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Candidates who have applied for the AMU PhD admissions test, can check the released schedule on the official website at
The released entrance test schedule which is only for Indian nationals, is for admission to different streams such as life sciences, commerce, science, arts, management studies and research.
The entrance test is scheduled to be held between November 15 to 22, 2023.
The admit card is expected to be released at least a week ahead of the exams.
The schedule for the entrance exams subject-wise are as follows:
For faculty of life sciences – November 15, 2023.
For faculty of Engineering and Technology – November 16, 2023.
For faculty of Science – November 18, 2023.
For faculty of Arts – November 19, 2023.
For detailed test schedule of all the subjects check the official notification.
After the completion of entrance tests, upon declaration of results, candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their performance on the test.
The next stage in the admission process is the interview round. It is expected to be scheduled in the months of January through February. The presentation-cum-interview will assess the candidate’s research aptitude and communication skills.
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