Part 1:

SAP BI (Business Intelligence) is a leading data warehousing and reporting tool. It helps convert raw data into information and insights that help improve business margins.

1) What is SAP BW/BI? What is the purpose of SAP BW/BI?

SAP BW/BI stands for Business Information Warehouse, also known as business intelligence. For any business, data reporting, analyses and interpretation of business data is very crucial for running business smoothly and making decision. SAP BW/BI manage the data and enables to react quickly and in line with the market. It enables the user to analyze data from operative SAP applications as well as from other business.

2) In SAP BW/BI what are the main areas and activities?

  1. a) Data Warehouse: Integrating, collecting and managing entire company’s data.
  2. b) Analyzing and Planning: Using the data stored in data warehouse
  3. c) Reporting: BI provides the tools for reporting in web-browser, Excel etc.
  4. d) Broad cast publishing: To send the information to the employees using email, fax etc.
  5. e) Performance: Performance of the company
  6. f) Security: Securing the access like using SAP logon tickets from portal

3) What is data Integrity?

Data integrity is to eliminate duplicate entries in the database.

4) What is table partition?

Table partition is done to manage the huge data to improve the efficiency of the applications. The partition is based on 0CALMONTH and 0FISCPER. There are two type of partitioning that is done

  1. a) Database partitioning
  2. b) Logical partitioning

5) What is data flow in BW/BI?

Data flows from a transactional system to the analytical system (BW). DS ( Data Service) on the transactional system needs to be replicated on BW side and attached to infosource and update rules respectively.

6) What is ODS (Operational Data Store)?

‘Operational Data Store’ or ‘ODS’ is used for detailed storage of data. It is a BW architectural component that appears between PSA ( Persistent Staging Area) and infocubes, it allows BEX (Business Explorer) reporting. It is primarily used for detail reporting rather than dimensional analysis, and it is not based on the star schema. ODS (Operational Data Store) objects do not aggregate data as infocubes do. To load the data into an IDS object, new records are inserted, existing records are updated, or old records are deleted as specified by RECORDMODE value.

7) What is an ‘Infocube’?

‘Infocube’ is structured as the star schema and it is a data storage area. To create an infocube, you require 1 ‘fact table’ surrounded by 4 dimensions. The ‘fact table’ is surrounded by different dim table, which are linked with DIM’ ids. And as per the data, you will have aggregated data in the cubes.

8) How many tables does info cube contain?

Info cubes contain two tables, Fact table and Dimensions table.

9) Mention what are the maximum number of dimensions in info cubes?

In info cubes, there are 16 dimensions ( 3 sap defined and 1 customer defined)

10) What is the difference between ODS and Info-cubes?

The difference between ODS and Info-cubes are

  1. a) ODS has a key while Info-cubes does not have any key
  2. b) ODS contains detailed level data while Info-cube contains refined data
  3. c) Info-cube follows Star Schema (16 dimensions) while ODS is a flat file structure
  4. d) There can be two or more ODS under a cube, so cube can contain combined data or data that is derived from other fields in the ODS

11) What is the dimension in BW? How would you optimize the dimensions?

A dimension in BW is a collection of reference information about a measurable event in data warehousing. In this context, events are known as “facts”. For example, a customer dimension’s attributes could include first and last name, gender, birth date etc. To optimize the dimensions, do not add most dynamic characteristics into the same dimension and make the dimension smaller. Also, define as many dimensions as possible, and the dimension should not exceed 20% of the fact table size.

12) What are info objects?

Characteristics and key figures will be called as info objects. ‘Info-objects’ are similar to fields of the source system, data based on which we organize data in different info provider in BW.

13) What is modelling?

Designing of data base is done by using modelling. The design of DB (Data Base) depends on the schema, and schema is defined as the representation of tables and their relationship.

14) What is extended star schema?

Star Schema comprises of Fact tables and Dimension Tables, while the table that consists the Master data are kept in separate tables. These separate tables for Master data are referred as Extended Star Schema.

15) What are the extractors and mention their types?

To extract data from the system program is used which is known as Extractor. The types of extractors in BW are:

  1. a) Application Specific: BW content FI, HR, CO, SAP CRM, LO cockpit
  2. b) Customer-Generated Extractors: LIS, FI-SL, CO-PA
  3. c) Cross Application (Generic Extractors) : DB View,Infoset, Function Module

16) What is a ‘Fact Table’?

Fact table is the collection of facts and relations that mean foreign keys with the dimension. Actually fact table holds transactional data.

17) What are the data types for the characteristics info object?

There are 4 types

  1. a) CHAR
  2. b) NUMC
  3. c) DATS
  4. d) TIMS

18) What is the use of the process chain?

The use of the process chain is to automate the data load process. It automates the process like Data load, Indices creation, Deletion, Cube compression etc. Process chains are only to load your data’s.

19) What are the transaction codes or T-codes for Info-objects?

The T-codes for Info-Cubes are

  1. a) LISTCUBE: List viewer for InfoCubes
  2. b) LISTSCHEMA: Show InfoCube schema
  3. c) RSDCUBE, RSDCUBED, RSDCUBEM: Start InfoCube editing

20) What is the maximum number of key figures and characteristics?

The maximum number of key figures is 233 and characteristics are 248.

21) How can you convert an info package group into the process chain?

You can convert package group into a process chain by double clicking on the info package group, then you have to click on the ‘ Process Chain Maint ‘ button where you have to type the name and description, this will insert individual info packages automatically.

22) Can an Info-object be an Info-provider?

Yes, info-object can be an info-provider. In order to do this, you have to right click on the Info Area and select ” Insert characteristics as data target”.

23) What is multi-provider in SAP BI ? What are the features of Multiproviders?

Multi-provider is a type of info-provider that contains data from a number of info-providers and makes it available for reporting purposes.

  1. a) Multi-provider does not contain any data.
  2. b) The data comes entirely from the info providers on which it is based.
  3. c) The info-providers are connected to one another by union operations.
  4. d) Info-providers and Multi-providers are the objects or views relevant for reporting.
  5. e) A multi-provider allows you to run reports using several info-providers that are, it is used for creating reports for one or more than one info-provider at a time.

24) What is Conversion Routine?

Conversion routine is used to convert data types from internal format to external format or display format.

25) Explain the difference between the Start routine and Conversion routine?

In the ‘start routine’, you can modify the data packages, when data is loading. While conversion of routine, usually refers to routines bound to info objects for conversion of internal and display format.

26) How to un-lock objects in Transport Organizer?

To unlock the objects in transport organizer, go to SE03à Request TaskàUnlock objects. When you enter your request and select unlock and execute, it will unlock the request.

27) What is update or transfer routine?

The update routine is used to define Global Data and Global Checks. They are defined as the object level. It is like the Start Routine.

28) What are the types of Multi-providers?

The types of Multi-providers are

  1. a) Homogeneous Multiproviders: It consists of technically identical info-providers, such as infocubes with exactly the same characteristics and key figures.
  2. b) Heterogeneous Multiproviders: These info-providers only have a certain number of characteristics and key figures. It can be used for the modelling of scenarios by dividing them into sub-scenarios. Each sub-scenario is represented by its own info-provider.

29) What are the transaction codes for process chain?

  1. a) RSPC: Process Chain Maintenance
  2. b) RSPC1: Process Chain Display
  3. c) RSPCM: Monitor daily process chains
  4. d) RZ20: To see log for process chains

30) Explain what is the T.code for Data Archival and what is the advantage?

SARA is the T.code,and its advantage is minimizes space, query performance and load performance.

31) What is BEx Map in SAP BI?

BEx Map is BW’s Geographical Information System (GIS). BEx Map is one of the characteristics for SAP BI, and it gives the geographical information like customer, customer sales region and country.

32) What is B/W statistics and how it is used?

The sets of cubes delivered by SAP are used to measure performance for query, loading data etc. B/W statistics as the name suggests is useful in showing data about the costs associated with the B/W queries, OLAP, aggregative data etc. It is useful to measure the performance of how quickly the queries are calculated or how quickly the data is loaded into BW.

