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Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board has declared the provisional answer key for the post of Junior Environment Engineer, Forest, Ecology and Environmental Department. Candidates can check the answer key through the official website at
JKSSB conducted the Written Examination for the post of Junior Environment Engineer, Forest, Ecology and Environmental Department on November 5.
“The objections/representations can be submitted in offline mode only, in the office of J&K Services Selection Board, CPO Chowk, Panjtirthi, Jammu/J&K Services Selection Board, Zamzam Building, Rambagh, Srinagar on three working days starting from 06-11-2023, during office hours only. The Board shall not entertain any such representations/objections after the expiry of the stipulated period or any other mode”, reads the official notification.
JKSSB Junior Environment Engineer provisional answer key: How to check
Candidates can follow the steps given below to check the answer key
Visit the official website of JKSSB at
On the homepage, click on the link that reads,”Provisional Answer Key Notice regarding Written Examination for the post of Junior Environment Engineer, Forest, Ecology and Environmental Department, held on 05.11.2023″
A new PDF file will open where candidates can check their roll numbers.
Download the file and keep a hard copy of the same for further need.
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