Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom Class 10 Notes: CBSE 10th English Chapter 2 First Flight, Download PDF

Jagran Josh

CBSE Class 10 Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom Notes: Here, revision notes for CBSE Class 10 English Chapter 2 Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom have been presented in this article. The revision notes are from the Class 10 English ‘First Flight’ Textbook. A PDF link for easy and complete download of the notes on Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom has been attached for students.

Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom Class 10 Notes: In this article, revision notes for the CBSE Class 10 English textbook, ‘First Flight’ Chapter 2 Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom have been provided to the students of Class 10 to assist them in their board exam preparation. We have also provided you with a PDF link to save and download the short notes for future use. The revision notes on Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom have been prepared by the subject matter experts in accordance with the updated CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024.

These handwritten revision notes consist of all the important details mentioned in the chapter. Students can find a summary of Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom, a synopsis of the story, a character sketch of Nelson Mandela, and more. All of these revision notes are important for students’ preparation for the exam.

The revision notes for class 10 English Chapter 2, Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom have been provided below. Check the short notes to know in detail about the chapter and clarify all your doubts related to the chapter. 

About the story/Synopsis of the story

The story is an excerpt from the life of Nelson Mandela where he talks about his long walk to freedom. His journey of becoming the first black president of South Africa and what all happened on the inauguration day. The story also talks about the freedom struggle of the black-skinned people of South Africa and how Mandela was inspired to join hands with his comrades in freeing the oppressed people of South Africa from white-skinned people.

 Theme of ‘Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom’

The ‘Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom’ is an autobiography from the life of Nelson Mandela where he talks about the most important incident of his life, the inauguration day, the day when he took oath as the first black President of South Africa. The oppression faced by the black-skinned people in South Africa, the centuries-long rule of white-skinned people, and more are talked about in this chapter.

Character Sketches

Nelson Mandela- He was a leader, fighter, believer, and someone who knew how to help people get their freedom back. He was very brave and courageous. He is also equally forgiving since he did not have a vision of showing the oppressors how it feels like to be oppressed, instead, he has always wanted to build a nation where every person lives freely. He is thankful to his comrades who have sacrificed their lives. He is a visionary leader who has great thoughts about the country and lifestyle of his people. In the chapter, he also talks about his journey of turning into a man from a boy.

Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom Summary

Check the summary of ‘Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom’ from the points laid down below. These points cover the entire story in brief and act as a last-minute revision guide to give a glimpse of what has been brought to you, by the chapter.

  • The story talks about the first black president of South Africa, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and the struggles of Black people in gaining their freedom and rights.
  • 10th May 1994 was the day when Nelson Mandela took oath as the first black president of South Africa. The day was significant for the South African soil as no such huge gatherings of international leaders had taken place before this day. The ceremony took place in an amphitheater formed by the Union Buildings in Pretoria.
  • It was going to be the day of the start of rule of democratic and non-racial government in the South-African land, after 3 centuries of white rule.
  • His daughter Zenani accompanied him to the inauguration ceremony at the amphitheater and he laid down a beautiful speech on the podium, to his wonderful audience. The speech goes as

“ Today, all of us do, by our presence here… confer glory and hope to newborn liberty. Out of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud. We, who were outlaws not so long ago, have today been given the rare privilege to be host to the nations of the world on our own soil. We thank all of our distinguished international guests for having come to take possession with the people of our country of what is, after all, a common victory for justice, for peace, for human dignity. We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation. We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender, and other discrimination. Never, never, and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another. The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement. Let freedom reign. God bless Africa!

  • Then he goes on to explain what all happened in the ceremony. The showcase of fighter planes roaring above the Union building while showing support with the democratic and fairly elected government, the medal ceremony. He says two national anthems were sung that day, ‘Nkosi Sikelel-iAfrika’sung by the whites and ‘Die Stem’ sung by the blacks.
  • During the first decade of the 20th century, white-skinned people of South Africa built the roots of racial discrimination against dark-skinned people. The structure they created formed the basis of one of the harshest, most inhumane, societies the world has ever known. But, during the last decade of the 20th century, the tables have turned to a celebration of everyone in the country irrespective of their race and skin color.
  • Nelson thanked the African patriots who sacrificed their lives fighting against the injustices caused by the white people of South Africa. He said he wished they could be there on that day to celebrate and have a look at what their sufferings and sacrifices have brought to South Africa.
  • He takes names of some brilliant personalities formed by the Apartheid rule in South Africa. He says, “It requires such depths of oppression to create such heights of character”. He has learned all the courage from these oppressed men.
  • His lessons from these people “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear”.
  • Mandela believes that no one is born with hatred towards black-skinned people, it is something that has been taught and imprinted in the minds of people. But he also believes that if a man could be taught how to hate, he can also be taught how to love.
  • He says that the spark in the eyes of people, and constant reassurance from his people kept him going and going until he finally took the oath at the amphitheater on 10th May 1994.
  • He adds that he was not born with the hunger for freedom. As a boy, he had lived a free life, away from all the restrictions. But as he grew up and became a young boy, he realized that his freedom had already been taken away from him, he craved freedom, and he became hungry to be free. Initially, as a young boy, he longed for freedom such as night outs but as a young man, he longed for the basic and honorable freedoms of achieving my potential, of earning my keep, of marrying and having a family — the freedom not to be obstructed in a lawful life.
  • Slowly when he realised that everyone around him who thought the same way was longing for the same freedom, he joined the African National Congress

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