Jagran Josh
Bihar Teacher 2023 Result: The BPSC will release the tgt, pgt exam result in mid of the October. Candidates will be able to download the result at bpsc.nic.in. Check here the latest updates and steps to download here

Bihar Teacher Result 2023 to be out in October at bpsc.nic.in Check Updates Here
BPSC Bihar Teacher Recruitment Result 2023: The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) will release the BPSC Teacher Recruitment Examination (TRE) result by the mid of October 2023.
The candidates who have attempted the paper will be able to check their results at bpsc.nic.in
As per the post of Atul Prasad (Chairman of BPSC) on social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) the delay in the result is due to pending results of CTET etc, several instances of mistakes committed by candidates in their OMRs like wrong roll no, wrong series, wrong subject combinations and also due to wrong submission of certificates
TRE results are now likely by mid Oct. This slight delay is due to pending results of CTET etc, several instances of mistakes committed by candidates in their OMRs like wrong roll no, wrong series, wrong subject combinations and also due to wrong submission of certificates.
TRE results are now likely by mid Oct. This slight delay is due to pending results of CTET etc, several instances of mistakes committed by candidates in their OMRs like wrong roll no, wrong series, wrong subject combinations and also due to wrong submission of certificates.
TRE results are now likely by mid Oct. This slight delay is due to pending results of CTET etc, several instances of mistakes committed by candidates in their OMRs like wrong roll no, wrong series, wrong subject combinations and also due to wrong submission of certificates.
— Atul Prasad (@atulpmail)
September 15, 2023
BPSC Bihar Teacher Result 2023
The BPSC conducted the Bihar TRE 2023 for 1.7 Lakh TGT PGT and PRT vacancies from August 24 to August 26, 2023, for which approximately 8.5 Lakh forms were filled out.
Earlier a meeting was held in Patna, regarding BPSC Teacher results where BPSC Chairman Atul Prasad and State Education Additional Chief Secretary K.K. Pathak unanimously decided to withhold the results of B.Ed pass candidates after the decision of the Supreme Court that for classes 1 to 5 that now only BTC candidates are eligible and B.Ed candidates are not eligible. After this, it is reported, it could nearly affect the result of 3.9 Lakh candidates.
Step to Download BPSC Bihar Teacher Recruitment Result 2023
Below we have listed the steps to check the BPSC Bihar Teacher Result 2023 for the ease of candidates
Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Click on the BPSC Teacher Recruitment Examination
Step 3: Enter your the registration number and password
Step 4: Check the result displayed on screen
Step 5: Download and print the result for future reference
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When will be BPSC TRE Result 2023 get released?
The BPSC TRE Result 2023 will get released in the mid of October 2023.
How to check the result of BPSC TRE 2023?
A step by step guide is given in the article to check the BPSC TRE Result 2023.
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