DU recruitment 2023: Apply for 48 vacancies of Assistant Professor

Employment News: Latest Updates on Employment News Today, Govt Jobs Alert | Hindustan Times

Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi has invited applications for 48 vacancies of Assistant Professor. The application process is underway and the deadline for the submission of the application form is November 30 or two weeks from the publication of the advertisement in the employment news whichever is later. The advertisement was published in the employment news on November 18. Interested candidates can apply online through the official website at colrec.uod.ac.in.

Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi invites applications for 48 Assistant Professor vacancies(Shutterstock/ Representative photo)

DU Recruitment 2023 vacancy details: This recruitment drive is being conducte to fill 8 vacancies of Assistant Professors.

DU Recruitment 2023 application fee: The application fee is Rs500 for the UR/OBC/EWS category. SC, ST, PwBD category and Women applicants are exempted from the payment of the application fee.

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By bpci

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