding job-search content in this order. Maybe you’ve had great success finding content by scrolling through your feed, though I doubt it, or in Groups, not my favorite method.

The best overall way to find content is by employing all of the methods mentioned above: scrolling through your feed, using hashtags, searching in Groups, following your favorite providers, checking out Notifications, and commenting on what others write.

Had you read this paragraph first, you probably wouldn’t be scratching your head.

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Things Career Related

#Ways #Find #JobSearch #Content #LinkedIn

By bpci

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