33) What is the data target administration task?

Data target administration task includes

  1. a) Delete Index
  2. b) Generate Index
  3. c) Construct database statistics
  4. d) Complete deletion of data target
  5. e) Compression of the info-cube etc.

34) What are the options when defining aggregates?

  1. a) *- Groups according to characteristics
  2. b) H- Hierarchy
  3. c) F-Fixed Value
  4. d) Blank-None

35) What do you mean by the term ‘slowly changing dimension’?

Dimensions that changes with time are called slowly changing dimensions.

36) Explain how you can create a connection with LIS Info Structures?

To create a connection with LIS info-structure, LBW0 connects LIS info-structures to BW.

37) What are the delta options available when load from flat file?

Three options are available for delta management with flat files

1) Full upload

2) New status for changed records

3) Additive delta

38) What are the steps within SAP BI to create classes for BW?

To create classes or nodes for BW you have to follow the following steps,

  1. a) Click on post-processing of data sources
  2. b) Execute/Click on IMG activity
  3. c) Select BW or any desired node
  4. d) Click on context menu
  5. e) Press F6 or select “Create node”

After following these steps, a new dialog box will appear, where you can insert your node or class for BW.

39) What is data ware-housing hierarchy?

To define data aggregation hierarchy can be used. It is a logical structure that use ordered levels as a means of organizing data. For instance, by using time dimension hierarchy, it is possible to aggregate data from the month level to the quarter level to the year level.

40) How will you debug errors with SAP GUI ?

To debug errors in SAP GUI you have to follow the path

  1. a) Run Bexanalyzer
  2. b) Business Explorer menu item
  3. c) Installation check

This will show an Excel sheet with start button, on clicking on it, it will verify the GUI installation and if there is any error you can fix it or either re-install it.


Part 2:

  1. What is business intelligence?

 Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business decisions. BI applications include the activities of decision support, query and reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), statistical analysis, forecasting, and data mining.

  1. What is OLAP?

OLAP means Online Analytical Processing. It is a database that contains historical data and the oldest data which is used by business people.
It comes from the data you have put in an OLTP database. OLTP means Online Transaction Processing.

  1. What is data integrity?

Data Integrity is about eliminating duplicate entries in the database. Data integrity means no duplicate data.

  1. What is an index?

Indices/Indexes are used to locate needed records in a database table quickly. BW uses two types of indices, B-tree indices for regular database tables and bitmap indices for fact tables and aggregate tables.

  1. What are KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)?
  1.  Predefined calculations that render summarized and/or aggregated information, which is useful in making strategic decisions.
  2.  Also known as Performance Measure, Performance Metric measures. KPIs are put in place and visible to an organization to indicate the level of progress and status of change efforts in an organization.

KPIs are industry-recognized measurements on which to base critical business decisions.
In SAP BW, Business Content KPIs have been developed based upon input from customers, partners, and industry experts to ensure that they reflect best practices.

  1. What is the t-code to see a log of transport connection?

In RSA1 -> Transport Connection you can collect the Queries and the Role and after this, you can transport them (enabling the transport in SE10, import it in STMS)

  • RSA1
  • Transport connection (button on the left bar menu)
  • Sap transport -> Object Types (button on the left bar menu)
  • Find Query Elements -> Query
  • Find your query
  • Group necessary object
  • Transport Object (car icon)
  • Release transport (SE10 T-code)
  • Load transport (STMS T-code)
  1. Lo; mm inventory data source with marker significance?

Marker is as like checkpoint when u upload the data from the inventory data source 2lis_03_bx data source for current stock and BF for movement type
after uploading data from BX u should raise the request in cube or imenn to say compress it then load data from another data source BF and set this updated data to no marker update so the marker is used as a checkpoint if u don’t do this u getting data mismatch at bex level bcz system get confused.

  • (2LIS_03_BF Goods Movement from Inventory Management– —–Uncheck the no marker update tab)
  • (2LIS_03_BX Stock Initialization for Inventory Management– —select the no marker update check box)
  • 2LIS_03_UM Revaluations —-Uncheck the no marker update tab) in the info package of “collapse”.
  1. How can you navigate to see the error idocs?

If it is fine check the IDOCs in the source system go to BD87->give Ur user ID and date->execute->you can find Red status Idocs select the erroneous Idoc-> and select Manual process.
You need to reprocess this IDOC which is RED. For this, you can take the help of Any of your Teams (ALE IDOC Team or Basis Team), Or Else. You can push it manually. Just search it in the bd87 screen only to reprocess. Also, try to find why these Idocs are stuck there.

  1. Difference between v1, v2, v3 jobs in extraction?
  • V1 Update: whenever we create a transaction in R/3(e.g.Sales Order) then the entries get into the R/3 Tables (VBAK, VBAP..) and this takes place in V1 Update.
  • V2 Update: V2 Update starts a few seconds after V1 Update and in this update the values get into Statistical Tables, from where we do the extraction into BW.
  • V3 Update: It’s purely for BW extraction.
  1. What are statistical updates and document updates?

Synchronous Updating (V1 Update). The statistics update is made synchronously with the document update. While updating, if problems that result in the termination of the statistics update occur, the original documents are NOT saved. The cause of the termination should be investigated and the problem solved. Subsequently, the documents can be entered again. Radio button: V2 updating

  1. Do you have any idea how to improve the performance of the BW..?

Asynchronous Updating (V2 Update). With this update type, the document update is made separately from the statistics update. Termination of the statistics update has NO influence on the document update (see V1 Update).

Radio button: Updating in the U3 update program
Asynchronous Updating (V3 Update) With this update type, updating is made separately from the document update. The difference between this update type and the V2 Update lies, however, with the time schedule. If the V3 update is active, then the update can be executed at a later time. In contrast to V1 and V2 Updates, no single document is updated. The V3 update is, therefore, also described as a collective update.

  1. How can you decide the query performance is slow or fast?

You can check that in the RSRT code. execute the query in RSRT and after that follow the below steps. Go to SE16 and in the resulting screen give table name as RSDDSTAT for BW 3.x and RSDDSTAT_DM for BI 7.0 and press enter you can view all the details about the query like the time taken to execute the query and the timestamps.

  1. What is statistical setup and what is the need and why?

Follow these steps to filling the setup table.

  • Go to transaction code RSA3 and see if any data is available related to your DataSource. If data is there in RSA3 then go to transaction code LBWG (Delete Setup data) and delete the data by entering the application name.
  • Go to transaction SBIW –> Settings for Application-Specific Datasource –> Logistics –> Managing extract structures –> Initialization –> Filling the Setup table –> Application-specific setup of statistical data –> perform setup (relevant application)
  • In OLI*** (for example OLI7BW for Statistical setup for old documents: Orders) give the name of the run and execute. Now all the available records from R/3 will be loaded to set up tables.
  • Go to transaction RSA3 and check the data.
  • Go to transaction LBWE and make sure the update mode for the corresponding DataSource is serialized V3 update.
  • Go to BW system and create info package and under the update, tab selects the initialize delta process. And schedule the package. Now all the data available in the setup tables are now loaded into the data target.
  • Now for the delta records go to LBWE in R/3 and change the update mode for the corresponding DataSource to Direct/Queue delta. By doing this record will bypass SM13 and directly go to
  • RSA7.Go to transaction code RSA7 there you can see the green light # Once the new records are added immediately you can see the record in RSA7.
  • Go to the BW system and create a new info package for delta loads. Double click on the new info package. Under the update tab, you can see the delta update radio button..
  • Now you can go to your data target and see the delta record.
  1. Why we have to construct set-up tables?

The R/3 database structure for accounting is much easier than the Logistical structure. Once you post in a ledger that is done. You can correct, but that gives just another posting.BI can get information directly out of this (relatively) simple database structure. In LO, you can have an order with multiple deliveries to more than one delivery address. And the payer can also be different.
When 1 item (order line) changes, this can have its reflection on order, supply, delivery, invoice, etc. Therefore a special record structure is built for Logistical reports. and this structure now is used for BI. In order to have this special structure filled with your starting position, you must run a set-up. From that moment on R/3 will keep filling this LO database. If you wouldn’t run the setup. BI would start with data from the moment you start the filling of LO (with the logistical cockpit).

