UGC NET 2023 Fellowship Rates Revised: Check New JRF/SRF Amount Announced By the Commission

Jagran Josh

UGC NET 2023 Fellowship Rates Revised: The University Grants Commission has revised the rates of fellowship amount under the UGC fellowship schemes. Check the new amount of the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and the Senior Research Fellowship (SRF).

UGC NET 2023 Fellowship Rates Revised

UGC NET 2023 Fellowship Rates Revised

UGC NET 2023 Fellowship Rates Revised: As per the latest notification, the University Grants Commission in its 572nd meeting held on September 20, 2023, considered and approved the revised rates of fellowship amount under the UGC Fellowship Schemes. The selection for the award of fellowship to students will be made on the basis of the merit of each UGC NET JRF or CSIR NET JRF examination. The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment issues the selection procedure for the identification of candidates for the award of National Fellowship for Other Backward Classes (NFOBC), National Fellowship for Scheduled Caste students (NFSC), and for research leading to the award of M.Phil/Ph.D. UGC also selects candidates for Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF) for candidates belonging to Muslim, Sikh, Zoroastrian (Parsi), Buddhist, Christian, or Jain communities. So, let’s look at the revised rates of fellowship amount announced by UGC.

Career Counseling

UGC NET 2023 Fellowship Rates Revised: NEW JRF and SRF Fellowship Amount

The revised rates of the UGC Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) are given as under:


Name of the Fellowship

Existing Fellowship

Revised Fellowship


Junior Research Fellowship and Senior Research Fellowship in Science, Humanities and

Social Sciences

JRF @Rs. 31,000/-pm for 2 years

SRF @Rs. 35,000/- pm for the remaining tenure

JRF @Rs. 37,000/-pm for 2 years

SRF @Rs. 42,000/- pm for the remaining period


Savitribai Jyotirao Phule Fellowship for Single Girl Child

JRF @31,000/-pm for 2 years

SRF @Rs. 35,000/- pm for

the remaining tenure

JRF @Rs. 37,000/-pm for 2 years

SRF @RS. 42,000/- pm for the remaining period


Dr. D.S. Kothari Post Doctoral Fellowship (DSKPDF)*

Higher Post-Doctoral Fellowship:

Rs.  54000/pm  (entire tenure)

Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Rs. 47,000/-pm for I year Rs.49,000/-pm for II years Rs. 54,000/-pm for Ill year

Higher Post-Doctoral Fellowship:

Rs. 67,000/-pm (entire tenure)

Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Rs. 58,000/-pm for I year Rs.61,000/- pm for II year Rs. 67,000/-pm for III year


Post-Doctoral Fellowship for Women *

Dr. S Radhakrishnan PDF

Rs. 47,000/-pm for I year

Rs. 49,000/pm for II year

Rs. 54,000/-pm for III year onwards

Rs. 58,000/- pm for I year Rs.6l,000/-pm for II year Rs. Rs.67.000/-pm for llI year onwards

Recent News: UGC Assistant Professor Eligibility Criteria 2023 Revised, Ph.D. Not Mandatory, NET/SET/SLET Minimum Qualification

The above-revised rates of Fellowship are applicable with effect from January 1, 2023. The percentage for calculating house rent allowance (HRA), wherever applicable, will be based on the fellowship amount. The enhanced rates of fellowship in the designated UGC schemes shall be applicable for existing beneficiaries only.

Duration of JRF and SRF Fellowship

Name of course

Maximum Duration

Admissibility of JRF and SRF




2 years

2 years



5 years

2 years

Remaining 3 years

M.Phil. + Ph.D.

5 years

2 years

Remaining 3 years

Check UGC Professor of Practice 2023 Recruitment Registration Portal, Eligibility, Salary as per NEP Guidelines

The House Rent Allowance (HRA) will be on the UGC pattern and will be payable to those students who are not provided with hostel accommodation. In case hostel accommodation offered by the University/institution is refused, the student will forfeit his claim of HRA, other facilities such as medical facilities, and leave including maternity leave will be governed as per the guidelines of the UGC in case of their fellowship programme.

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#UGC #NET #Fellowship #Rates #Revised #Check #JRFSRF #Amount #Announced #Commission

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