Jagran Josh
Children’s Day Speech in English: In India, Children’s Day has been observed on 14th November every year since 1948, also called the flower day. In loving memory of India’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was also very fond of children, the day is celebrated with great enthusiasm on his birthday. To protect the rights, freedom, and education of children in our country, the process of celebrating Children’s Day has been started. On this day, the government wishes to impart awareness about the importance of children in a society’s development by organizing various activities and events for them.
Children are the future pillars of our nation. Given their innocence and easily manipulatable behavior, children often end up being the victim of various heinous child crimes such as child labor, child trafficking, and more. 14th November stands as an important day in our calendar to protect every child from falling into the traps of these crimes and for their welfare. Schools are highly responsible for creating an impact in student’s lives and thus it is the place where Children’s Day is celebrated with utmost importance and perfection. Here, you can find Children’s Day poems in English for school students and teachers to add to your celebrations.
Here, find the long and short speeches on Children’s Day for students and teachers. The speech can be picked up as per the time limit given to you. Short speech can be referred to if you have 1 or 2 minutes to deliver your speech while long speech can be referred to if you have 3 to 5 minutes for the same.
1 Minute Speech on Children’s Day
The 1-minute speech on Children’s Day has been presented below for students. You can use this speech in your examinations as well as competitions. This speech will impart some information about Children’s Day in short sentences.
A very good morning to my respected principal, teachers, and my dear friends. Today, on this lovely morning, I, name of the student, am here to deliver a short speech on Children’s Day
Children’s Day is observed on 14th November every year in India since 1954. The day has been chosen in the loving memory of the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday who was also very fond of children. In ancient time, it was observed that children’s rights and freedom was being exploited by the people. Given the important role of children in shaping a nation’s future, an action was decided to be taken against the injustices on children. After thorough research and plenty of observations, the fellow demanded the collection of funds to save children in India. He took inspiration from the Flag Day observed in England on the birth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth. Following the same lines, Pandit Nehru’s birth anniversary was chosen as the required day for the collection of children’s funds. It was in 1951, when 14th November was observed as Children’s Day and the process has continued since then.
As we all know, children are the future pillars of our nation. It is important to protect them and grow them in a loving environment to ensure that they end up becoming responsible citizens and loving people in their later lives. It is also true that a child’s personality is majorly influenced by their childhood trauma and abuse. This creates a negative impact on the development of the country since instead of taking part in the development of the nation, they end up becoming irresponsible and cruel citizens. Bringing change in the way a child is brought up can do wonders for society. Children are the future-builders, creators, and shapers. A nation’s future progress is completely dependent on children, the youth of the country. Hence, it becomes immensely important to protect the children and provide them with a safe and sound developing environment.
Governments, NGOs, and schools organize various events on this day to keep students happy and remind them about their importance and what they have to do in the future. And for the society, it acts as a reminder of the importance of children in society.
Thank you!
2 Minute Speech on Children’s Day
Find the 2-minute speech on Children’s Day, here. This speech will add a lot of information to your knowledge related to the Children’s Day celebrations in India. It can be an exceptional piece of delivery if added with some personal touch and experiences and spoken confidently.
A very good morning to my respected principal, teachers, and my dear friends. Today, on this lovely morning, I, name of the student, am here to deliver a short speech on Children’s Day
Children’s Day is observed on 14th November every year in India since 1954. The day has been chosen in the loving memory of the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday who was also very fond of children. In ancient time, it was observed that children’s rights and freedom was being exploited by the people. Given the important role of children in shaping a nation’s future, an action was decided to be taken against the injustices on children. After thorough research and plenty of observations, the fellow demanded the collection of funds to save children in India. He took inspiration from the Flag Day observed in England on the birth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth. Following the same lines, Pandit Nehru’s birth anniversary was chosen as the required day for the collection of children’s funds. It was in 1951, when 14th November was observed as Children’s Day and the process has continued since then.