  1. How can you eliminate the duplicate records in TD, MD?

Try to check the system logs through SM21 for the same.

  1. What use marker in MM?

Marker update is just like a checkpoint. ie it will give the snapshot of the stock on a particular date ie when was the marker updated. Because we are using a Noncumulative key figure it will lot of time to calculate the current stock for example at report time. To overcome this we use marker update. Marker updates do not summarize the data. In inventory management scenarios, we have to calculate opening stock and closing stock on a daily basis. In order to facilitate this, we set a marker that will add and subtract the values for each record. In the absence of marker updates, the data will be added up and will not provide the correct values.

  1. Tell me the web template?

You get information on where the web template details are stored from the following tables :

  • RSZWOBJ Storage of the Web Objects
  • RSZWOBJTXT Texts for Templates/Items/ Views
  • RSZWOBJXREF Structure of the BW Objects in a Template
  • RSZWTEMPLATE Header Table for BW HTML Templates. 

You can check these tables and search for your web template entry. However, If I understand your question correctly, you will have to open the template in the WAD and then make the corrections in the same to correct it.

  1. What is a dashboard?

A dashboard can be created using the web application Designer (WAD) or the visual composer (VC). A dashboard is just a collection of reports, views, and links, etc in a single view. For e.g. google is a dashboard. A dashboard is a graphical reporting interface, which displays KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) as charts and graphs. A dashboard is a performance management system when we look at all organization’s measures of how they are performing with helicopter view, we need a report that teaches and shows the trend in a graphical display quickly. These reports are called Dashboard Reports, still, we can report these measures individually, but by keeping all measures on a single page, we are creating a single access point for the users to view all information available to them. Absolutely this will save a lot of precious time, gives clarity on a decision that needs to be taken, helps the users to understand the measure(s) trend with business flow creating dashboard Dashboards: Could be built with Visual Composer & WAD create your dashboard in BW,

  1. Create all BEx Queries with required variants, tune them perfectly.
  2. Differentiate table queries and graph queries.
  3. Choose the graph type required that meet your requirement.
  4. Draw the layout how the Dashboard page looks like.
  5. Create a web template that has navigational block/selection information.
  6. Keep navigational block fields are common across the measures.
  7. Include the relevant web items into the web template.
  8. Deploy the URL/Iview to users through portal/intranet.

The steps to be followed in the creation of the Dashboard using WAD are summarized as below:
Open a New Web template in WAD.

  1. Define the tabular layout as per the requirements so as to embed the necessary web items.
  2. Place the appropriate web items in the appropriate tabular grids
  3. Assign queries to the web items (A Query assigned to a web item is called as a data provider)
  4. Care should be taken to ensure that the navigation block’s selection parameters are common across all the BEx queries of the affected data providers.
  5. Properties of the individual web items are to be set as per the requirements. They can be modified in the Properties window or in the HTML code.
  6. The URL when this web template is executed should be used in the portal/intranet.
  1. How do we decide what cubes have to be created?

Ans It depends on your project requirement. Customized cubes are not mandatory for all projects. If your business requirement differs from the given scenario (BI content cubes) then only we will opt for customized cubes. Normally your BW customization or creation of new info providers all are depending on your source system. If your source system other than R3 then you should go with customization of your all objects. If your source system is R3 and your users are using only R3 standard business scenarios like SD, MM or FI… etc., then you don’t want to create any info providers or you don’t want to enhance anything in the existing BW Business Content. But 99% of this is not possible. Because surely they should have included their new business scenario or new enhancements.

For example, In my first project, we implemented Solution Manager BW implementation. There we have activated all the business content in CRM. But the source system has new scenarios for message escalation, aging calculation, etc., according to their business scenario, we couldn’t use standard business content. For that, we have taken only existing info objects and created new info objects which are not there in the business content. After that, we have created a custom data source for info providers as well as reports.

  1. How can you solve the data mismatch tickets between r/3 and BW?

Check the mapping at BW side for 0STREET in transfer rules. Check the data in PSA for the same field. If the PSA is also doesn’t have complete data then check the field in RSA3 in the source system.

  1. What is the difference between PSA & IDOC?

BI7 is PSA used only for Data load from Source System into BW

  1. About DTP?

Data Transfer Process:
The data transfer process (DTP) loads data within BI from one object to another object with respect to transformations and filters. In short, DTP determines how data is transferred between two persistent objects. It is used to load the data from PSA to data target (cube or ods or info object) thus, it replaced the data mart interface and the Info Package.

  1. What we do in Business Blue Print Stage?

SAP has defined a business blueprint phase to help extract pertinent information about your company that is necessary for implementation. These blueprints are in the form of questionnaires that are designed to probe for information that uncovers how your company does business. As such, they also serve to document the implementation. Each business blueprint document essentially outlines your future business processes and business requirements.

The kinds of questions asked are germane to the particular business function, as seen in the following sample questions:

  1. What information do you capture on a purchase order?
  2. What information is required to complete a purchase order?

Accelerated SAP question and answer database: The question and answer database (QADB) is a simple although aging tool designed to facilitate the creation and maintenance of your business blueprint. This database stores the questions and the answers and serves as the heart of your blueprint. Customers are provided with a customer input template for each application that collects the data. The question and answer format is standard across applications to facilitate easier use by the project team. Issues database: Another tool used in the blueprinting phase is the issues database. This database stores any open concerns and pending issues that relate to the implementation. Centrally storing this information assists in gathering and then managing issues to resolution, so that important matters do not fall through the cracks. You can then track the issues in the database, assign them to team members, and update the database accordingly.

  1. How do we gather the requirements for an Implementation Project?

One of the biggest and most important challenges in any implementation is gathering and understanding the end-user and process team functional requirements. These functional requirements represent the scope of analysis needs and expectations (both now and in the future) of the end-user.

These typically involve all of the following:- Business reasons for the project and business questions answered by the implementation – Critical success factors for the implementation- Source systems that are involved and the scope of information needed from each- Intended audience and stakeholders and their analysis needs- Any major transformation that is needed in order to provide the information- Security requirements to prevent unauthorized use This process involves one seemingly simple task: Find out exactly what the end users’ analysis requirements are, both now and in the future, and build the BW system to these requirements. Although simple in concept, in practice gathering and reaching a clear understanding and agreement on a complete setoff BW functional requirement is not always so simple.

Part 3:

SAP Business Warehouse (BW) integrates data from different sources, transforms and consolidates the data, does data cleansing, and storing of data as well. It also includes data modeling, administration and staging area.

SAP Business Intelligence (BI) means analyzing and reporting of data from different heterogeneous data sources. It allows you to acquire data from multiple data sources, data staging, which can be further distributed to different BI systems. A SAP Business Intelligence system can work as a target system for data transfer or source system for distribution of data to different BI targets.

1) What is SAP BW/BI? What is the purpose of SAP BW/BI?


SAP BW/BI stands for Business Information Warehouse, also known as business intelligence. For any business, data reporting, analyses and interpretation of business data is very crucial for running business smoothly and making decision. SAP BW/BI manage the data and enables to react quickly and in line with the market. It enables the user to analyze data from operative SAP applications as well as from other business.

2) What is data Integrity?


Data integrity is to eliminate duplicate entries in the database.

3) What is table partition?


Table partition is done to manage the huge data to improve the efficiency of the applications. The partition is based on 0CALMONTH and 0FISCPER. There are two type of partitioning that is done

  • Database partitioning
  • Logical partitioning

4) What is data flow in BW/BI?


Data flows from a transactional system to the analytical system (BW). DS ( Data Service) on the transactional system needs to be replicated on BW side and attached to infosource and update rules respectively.

5) What is ODS (Operational Data Store)?


