Diwali Poems in English for Children and Kids [2023]

Jagran Josh

This article provides five poems for students on the occasion of Diwali. The students can recite these poems in the celebration programs organised in schools or societies.

Diwali, also known as thе Fеstival of Lights, is onе of thе most chеrishеd and widеly cеlеbratеd fеstivals in India. It holds grеat significancе for school studеnts as it marks thе triumph of light ovеr darknеss and good ovеr еvil. Diwali usually falls in Octobеr or Novеmbеr and is a timе for familiеs to comе togеthеr, еxchangе gifts, and light oil lamps, known as diyas, to illuminatе thеir homеs. For studеnts, Diwali brings a brеak from school, a chancе to еnjoy dеlicious swееts and trеats, and thе thrill of bursting colorful firеworks. It’s also a timе whеn thеy sееk blеssings from thе goddеss of knowlеdgе, Saraswati, and pray for succеss in thеir studiеs. Diwali tеachеs studеnts valuablе lеssons about unity, culturе, and thе importancе of sprеading joy and positivity in thеir livеs. It’s a timе to apprеciatе thе rich traditions and hеritagе of India and crеatе bеautiful mеmoriеs with family and friеnds. 

5 Poems on Diwali – The Festival of Lights

1. Diwali – The Festival Everyone Knows

With happiness to all
And sorrow to none,
The festival of lights
Diwali has come.

The streets shine
With candles’ light,
The festive lamps
To all delight.

Children are out
With crackers in hands,
The fireworks sound
like musical bands.

Elders exchange
Gifts and sweets,
With love each one
To other greets.

Triumph of good
Over evil it shows,
Diwali, the festival
Everyone knows.

– A.C. Sharma

2. Deepavali is here, Deepavali is here

Deepavali is here, Deepavali is here
That grand festival of Lights
That ends evil after a protracted fight
When good with all its might
Leads us from darkness to Light.

Deepavali is here, Deepavali is here
That great festival of sound
When crackers and laughter abound
When crackers and sparklers light up the sky
When delighted children jump with joy.

Deepavali is here, Deepavali is here
That gorgeous festival of snacks and sweets
Where everyone enjoys a royal feast
When old and young with delight meet
With love and affection all hearts beat.

Diwali is here, Diwali is here
That gracious festival which celebrates victory
The ancient festival of myth and mystery
That is mentioned in both mythology and history
The festival that signals Triumph over Tragedy.

– Shyam Phatak

3. The Festival of Lights
Gilttery lamps, Myriad diyas and light 

Illumination pan India filled with delight 

Whole nation splendent like lovely bride 

The zest of fest spread far and wide 

From northern mountains, western sands 

To eastern coasts and southern islands 

The spirit of triumph of good over bad 

To dispel darkness like light, in life to add 

To cleanse both our inner and outer sleaze 

Infuse purity, love and peace like fresh breeze 

Plenty sweets, delicacies for taste-buds to savour 

Fire-works add shiny and shimmering flavour 

All families get together to celebrate this occasion 

Bond of love enhances in every relation 

There’s fun, there’s frolic and there’s prayer 

Brings happiness and joy this feast every year!

– Anulaxmi Nayak

4. Diwali 

On a dark no-moon day, comes Diwali.

Sing children joyfully, “aali re aali, Diwali aali”.

Tiny lamps, make this dark no-moon night bright.

Indeed this is a beautiful, eye-pleasing sight.

Children, I know, crackers you love to burst.

But kindly a minute spare, n listen to me first.

Minutes few of fun, cause problems very big n grave.

People many, suffocated feel; n pollution we pave.

Frighten we, little babies n of course, dogs too.

In future, about our actions insane, we will rue.

Celebrate let us Diwali, with beautiful, colourful Rangolis n lights.

Share sweets special;  homemade n healthy.

Helping moms to them make, even if you are wealthy.

Let’s a portion small of these goodies, with the less fortunate share.

Prove let us to ourselves, that we really n truly care.

– Armin Dutia Motashaw


This Diwali, if your spirit is damp,

Look out for a small clamp;

And light a tiny oil lamp.

The lamp of faith, please do light.

It will certainly turn things happy n bright.

And that, will definitely be a wonderful sight.

This Diwali, get rid off the darkness within.

Open your heart n light a lamp there-in ;

Spreading its glow to kith and kin.

– Armin Dutia Motashaw


Also Read:

  1. Diwali Poems in Hindi
  2. Diwali School Assembly Ideas
  3. Diwali Eco Friendly Posters
  4. Diwali Easy and Simple Drawings and Posters

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#Diwali #Poems #English #Children #Kids

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