TSPSC AE, JTO Hall Ticket 2023 released at tspsc.gov.in, direct link here – Times of India

Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India

Telangana AE Admit Card 2023: Telangana State Public Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has released the hall tickets for the Assistant Engineer, Municipal Assistant Engineer, Technical Officer, and Junior Technical Officer examinations today, October 17. Candidates who have registered for the exam can check and download the admit cards from the official website at tspsc.gov.in.
As per the schedule, the hall ticket for the AE Computer Based Recruitment Test (CBRT) Examination is scheduled to be held on October 20, 2023 (Electrical & Electronics Engineering). The hall ticket will be available on the official portal till 45 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination.
“The candidates who have applied for the post of Assistant Engineers, Municipal Assistant Engineer, Technical officer & Junior Technical Officer in various Engineering Departments Vide Notification No: 16/2022, Dated: 12/09/2022 are hereby informed that the Hall Tickets for AE Computer Based Recruitment Test (CBRT) Examination Scheduled to be held on 20/10/2023 (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) in both sessions will be made available in the Commission’s Website, https://www.tspsc.gov.in from 17/10/2023 for the purpose of downloading and the same facility will be available till 45 minutes prior to the commencement of Examination,” reads official notice.
The TSPSC AE and JTO examinations took place on March 05, 2023. Nevertheless, the test was subsequently cancelled over an alleged question paper leak.
Also, the Commission has announced that the Mechanical Engineering examination will now be held on 26/10/2023 FN & AN instead of 20/10/2023 due to logistic issues.
Selection Process
The selection for these positions will be determined based on the scores obtained in the written examination. Those candidates who successfully pass the Written Examination in order of their performance will be subsequently invited for the verification of their certificates.
Direct Link: TSPSC AE, JTO Hall Ticket 2023
How to download TSPSC Hall Ticket 2023?
Step 1. Visit the official website of the Telangana State Public Service Commission at tspsc.gov.in
Step 2. On the homepage, click on the link for TSPSC AE admit card
Step 3. A new page will open, enter your login details and click on submit
Step 4. Your TSPSC AE, JTO admit card will be displayed on the screen
Step 5. Download and take a printout of the hall ticket for future reference
Candidates must ensure to carry a copy of the admit card and a valid photo ID on the date of examination. The Commission will complete the hiring process for 833 open positions, which include roles such as Assistant Engineers, Municipal Assistant Engineers, Technical Officers, and Junior Technical Officers.

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Saurav Pandey

#TSPSC #JTO #Hall #Ticket #released #tspsc.gov.in #direct #link #Times #India

By bpci

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