‘Operational Data Store’ or ‘ODS’ is used for detailed storage of data. It is a BW architectural component that appears between PSA ( Persistent Staging Area) and infocubes, it allows BEX (Business Explorer) reporting. It is primarily used for detail reporting rather than dimensional analysis, and it is not based on the star schema. ODS (Operational Data Store) objects do not aggregate data as infocubes do. To load the data into an IDS object, new records are inserted, existing records are updated, or old records are deleted as specified by RECORDMODE value.

6) What is an ‘Infocube’?


‘Infocube’ is structured as the star schema and it is a data storage area. To create an infocube, you require 1 ‘fact table’ surrounded by 4 dimensions. The ‘fact table’ is surrounded by different dim table, which are linked with DIM’ ids. And as per the data, you will have aggregated data in the cubes.

7) How many tables does info cube contain?


Info cubes contain two tables, Fact table and Dimensions table.

8) Mention what are the maximum number of dimensions in info cubes?


info cubes, there are 16 dimensions

9) Explain the architecture of SAP BW system and its components?


OLAP Processor

Metadata Repository,

Process designer and other functions.

Business Explorer BEx is reporting and analysis tool that support query, analysis and reporting functions in BI. Using BEx, you can analyze historical and current data to different degree of analysis.

10) What all data sources you have used to acquire data in SAP BW system?


  • SAP systems (SAP Applications/SAP ECC)
  • Relational Database (Oracle, SQL Server, etc.)
  • Flat File (Excel, Notepad)
  • Multidimensional Source systems (Universe using UDI connector)
  • Web Services that transfer data to BI by means of push

11) When you are using SAP BI7.x, you can load the data to which component?


In BW 3.5, you can load data in Persistence Staging Area and also in targets from source system but If you are using SAP BI 7.0 data load should be restricted to PSA only for latest versions.

12) What is an InfoPackage?


An InfoPackage is used to specify how and when to load data to BI system from different data sources. An InfoPackage contains all the information how data is loaded from source system to a data source or PSA. InfoPackage consists of condition for requesting data from a source system.

Note that using an InfoPackage in BW 3.5, you can load data in Persistence Staging Area and also in targets from source system but If you are using SAP BI 7.0 data load should be restricted to PSA only for latest versions.

13) What is extended Star schema? Which of the tables are inside and outside cube in an extended star schema?


In Extended Star schema, Fact tables are connected to Dimension tables and dimension table is connected to SID table and SID table is connected to master data tables. In Extended star schema you have Fact and Dimension tables are inside the cube however SID tables are outside cube. When you load the transactional data into Info cube, Dim Id’s are generated based on SID’s and these Dim id’s are used in fact tables.

14) How extended Star schema is different from Star schema?


In Extended Star schema one fact table can connect to 16 dimensions tables and each dimension table is assigned with 248 maximum SID tables. SID tables are also called Characteristics and each characteristic can have master data tables like ATTR, Text, etc.

In Star Schema, Each Dimension is joined to one single Fact table. Each Dimension is represented by only one dimension and is not further normalized.

Dimension Table contains set of attribute that are used to analyze the data.

15) What is an InfoObject and why it is used in SAP BI?


Info Objects are known as smallest unit in SAP BI and are used in Info Providers, DSO’s, Multi providers, etc. Each Info Provider contains multiple Info Objects.

InfoObjects are used in reports to analyze the data stored and to provide information to decision makers.

16) What are the different categories of InfoObjects in BW system?


Info Objects can be categorized into below categories −

  • Characteristics like Customer, Product, etc.
  • Units like Quantity sold, currency, etc.
  • Key Figures like Total Revenue, Profit, etc.
  • Time characteristics like Year, quarter, etc.

17) What is the use of Infoarea in SAP BW system?


Info Area in SAP BI are used to group similar types of object together. Info Area are used to manage Info Cubes and Info Objects. Each Info Objects resides in an Info Area and you can define it a folder which is used to hold similar files together.

18) How do you access to source system data in BI without extraction?


To access data in BI source system directly. You can directly access to source system data in BI without extraction using Virtual Providers. Virtual providers can be defined as InfoProviders where transactional data is not stored in the object. Virtual providers allow only read access on BI data.

19) What are different types on Virtual providers?


VirtualProviders based on DTP

VirtualProviders with function modules

VirtualProviders based on BAPI’s

20) Which Virtual Providers are used in which scenario of data extraction?


VirtualProviders based on DTP −

This type of Virtual Providers are based on the data source or an Info Provider and they take characteristics and key figures of source. Same extractors are used to select data in source system as you use to replicate data into BI system.

When to Virtual Providers based on DTP?

When only some amount of data is used.

You need to access up to date data from a SAP source system.

Only few users executes queries simultaneously on the database.

Virtual Provider with Function Module −

This Virtual Provider is used to display data from non BI data source to BI without copying the data to BI structure. The data can be local or remote. This is used primarily for SEM application.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

21) What is the use of Transformation and how the mapping is done in BW?


Transformation process is used to perform data consolidation, cleansing and data integration. When data is loaded from one BI object to other BI object, transformation is applied on the data. Transformation is used to convert a field of source into the target object format.

Transformation rules −

Transformation rules are used to map source fields and target fields. Different rule types can be used for transformation.

22) How do perform real time data acquisition in BW system?


Real time data acquisition is based on moving data to Business Warehouse in real time. Data is sent to delta queue or PSA table in real time.

Real time data acquisition can be achieved in two scenarios −

By using InfoPackage for real time data acquisition using Service API.

Using Web Service to load data to Persistent Storage Area PSA and then by using real time DTP to move the data to DSO.

Real time Data Acquisition Background Process −

To process data to InfoPackage and data transfer process DTP at regular intervals, you can use a background process known as Daemon.

Daemon process gets all the information from InfoPackage and DTP that which data is to be transferred and which PSA and Data sore objects to be loaded with data.

23) What is InfoObject catalog?


InfoObjects are created in Info Object catalog. It is possible that an Info Object can be assigned to different Info Catalog.

24) What is the use DSO in BW system? What kind of data is stored in DSO’s


A DSO is known as storage place to keep cleansed and consolidated transaction or master data at lowest granularity level and this data can be analyzed using BEx query.

A DataStore object contains key figures and charactertics fields and data from DSO can be updated using Delta update or other DataStore objects or master data. DataStore objects are commonly stored in two dimensional transparent database tables.

25) What are the different components in DSO architecture?


DSO component consists of three tables −

  • Activation Queue −

This is used to store the data before it is activated. The key contains request id, package id and record number. Once activation is done, request is deleted from the activation queue.

  • Active Data Table 

This table is used to store current active data and this table contains the semantic key defined for data modeling.

  • Change Log −

When you activate the object, changes to active data re stored in change log. Change log is a PSA table and is maintained in Administration Workbench under PSA tree.

26) To access data for reporting and analysis immediately after it is loaded, which Data store object is used?


DataStore object for direct update allows you to access data for reporting and analysis immediately after it is loaded. It is different from standard DSO’s in the way how it processed the data. Data is stored in same format in which it was loaded to DataStore object for direct update by the application.

27) Explain the structure of direct update DSO’s?


one table for active data and no change log area exists. Data is retrieved from external systems using API’s.

Below API’s exists −

  • RSDRI_ODSO_INSERT: These are used to insert new data.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_INSERT_RFC: Similar to RSDRI_ODSO_INSERT and can be called up remotely.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_MODIFY: This is used to insert data having new keys.For data with keys already in the system, the data is changed.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_MODIFY_RFC: Similar to RSDRI_ODSO_MODIFY and can be called up remotely.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_UPDATE: This API is used to update existing data.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_UPDATE_RFC: This is similar to RSDRI_ODSO_UPDATE and can be called up remotely.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_DELETE_RFC: This API is used to delete the data.

28) Can we perform Delta uploads in direct update DSO’s?


As structure of this DSO contains one table for active data and no change log so this doesn’t allow delta update to InfoProviders.

29) What is write optimized DSO’s?


In Write optimized DSO, data that is loaded is available immediately for the further processing.

30) Where do we use Write optimized DSO’s?


Write optimized DSO provides a temporary storage area for large sets of data if you are executing complex transformations for this data before it is written to the DataStore object. The data can then be updated to further InfoProviders. You only have to create the complex transformations once for all data.

