1) Explain what is IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)?

IMAP means Internet Message Access Protocol; it is a standard protocol for using e-mail service from your local server.

2) Explain what is POP3 protocol?

POP3 means Post Office Protocol 3 is a protocol that offers a simple way for users to use mailboxes and download messages to their computers. It allows users to download mails from the mail server to the local server and enables you to read the mail even if you are offline.

3) Explain what is SMTP protocol?

SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol allows you to send emails and not to receive them, it act as Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) to deliver your e-mail to the recipient’s mail server.

4) Explain how to create an e-mail signature in an Outlook?

To set an e-mail signature in an Outlook

  • In the main menu under TOOLS, click on OPTIONS
  • Go to the MAIL FORMAT tab and click signature
  • Under signature tab, click NEW
  • Type the new signature’s desired name and the click OK
  • Type the desired text of your under “EDIT SIGNATURE” and then click OK and click OK again

5) Explain what is new in Outlook 2013?

In Outlook 2013, the new feature includes

  • Preview message in the message list: You can figure it out from the message list itself, what message to read and what to be ignored, as you can see a little description of mail on the mailing list.
  • Quicker respond with inline replies: Just with one click you can reply to the mail sender and act as a real-time chat

6) Explain how you can access AOL e-mail account with Outlook?

To set up an AOL e-mail account in Outlook

  • Select tools, from account settings in the main menu in Outlook
  • Go to the e-mail tab option and then click NEW
  • Ensure that Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP or HTTP is selected
  • Click Next
  • Type your name and enter your full AOL e-mail address
  • Click next, and after that make sure internet E-mail is selected
  • Click next again
  • Now select IMAP under account type
  • Under incoming mail server type “imap.aol.com”
  • Under outgoing mail server (SMTP) enter “smtp.aol.com”
  • Enter your AOL screen name under user name and then enter your AOL password
  • Tap on more settings and go to outgoing server tab
  • Make sure “My outgoing server” (SMTP) request authentication is checked
  • Now go to the “Advanced” tab, under server port numbers type “587” for outgoing server (SMTP). After that click OK, now click Next and then click Finish and then click close.

7) Mention what is the short cut used to undelete a message in an Outlook?

To delete a message in an Outlook, you can use shortcut Cntrl+Z

8) Explain how to purge deleted messages automatically in Outlook?

To purge deleted messages automatically in Outlook

  • Open the folder in the IMAP account you want to set up for automation purging
  • Choose – edit ->Purge ->Purge Options from the main menu
  • Ensure Purge items when switching folders while online is checked
  • Click OK

9) Mention what is the short cut for switching to tasks and switching to mail in Outlook 2013?

  • Short cut for switching to tasks: Ctrl+4
  • Short cut for switching to mail: Ctrl+1

10) In Outlook 2013, how you can disable in line reply in the reading panel?

Outlook 2013 entitles you to directly write your reply to the mail in the reading panel itself, which is referred as “in line reply”. In order to disable the inline reply, you have to enable the option for regular message editor window instead of in line reply.

File -> Options -> Mail -> Replies and Forwards -> open replies and forwards in a new window

11) How to block any e-mail address in Outlook.com?

You have to add the e-mail address of unwanted sender into your Outlook.com list, in order to do that

  • Click the settings options in your Outlook.com’s toolbar
  • Select more mail settings from the menu
  • Under preventing junk e-mail option follow the safe and blocked senders link
  • Tap on Blocked Senders
  • Now here you can enter the unwanted e-mail address that has to be blocked

12) Mention how you can change mail format in MS OUTLOOK?

To change the mail format in Outlook,

  • Tap on the tools from the main menu
  • It will open a window, select Options from the window
  • It will open another window, showing mail set up and mail format — Click on Mail Format option
  • Scroll down for a different format and select the format you want like rich text, plain text and HTML
  • Click OK

13) Explain how you can manage archive settings in Microsoft Outlook?

To manage archive setting in MS Outlook,

  • Tap on tools from the main window
  • Then click on “options” tab, it will open a window showing “Spelling” and “Other”
  • Click on “Other” tab and select Auto-Archive
  • It will open window with all options like run auto-archive, prompt before auto-archive runs, delete expired items, archive or delete old items, etc.
  • Once you have set the options and setting, click ok at the end

14) In MS Outlook how you can create recurring meeting?

To create a recurring meeting request

  • In the main window, tap on options NEW, now click the arrow right of the NEW button and select Meeting Request
  • Click on options and then recurrence
  • Select the type of details from your options and then click OK
  • Enter the recipient’s mail address and then click send

15) Explain how you can manage junk mails in MS Outlook?

  • Go to the main menu, tap on tools option and select “options” tab
  • It will open a window, under preference tab; you will have the option, “Junk E-mail” and “E-mail options.”
  • If you click on “junk e-mail” option, it will open another window
  • In this window, you can choose the option and click on the checker’s box the way you required like “permanently delete suspected junk emails” or “disable links and other functionality in phishing messages.”
  • In the end, tap on “Apply” and then click “OK”.

16) Mention what is the shortcut in MS Outlook 2013 to switch on to the next message?

To switch on to the next message in MS Outlook 2013, you have to use Cntrl+Period.

By bpci