As we all know, children are the future pillars of our nation. It is important to protect them and grow them in a loving environment to ensure that they end up becoming responsible citizens and loving people in their later lives. It is also true that a child’s personality is majorly influenced by their childhood trauma and abuse. This creates a negative impact on the development of the country since instead of taking part in the development of the nation, they end up becoming irresponsible and cruel citizens. Bringing change in the way a child is brought up can do wonders for society. Children are the future-builders, creators, and shapers. A nation’s future progress is completely dependent on children, the youth of the country. Hence, it becomes immensely important to protect the children and provide them with a safe and sound developing environment.
Governments, NGOs, and schools organize various events on this day to keep students happy and remind them about their importance and what they have to do in the future. And for the society, it acts as a reminder of the importance of children in society. Usually, government schools declare leave on this day to let them enjoy themselves on their own but various private schools organize grand celebrations for their children. Sometimes, they’re taken on an excursion, picnic, or educational tour. Acts, monologues, singing and dancing competitions, art competitions, and various such activities are organized by the schools to pass on the right message to their children and build beautiful humans out of them.
Thank you!
Long Speech on Children’s Day
The long speech on Children’s Day is attached below for school students. Read this speech carefully and pick the relevant and important lines to create a beautiful speech for your examinations or speech competitions.
A very good morning to my respected principal, teachers, and my dear friends. Today, on this lovely morning, I, name of the student, am here to deliver a short speech on Children’s Day
Children’s Day is observed on 14th November every year in India since 1954. The day has been chosen in the loving memory of the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday who was also very fond of children. In ancient time, it was observed that children’s rights and freedom was being exploited by the people. Given the important role of children in shaping a nation’s future, an action was decided to be taken against the injustices on children. In 1951, a United Nations Social Welfare member came across a study that revealed that there was no organization and awareness on protecting underprivileged children in India. After thorough research and plenty of observations, the fellow demanded the collection of funds to save children in India. He took inspiration from the Flag Day observed in England on the birth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth. Following the same lines, Pandit Nehru’s birth anniversary was chosen as the required day for the collection of children’s funds. It was in 1951, when 14th November was observed as Children’s Day and the process has continued since then.
Children’s Day celebrations do not limit themselves to the collection of children’s funds. Over the years, it has expanded itself and the celebrations have started focusing on building awareness related to child crimes, exploitation of their rights, and many deadly diseases that are pretty common in children. There have been campaigns and events focused on protecting girl children and providing education to them, just like their male counterparts. But, providing education and building awareness is just not enough to protect our children and ensure that they have a happy and cheerful childhood. After this realization, various laws and schemes have been formed and implemented to protect children and work for their welfare. Now, various NGOs have also been established throughout the country to look after the disabled, underprivileged, and orphan children to ensure that their childhood is secured.
As we all know, children are the future pillars of our nation. It is important to protect them and grow them in a loving environment to ensure that they end up becoming responsible citizens and loving people in their later lives. It is also true that a child’s personality is majorly influenced by their childhood trauma and abuse. This creates a negative impact on the development of the country since instead of taking part in the development of the nation, they end up becoming irresponsible and cruel citizens. Bringing change in the way a child is brought up can do wonders for society. Children are the future-builders, creators, and shapers. A nation’s future progress is completely dependent on children, the youth of the country. Hence, it becomes immensely important to protect the children and provide them with a safe and sound developing environment.
Governments, NGOs, and schools organize various events on this day to keep students happy and remind them about their importance and what they have to do in the future. And for the society, it acts as a reminder of the importance of children in society. Usually, government schools declare leave on this day to let them enjoy themselves on their own but various private schools organize grand celebrations for their children. Sometimes, they’re taken on an excursion, picnic, or educational tour. Acts, monologues, singing and dancing competitions, art competitions, and various such activities are organized by the schools to pass on the right message to their children and build beautiful humans out of them.
Thank You!
Topics for Children’s Day Speech
Here, you can find the list of topics for the Children’s Day Speech. These topics will give you an idea for scripting, preparing, and speaking in front of your audience. It is always better to stick to a particular aspect of the topic to avoid the confusion and disclarity of words.
- Talk about the importance of Children’s Day
- Why is Children’s Day celebrated
- Talk about why 14th November is chosen as the day for celebration of Children’s Day
- Talk about government initiatives and schemes
- Talk about how is Children’s Day celebrated in India
- Talk about injustices and crimes against children
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Children’s Day Essay in English for School Students
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