Write-optimized DataStore objects are used as the EDW layer for saving data. Business rules are only applied when the data is updated to additional InfoProviders.

31) Explain the structure of Write optimized DSO’s? How it is different from Standard DSO’s?


It only contains table of active data and there is no need to activate the data as required with standard DSO. This allows you to process the data more quickly.

32) To perform a Join on dataset, what type of InfoProviders should be used?


Infosets are defined as special type of InfoProviders where data sources contains Join rule on DataStore objects, standard InfoCubes or InfoObject with master data characteristics. InfoSets are used to join data and that data is used in BI system.

33) What is a temporal join?


Temporal Joins: are used to map a period of time. At the time of reporting, other InfoProviders handle time-dependent master data in such a way that the record that is valid for a pre-defined unique key date is used each time. You can define Temporal join that contains atleast one time-dependent characteristic or a pseudo time-dependent InfoProvider.

34) Where do we use InfoSet in BI system?


Infosets are used to analyze the data in multiple InfoProviders by combining master data charactertics, DataStore Objects, and InfoCubes.

You can use temporal join with InfoSet to specify a particular point of time when you want to evaluate the data.

You can use reporting using Business Explorer BEx on DSO’s without enabling BEx indicator.

35) What are the different type of InfoSet joins?


  • Inner Join
  • Left Outer Join
  • Temporal Join
  • Self Join

36) What is the use of InfoCube in BW system?


InfoCube is defined as multidimensional dataset which is used for analysis in a BEx query. An InfoCube consists of set of relational tables which are logically joined to implement star schema. A Fact table in star schema is joined with multiple dimension tables.

You can add data from one or more InfoSource or InfoProviders to an InfoCube. They are available as InfoProviders for analysis and reporting purposes.

37) What is the structure of InfoCube?


An InfoCube is used to store the data physically. It consists of a number of InfoObjects that are filled with data from staging. It has the structure of a star schema.

In SAP BI, an Infocube contains Extended Star Schema as shown above.

An InfoCube consists of a fact table which is surrounded by 16 dimension tables and master data that is lying outside the cube.

38)What is the use of real time InfoCube? How do you enter data in real time InfoCubes?


Real time InfoCubes are used to support parallel write access. Real time InfoCubes are used in connection with the entry of planning data.

You can enter the data in Real time InfoCubes in two different ways −

Transaction for entering planning data

BI Staging

39) How do you create a real time InfoCube in administrator workbench?


A real time InfoCube can be created using Real Time Indicator check box.

Can you make an InfoObject as info provider and why?

Yes, when you want to report on charactertics or master data, you can make them as InfoProvider.

40) Is it possible to convert a standard InfoCube to real time InfoCube?


To convert a standard InfoCube to real time InfoCube, you have two options −

Convert with loss of Transactional data

Conversion with Retention of Transaction Data

41) Can you convert an InfoPackage group into a Process chain?


Yes, Double Click on the info package grp → Process Chain Maintenance button and type in the name and description.

42) When you define aggregates, what are the available options?


  • H Hierarchy
  • F fixed value
  • Blank

43) Can you setup InfoObjects as Virtual Providers?



44) To perform a Union operation on InfoProviders, which InfoProvider is uses?



45) Explain the different between Operation Data store, InfoCube and MultiProvider?



They provide granular data, allows overwrite and data is in transparent tables, ideal for drilldown and RRI.

InfoCube −

This is used for star schema, we can only append data, ideal for primary reporting.

MultiProvider −

It contains a physical data and allow to access data from different InfoProviders.

46) What do you understand by Start and update routine?


Start Routines −

The start routine is run for each Data Package after the data has been written to the PSA and before the transfer rules have been executed. It allows complex computations for a key figure or a characteristic. It has no return value. Its purpose is to execute preliminary calculations and to store them in global Data Structures. This structure or table can be accessed in the other routines. The entire Data Package in the transfer structure format is used as a parameter for the routine.

Update Routines −

They are defined at the InfoObject level. It is like the Start Routine. It is independent of the DataSource. We can use this to define Global Data and Global Checks.

47) What is the use of Rollup?


This is used to load new Data Package into the InfoCube aggregates. If we have not performed a rollup then the new InfoCube data will not be available while reporting on the aggregate.

48) How can you achieve performance optimization in SAP Data Warehouse?


During loading, perform steps in below order −

First load the master data in the following order: First attributes, then texts, then hierarchies.

Load the master data first and then the transaction data. By doing this, you ensure that the SIDs are created before the transaction data is loaded and not while the transaction data is being loaded.

To optimize performance when loading and deleting data from the InfoCube −

  • Indexes
  • Aggregates
  • Line item and high Cardinality
  • Compression

To achieve good activation performance for DataStore objects, you should note the following points −

Creating SID Values

Generating SID values takes a long time and can be avoided in the following cases −

Do not set the ‘Generate SID values’ flag, if you only use the DataStore object as a data store. If you do set this flag, SIDs are created for all new characteristic values.

If you are using line items (document number or time stamp, for example) as characteristics in the DataStore object, set the flag in characteristic maintenance to show that they are “attribute only”.

49) What is Partition of an InfoCube?


It is the method of dividing a table for report optimization. SAP uses fact file partitioning to improve performance. We can partition only at 0CALMONTH or 0FISCPER. Table partitioning helps to run the report faster as data is stored in the relevant partitions. Also table maintenance becomes easier.

50) Explain the difference between InfoCube and ODS?


Infocube is structured as star schema where a fact table is surrounded by different dim table that are linked with DIM’ids.

ODS is a flat structure with no star schema concept and which will have granular data (detailed level). Overwrite functionality.

51) What is the use of Navigational attributes?


Navigational attribute is used for drilling down in the report.

52) While loading data from flat files, when separators are used inconstantly. How this will read in BI load?


If separators are used inconsistently in a CSV file, the incorrect separator is read as a character and both fields are merged into one field and may be shortened. Subsequent fields are then no longer in the correct order.

53) To load the data from a file source system, what is requirement in BI system?


Before you can transfer data from a file source system, the metadata must be available in BI in the form of a DataSource.

54) In SAP BW, is it possible to have multiple data sources have one InfoSource?



55) How data is stored in PSA?


In form of PSA tables

56) What is the use of DB connection in SAP BW data acquisition?


DB connect is used to define other database connection in addition to default connection and these connections are used to transfer data into BI system from tables or views.

To connect an external database, you should have below information −

  • Tools
  • Source Application knowledge
  • SQL syntax in Database
  • Database functions

57) What is UD connect in SAP BW system? How does it allow reporting in BI system?


Universal data UD connect allows you to access Relational and multidimensional data sources and transfer the data in form of flat data. Multidimensional data is converted to flat format when Universal Data Connect is used for data transfer.

UD uses J2EE connector to allow reporting on SAP and non-SAP data. Different BI Java connectors are available for various drivers, protocols as resource adapters −

  • BI ODBO Connector
  • BI JDBC Connector
  • BI SAP Query Connector
  • XMLA Connector



But how is it possible?.If you load it manually twice, then you can delete it by request.



Sure you can.ODS is nothing but a table.



Yes of course.For example, for loading text and hierarchies we use different data sources but the same infosource.



Can be made of ODSs and objects



In R/3 or in BW??.2 in R/3 and 2 in BW



Exist In the info object, transfer routines, update routines and start routine



Rows and Columns, you can create structures.



  • Variable with default entry
  • Replacement path
  • SAP exit
  • Customer exit
  • Authorization

66) What are the conversion routines for units and currencies in the update rule? 


Time dimensions are automatically converted; Ex: if the cube contains calender month and your transfer structure contains date, the date to calender month is converted automatically.

67) Can you make an infoobject as info provider and why? 


Yes, When you want to report on characterstics or master data, you can make them as infoprovider. Ex: you can make 0CUSTMER as infoprovider and do Bex reporting on 0 CUSTOMER;right click on the infoarea and select ‘Insert characterstic as data target’.

68) What are the parallel process that could have locking problems? 


