1) Explain what is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is the brand marketing tactics through the internet. It includes various techniques like SEO, SEM and link building.
2) How can you categorize the digital marketing?
The digital marketing/communication is categorized into two segments
- Inbound Marketing: This techniques takes the help of social media, digital content in e-books, webinars or e-newsletter to increase the number of clicks on links and learn more about a company and its services.
- Outbound Marketing: This segment includes placing ads, cold-calls, e-mails or reach out potential customers through digital mediums
3) Explain what is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization widely known as SEO is the process of improving the structure, content and organization of your site, so that the Search engines can index them correctly. It also involves doing promotional activities to boost your search engine rank.
4) Explain what is a keyword in digital marketing ? How important is it from the point of SEO?
“Keyword” in digital marketing is the word that a user’s or person enters into a search engine to find specific information.
From SEO point of view, for better page ranking keywords are very crucial. How and where you have used the keywords will reflect your site ranking.
5) Mention what are the key areas where you can use keywords to optimize the site ranking?
For better page ranking, you must use the keywords in following areas
- Keyword in Website URL
- Keyword in Website Title
- Keyword in Meta tag
- Keyword in Web page content
- Keyword density in body text
- Keywords in Headlines
6) Explain what is PPC or Pay Per Click advertising?
Pay Per Click also known as Cost Per Click, is a technique used to direct traffic to websites. In this technique, advertisers pay the publisher ( website owner or host of the website) when the ad is clicked. In other words, it is the amount spent to get an advertisement clicked.
7) Mention what are the primary models for determining Pay-Per-Click ?
The primary models for determining Pay-Per-Click are
- Flat rate PPC :
In this type of model, both publisher and advertiser agree to a fixed amount that will be paid for each click. In most time, the publisher has a rate card for PPC plan based on different areas of their website or network. The amount varies as per the content that generally attracts more or less people.
- Bid based PPC :
In this type of model, the advertiser competes with other advertisers in a private auction hosted by a publisher. The advertiser will inform publisher for the maximum amount of bid he is willing to pay.
8) Explain what is Google Adwords?
Google Adwords is the single most popular PPC advertising system in the world. It works on Pay per click model.
The AdWords platform enables the business to create ads that appear on Google search engine and their other properties.
9) Mention what is an effective PPC keyword should be like?
An effective PPC keyword should be
- Relevant : List out the targeted keywords
- Exhaustive : Apart from most popular keywords it should include the “long tail of search”
- Expansive: PPC is iterative, therefore the keyword list should be constantly growing and adapting
10) Mention what are the key elements to optimize the conversion rates per PPC?
Conversion rate is nothing but to bring more visitors to your site. To increase the conversion rates you have to focus on following things
- Write compelling content on your site that is relevant to the keyword or search query
- Maintain a high degree of relevance between your ads and corresponding landing pages
- The webpage should easy registering process, signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase
- Check design of your landing page which should have right combination of color, layout and GUI to attract more customers
11) What should be the approach for effective Pay Per Click campaings?
For effective Pay Per Click campaign, you need to do following things
- Add more PPC keywords: By adding more keywords that are relevant to your business, you can expand the reach of your pay per click
- Split Ad groups: By splitting up your ad groups into smaller and more relevant ad groups, you can improve click-through-rate (CTR)
- Review costly PPC keywords: Review expensive and under performing keywords
- Refine landing page: To align with individual search queries modify the content and call-to-action of your landing page
- Add negative keywords: To improve campaign relevancy and reduce wasted spend, add non-converting terms /negative keywords. ( When search with that keyword, it will not show your website/content)
12) List out some of the useful online marketing tools?
Some of the useful online marketing tools are
- Google Analytics
- Digital point keyword tracker
- Crazy egg heat maps
- Keyword discovery
- StumbleUpon
- XML Sitemap Generator
- Favicon generator
- SubmitExpress Link Popularity
13) Explain what is on-page and off page optimization?
Off page optimization: It is the process of boosting your search engine ranking by getting external links pointing back to it
On page optimization: On page optimization directly deals with the content and structure of the website.
14) What one should do to avoid the penalty?
- Do not link to any other site with bad page rank
- Avoid Poison words, for example word “link”, when you hypertext this text to give the link to your site it becomes poison words
- Avoid stealing text or imagesfrom other domains
- Avoid re-directing users to another page through refresh meta-tags – don’t immediately send user or visitors to another page even before he or she clicked on the web page link
15) Mention what are the characteristics of “bad links” ?
The characteristics of “bad links” are
- Links from sites that are unrelated to your sites
- Links from low Page Rank and Low traffic
- Links from link exchanges
- Links from those sites that are not in Google index
- Paid links
- Link from the same anchor texts coming from multiple sites
- Spammy links from blogs or articles.