  • heirachy attribute change run
  • loading master data from same infoobject; for ex: avoid master data from different source systems at the same time.
  • rolling up for the same info cube.
  • selecting deletion of info cube/ ODS and parallel loading.
  • activation or delection of ODS object when loading parallel.

69) How would you convert a info package group into a process chain?


Double Click on the info package grp, click on the ‘Process Chain Maint’ button and type in the name and descrition ; the individual info packages are inserted automatically.

70) How do you transoform Open Hub Data? 


Using BADI

71) What are the data loading tuning one can do? 


  • watch the ABAP code in transfer and update rules;
  • load balance on different servers
  • indexes on source tables
  • use fixed length files if u load data from flat files and put the file on the application server.
  • use content extractor
  • use PSA and data target inparallel option in the info package
  • start several info packagers parallel with different selection options
  • buffer the SID number ranges if u load lot of data at once
  • load master data before loading transaction data.

72) What is ODS? 


Operations data Source . You can overwrite the existing data in ODS.

73) What is the use of BW Statistics?


The sets of cubes delivered by SAP is used to measure performance for query, loading data etc., It also shoes the usage of aggregates and the cost associated with then.

74) What are the options when defining aggregates? 


groups according to characteristics

  • H – Hierarchy
  • F – fixed value

Blank — none

75) How will you debug errors with SAP GUI (like Active X error etc) 


Run Bex analyzer -> Business Explorer menu item -> Installation check; this shows an excel sheet with a start button; click on it; this verifies the GUI installation; if u find any errors either reinstall or fix it.

76) When you write user exit for variables what does I_Step do? 


I_Step is used in ABAP code as a conditional check.

77) Write the types of Multi-providers?


Types of Multi-providers are:

  • Heterogeneous Multi providers: These info-providers have a few numbers of features and key figures. It can be used for the modeling of situations by separating them into sub-scenarios. Each sub-scenario is signified by its own info-provider.
  • Homogeneous Multi providers: It consists of technically identical info-providers, such as infocubes with exactly the same features and key figures.

78)  List the differences between BW 3.5 and BI 7.0 versions.


SAP BW 7.0 is called SAP BI and is one of the components of SAP NetWeave. Some of the major differences are:

  • No Update rules or Transfer rules (Not mandatory in data flow)
  • Instead of update rules and Transfer rules new concept introduced called transformations.
  • New ODS introduced in additional to the Standard and transactional.
  • ODS is renamed as DataStore to meet with the global data warehousing standards.
  • In Infosets now you can include Infocubes as well.
  • The Re-Modeling transaction helps you add new key figures and characteristics and handle historical data as well. This facility is available only for info cube.
  • The BI accelerator (for now only for infocubes) helps in reducing query run time by almost a factor of 10 – 100. This BI accl is a separate box and would cost more.
  • The monitoring has been improved with a new portal based cockpit.
  • Search functionality has improved!! You can search any object. Not like 3.5
  • transformation replaces the transfer and update rules.
  • Remodeling of InfoProviders supports you in Information Lifecycle Management.
  • Push of XML data into BI system (into PSA) without Service API or Delta Queue From BI, remote activation of Data Sources is possible in SAP source systems.
  • There are functional changes to the Persistent Staging Area (PSA).
  • BI supports real-time data acquisition.
  • SAP BW is now known formally as BI (part of NetWeaver 2004s). It implements the Enterprise Data Warehousing (EDW). The new features/ Major differences include:
  • Load through PSA has become a mandatory. You can’t skip this, and also there is no IDoc transfer method in BI 7.0. DTP (Data Transfer Process) replaced the Transfer and Update rules. Also in the Transformation now we can do “Start Routine, Expert Routine and End Routine”. during data load.
  • User management (includes new concept for analysis authorizations) for more flexible BI end user authorizations.

79) What do you understand by system landscape? What kind of landscapes are possible with SAP Netweaver?


A landscape is a logical grouping of systems. The grouping of landscape can be horizontal or vertical.

Horizontal landscapes comprise of two or more SAP systems (system IDs – SIDs) that support “promote to production” of software for a particular piece or set of functionality – for example, the development, quality assurance and productive systems for the BI functionality is the “BI landscape”.

Vertical landscapes comprise of the systems in a particular area of the landscape – for example, all of the systems that run productive services are the “production landscape”.


As with any software implementation, and SAP NetWeaver based systems are no different in this case, the ideal software landscape to support the implementation is comprised of environments supporting three distinct needs that provide a solid ‘promote to production’ change management and change control process for all configuration and developments.

These environments should provide:

  • An environment where customizing and development can be performed. The environment should be representative of the productive environment and contain all product production customizing, developments and a sampling of production data. In addition new projects’ developments, customizing and data will exist in the system and this environment will be used for unit testing. This environment is used for as the initial environment for resolution of production issues and routine maintenance support.
  • An isolated and stable environment for testing the customizing, developments, and maintenance support changes. The environment is representative of the productive environment and contains all product customizing, developments and in most cases production quality data. In addition this environment will also have newly completed customizing/developments that are in quality testing phase prior to productive release. The typical testing that occurs in this environment is regression and integration testing. No development tasks are performed in this environment, just quality assurance tasks. This environment may also be used for replicating and debugging productive issues.
  • An isolated and stable production environment. The environment is the system of record and only contains productive customizing and developments. No development tasks are performed in this environment, just productive tasks. This environment may additionally be used for debugging productive issues.
  • This ‘promote to production’ scenario is recommended when implementing any system based on SAP NetWeaver.
  • This is typically called a “Three System Landscape” with 1 Production system (PRD), 1 Quality Assurance system (QAS), and 1 Development System (DEV).
  • Many customers supplement a three system landscape with a fourth environment: A standalone sandbox environment used for destructive testing, learning, and testing. The landscape is still called a three system landscape as the sandbox is not part of the ‘promote to production’ landscape.
  • A customer can choose to combine the above environments in a more minimal 2 system landscape – this landscape is not typical for SAP deployments and the customer must manage the additional risk and challenges of separating and isolating the different environment activities from each other and maintaining a stable and productive environment.

Furthermore customers can choose to extend the three system landscape to become a 4 system landscape. This can be appropriate for customers who have:

  1. Extensive distributed and parallel development teams,  or
  2. If the customer has the need to separate the quality assurance processes into two distinct environments.
  3. These can result in the following additions to the ‘Three System Landscape’ to create a ‘4 system landscape’:
  4. Additional Development system: An additional consolidation system is inserted into the landscape to consolidate distributed developments and customizing.
  5. Addition of an additional quality environment into the landscape and assigning specific testing needs to each of the quality environments (typically it is seen that one system performs Application and performance testing and the second is used for integration, user acceptance and regression testing).
  • Development System (DEV)

All customizing and development work is performed in this system. All system maintenance including break-fixes for productive processes is also performed in the system. After all the changes have been unit tested, these changes can be transferred to the quality assurance system (QAS) for further system testing.

The customizing, development and production break-fix changes are promoted to the QAS system using the change management system. This ensures consistency, management, tracking and audit capabilities thus minimizing risk and human error by eliminating manual repetition of development and customizing work in each system.

  • Quality Assurance System (QAS)

After unit testing the customizing, development and break-fix changes in the development system (DEV), the changes are promoted to the quality assurance system (QAS). Here, the configuration, development or changes undergo further tests and checks to ensure that they do not adversely affect other modules.

When the configuration, development or changes have been thoroughly tested in this system and signed off by the quality assurance team, it can be promoted to the production system (PRD).

  • Production System (PRD)

A company uses the production system (PRD) for its live, productive work. This system— containing the company’s live data—is where the real business processes are executed. The other systems in the landscape provide a safe approach to guaranteeing that only correct and tested (that is not defective) new developments and/or customizing configurations get deployed into the productive system. Additionally they ensure that changes to productive developments and configuration by either project enhancements or maintenance do not adversely affect the production environment when deployed. Therefore the quality of the DEV and QAS system and the implemented change management processes directly impacts the quality of the production system.

80) Can you give some business scenarios wherein you have used the standard Datastore Object?


The diagram below shows how standard DataStore objects are used in this example of updating order and delivery information, and the status tracking of orders, meaning which orders are open, which are partially-delivered, and so on.

There are three main steps to the entire data process:

  • Loading the data into the BI system and storing it in the PSA.

The data requested by the BI system is stored initially in the PSA. A PSA is created for each DataSource and each source system. The PSA is the storage location for incoming data in the BI system. Requested data is saved, unchanged, to the source system.

  • Processing and storing the data in DataSource objects

In the second step, the DataSource objects are used on two different levels.

  1.     On level one, the data from multiple source systems is stored in DataSource objects. Transformation rules permit you to store the consolidated and cleansed data in the technical format of the BI system. On level one, the data is stored on the document level (for example, orders and deliveries) and constitutes the consolidated database for further processing in the BI system. Data analysis is therefore not usually performed on the DataSource objects at this level.
  2.   On level two, transfer rules subsequently combine the data from several DataStore objects into a single DataStore object in accordance with business-related criteria. The data is very detailed, for example, information such as the delivery quantity, the delivery delay in days, and the order status, are calculated and stored per order item. Level 2 is used specifically for operative analysis issues, for example, which orders are still open from the last week. Unlike multidimensional analysis, where very large quantities of data are selected, here data is displayed and analyzed selectively.
  • Storing data in the InfoCube

In the final step, the data is aggregated from the DataStore object on level two into an InfoCube. The InfoCube does not contain the order number, but saves the data, for example, on the levels of customer, product, and month. Multidimensional analysis is also performed on this data using a BEx query. You can still display the detailed document data from the DataStore object whenever you need to. Use the report/report interface from a BEx query. This allows you to analyze the aggregated data from the InfoCube and to target the specific level of detail you want to access in the data.

81) Can customers carry on using SQL-based SAP HANA data warehousing?


Yes, we will continue to support the SQL approach. This provides customers an option additional to SAP BW/4HANA. Which solution is best depends on the customer’s priorities, level of expertise, and the model determining their requirements. There is no right or wrong answer. Many customers find that a hybrid approach best meets their needs.

82) Will SAP BW/4HANA have the same capabilities as both the SAP BW 7.5 on SAP HANA releases?


SAP BW/4HANA has similar functions as SAP BW powered by SAP HANA. But SAP BW/4HANA processes only SAP HANA-optimized objects, which cuts modelling effort and the overall complexity of SAP BW/4HANA. Following the SAP S/4HANA road map, within six months SAP BW/4HANA would differ significantly from SAP BW 7.5 powered by SAP HANA. SAP BW/4HANA is not valid for other database platforms.

83) Why should customers switch to SAP BW/4HANA if they have just upgraded to SAP BW 7.5?


The main benefits of SAP BW/4HANA for SAP BW on SAP HANA customers are its simplicity, openness, advanced UIs, and performance. As the road map shows, we plan to enhance the solution considerably in the three releases in the quarters ahead.

84) How do SAP BW/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA relate?


SAP BW/4HANA is completely independent from SAP S/4HANA. Customers do not have to implement one to use the other. SAP S/4HANA Analytics can be used for operational reporting on data taken straight from S/4HANA systems. SAP BW/4HANA on the other hand is an advanced data warehouse that can be used to create reports on current, historical, and external data from a multitude of SAP and non-SAP sources.

85) Is SAP BW/4HANA only for customers already on SAP?


No, it can be used for any data warehousing needs, for data from SAP and non-SAP sources alike.

86) Which analytics tools can be used with SAP BW/4HANA?


SAP BW/4HANA supports SAP BusinessObjects Cloud and SAP BusinessObjects BI. It also has interfaces open to third-party providers.

87) What Is Ad Hoc Analysis?


In traditional data warehouses, such as SAP BW, a lot of pre-aggregation is done for quick results. That is the administrator (IT department) decides which information might be needed for analysis and prepares the result for the end-users. This results in fast performance but the end-user does not have flexibility.

The performance reduces dramatically if the user wants to do analysis on some data that is not already pre-aggregated. With SAP HANA and its speedy engine, no pre-aggregation is required. The user can perform any kind of operations in their reports and does not have to wait for hours to get the data ready for analysis.

88) Mention What Is The Role Of The Transaction Manager And Session?


The transaction manager coordinates database transactions and keeps a record of running and closed transactions. When a transaction is rolled back or committed, the transaction manager notifies the involved storage engines about the event so they can run necessary actions. 

89) Can You Disable Cache?


Yes, either globally or using query debug tool RSRT.

90) Why we delete the setup tables (LBWG) & fill them (OLI*BW)?


  1. A) Initially we don’t delete the setup tables but when we do change in extract structure we go for it. We r changing the extract structure right, that means there are some newly added fields in that which r not before. So to get the required data ( i.e.; the data which is required is taken and to avoid redundancy) we delete n then fill the setup tables.  

To refresh the statistical data. The extraction set up reads the dataset that you want to process such as, customers orders with the tables like VBAK, VBAP) & fills the relevant communication structure with the data. The data is stored in cluster tables from where it is read when the initialization is run. It is important that during initialization phase, no one generates or modifies application data, at least until the tables can be set up. 



You can drill down to any level by using Navigational attributes and jump targets. 



Indexes are data base indexes, which help in retrieving data fastly. 

93) Why is there a DataSource with ‘0’ records in RSA7 if delta exists and has also been loaded successfully? 


It is most likely that this is a DataSource that does not send delta data to the BW System via the delta queue but directly via the extractor (delta for master data using ALE change pointers). Such a DataSource should not be displayed in RSA7. This error is corrected with BW 2.0B Support Package 11. 




95) What are the X & Y Tables?


X-table = A table to link material SIDs with SIDs for time-independent navigation attributes.

Y-table = A table to link material SIDs with SIDS for time-dependent navigation attributes.

There are four types of sid tables 

X time independent navigational attributes sid tables

Y time dependent navigational attributes sid tables 

H hierarchy sid tables

I hierarchy structure sid tables 

96) What does the number in the ‘Total’ column in Transaction RSA7 mean?  


The ‘Total’ column displays the number of LUWs that were written in the delta queue and that have not yet been confirmed. The number includes the LUWs of the last delta request (for repetition of a delta request) and the LUWs for the next delta request. A LUW only disappears from the RSA7 display when it has been transferred to the BW System and a new delta request has been received from the BW System. 

97) How to know in which table (SAP BW) contains Technical Name / Description and creation data of a particular Reports. Reports that are created using BEx Analyzer.


There is no such table in BW if you want to know such details while you are opening a particular query press properties button you will come to know all the details that you wanted. 

You will find your information about technical names and description about queries in the following tables. Directory of all reports (Table RSRREPDIR) and Directory of the reporting component elements (Table RSZELTDIR) for workbooks and the connections to queries check Where- used list for reports in workbooks (Table RSRWORKBOOK) Titles of Excel Workbooks in InfoCatalog (Table RSRWBINDEXT) 

98) What is a LUW in the delta queue?


A LUW from the point of view of the delta queue can be an individual document, a group of documents from a collective run or a whole data packet of an application extractor. 

99) Why does the number in the ‘Total’ column in the overview screen of Transaction RSA7 differ from the number of data records that is displayed when you call the detail view? 


The number on the overview screen corresponds to the total of LUWs (see also first question) that were written to the qRFC queue and that have not yet been confirmed. The detail screen displays the records contained in the LUWs. Both, the records belonging to the previous delta request and the records that do not meet the selection conditions of the preceding delta init requests are filtered out. Thus, only the records that are ready for the next delta request are displayed on the detail screen. In the detail screen of Transaction RSA7, a possibly existing customer exit is not taken into account.  

100) Why does Transaction RSA7 still display LUWs on the overview screen after successful delta loading? 


Only when a new delta has been requested does the source system learn that the previous delta was successfully loaded to the BW System. Then, the LUWs of the previous delta may be confirmed (and also deleted). In the meantime, the LUWs must be kept for a possible delta request repetition. In particular, the number on the overview screen does not change when the first delta was loaded to the BW System. 

101) Why are selections not taken into account when the delta queue is filled? 


Filtering according to selections takes place when the system reads from the delta queue. This is necessary for reasons of performance. 

Part 4 :

  1. Explain the architecture of SAP BW system and its components?

OLAP Processor

Metadata Repository,

Process designer and other functions.

Business Explorer BEx is reporting and analysis tool that support query, analysis and reporting functions in BI. Using BEx, you can analyze historical and current data to different degree of analysis.

  1. What all data sources you have used to acquire data in SAP BW system?
  • SAP systems (SAP Applications/SAP ECC)
  • Relational Database (Oracle, SQL Server, etc.)
  • Flat File (Excel, Notepad)
  • Multidimensional Source systems (Universe using UDI connector)
  • Web Services that transfer data to BI by means of push
  1. When you are using SAP BI7.x, you can load the data to which component?

In BW 3.5, you can load data in Persistence Staging Area and also in targets from source system but If you are using SAP BI 7.0 data load should be restricted to PSA only for latest versions.

  1. What is an InfoPackage?

An InfoPackage is used to specify how and when to load data to BI system from different data sources. An InfoPackage contains all the information how data is loaded from source system to a data source or PSA. InfoPackage consists of condition for requesting data from a source system.

Note that using an InfoPackage in BW 3.5, you can load data in Persistence Staging Area and also in targets from source system but If you are using SAP BI 7.0 data load should be restricted to PSA only for latest versions.

  1. What is extended Star schema? Which of the tables are inside and outside cube in an extended star schema?

In Extended Star schema, Fact tables are connected to Dimension tables and dimension table is connected to SID table and SID table is connected to master data tables. In Extended star schema you have Fact and Dimension tables are inside the cube however SID tables are outside cube. When you load the transactional data into Info cube, Dim Id’s are generated based on SID’s and these Dim id’s are used in fact tables.

  1. How extended Star schema is different from Star schema?

In Extended Star schema one fact table can connect to 16 dimensions tables and each dimension table is assigned with 248 maximum SID tables. SID tables are also called Characteristics and each characteristic can have master data tables like ATTR, Text, etc.

In Star Schema, Each Dimension is joined to one single Fact table. Each Dimension is represented by only one dimension and is not further normalized.

Dimension Table contains set of attribute that are used to analyze the data.

  1. What is an InfoObject and why it is used in SAP BI?

Info Objects are known as smallest unit in SAP BI and are used in Info Providers, DSO’s, Multi providers, etc. Each Info Provider contains multiple Info Objects.

InfoObjects are used in reports to analyze the data stored and to provide information to decision makers.

  1. What are the different categories of InfoObjects in BW system?

Info Objects can be categorized into below categories −

  • Characteristics like Customer, Product, etc.
  • Units like Quantity sold, currency, etc.
  • Key Figures like Total Revenue, Profit, etc.
  • Time characteristics like Year, quarter, etc.
  1. What is the use of Infoarea in SAP BW system?

Info Area in SAP BI are used to group similar types of object together. Info Area are used to manage Info Cubes and Info Objects. Each Info Objects resides in an Info Area and you can define it a folder which is used to hold similar files together.

  1. How do you access to source system data in BI without extraction?

To access data in BI source system directly. You can directly access to source system data in BI without extraction using Virtual Providers. Virtual providers can be defined as InfoProviders where transactional data is not stored in the object. Virtual providers allow only read access on BI data.

  1. What are different types on Virtual providers?

VirtualProviders based on DTP

VirtualProviders with function modules

VirtualProviders based on BAPI’s

  1. Which Virtual Providers are used in which scenario of data extraction?

VirtualProviders based on DTP −

This type of Virtual Providers are based on the data source or an Info Provider and they take characteristics and key figures of source. Same extractors are used to select data in source system as you use to replicate data into BI system.

  1. When to Virtual Providers based on DTP?

When only some amount of data is used.

You need to access up to date data from a SAP source system.

Only few users executes queries simultaneously on the database.

Virtual Provider with Function Module −

This Virtual Provider is used to display data from non BI data source to BI without copying the data to BI structure. The data can be local or remote. This is used primarily for SEM application.

  1. What is the use of Transformation and how the mapping is done in BW?

Transformation process is used to perform data consolidation, cleansing and data integration. When data is loaded from one BI object to other BI object, transformation is applied on the data. Transformation is used to convert a field of source into the target object format.

Transformation rules −

Transformation rules are used to map source fields and target fields. Different rule types can be used for transformation.

  1. How do perform real time data acquisition in BW system?

Real time data acquisition is based on moving data to Business Warehouse in real time. Data is sent to delta queue or PSA table in real time.

Real time data acquisition can be achieved in two scenarios −

By using InfoPackage for real time data acquisition using Service API.

Using Web Service to load data to Persistent Storage Area PSA and then by using real time DTP to move the data to DSO.

Real time Data Acquisition Background Process −

To process data to InfoPackage and data transfer process DTP at regular intervals, you can use a background process known as Daemon.

Daemon process gets all the information from InfoPackage and DTP that which data is to be transferred and which PSA and Data sore objects to be loaded with data.

  1. What is InfoObject catalog?

InfoObjects are created in Info Object catalog. It is possible that an Info Object can be assigned to different Info Catalog.

  1. What is the use DSO in BW system? What kind of data is stored in DSO’s

A DSO is known as storage place to keep cleansed and consolidated transaction or master data at lowest granularity level and this data can be analyzed using BEx query.

A DataStore object contains key figures and charactertics fields and data from DSO can be updated using Delta update or other DataStore objects or master data. DataStore objects are commonly stored in two dimensional transparent database tables.

  1. What are the different components in DSO architecture?

DSO component consists of three tables −

Activation Queue −

This is used to store the data before it is activated. The key contains request id, package id and record number. Once activation is done, request is deleted from the activation queue.

Active Data Table −

This table is used to store current active data and this table contains the semantic key defined for data modeling.

Change Log −

When you activate the object, changes to active data re stored in change log. Change log is a PSA table and is maintained in Administration Workbench under PSA tree.

  1. To access data for reporting and analysis immediately after it is loaded, which Data store object is used?

DataStore object for direct update allows you to access data for reporting and analysis immediately after it is loaded. It is different from standard DSO’s in the way how it processed the data. Data is stored in same format in which it was loaded to DataStore object for direct update by the application.

  1. Explain the structure of direct update DSO’s?

one table for active data and no change log area exists. Data is retrieved from external systems using API’s.

Below API’s exists −

  • RSDRI_ODSO_INSERT: These are used to insert new data.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_INSERT_RFC: Similar to RSDRI_ODSO_INSERT and can be called up remotely.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_MODIFY: This is used to insert data having new keys.For data with keys already in the system, the data is changed.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_MODIFY_RFC: Similar to RSDRI_ODSO_MODIFY and can be called up remotely.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_UPDATE: This API is used to update existing data.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_UPDATE_RFC: This is similar to RSDRI_ODSO_UPDATE and can be called up remotely.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_DELETE_RFC: This API is used to delete the data.
  1. Can we perform Delta uploads in direct update DSO’s?

As structure of this DSO contains one table for active data and no change log so this doesn’t allow delta update to InfoProviders.

  1. What is write optimized DSO’s?

In Write optimized DSO, data that is loaded is available immediately for the further processing.

  1. Where do we use Write optimized DSO’s?

Write optimized DSO provides a temporary storage area for large sets of data if you are executing complex transformations for this data before it is written to the DataStore object. The data can then be updated to further InfoProviders. You only have to create the complex transformations once for all data.

Write-optimized DataStore objects are used as the EDW layer for saving data. Business rules are only applied when the data is updated to additional InfoProviders.

  1. Explain the structure of Write optimized DSO’s? How it is different from Standard DSO’s?

It only contains table of active data and there is no need to activate the data as required with standard DSO. This allows you to process the data more quickly.

  1. To perform a Join on dataset, what type of InfoProviders should be used?

Infosets are defined as special type of InfoProviders where data sources contains Join rule on DataStore objects, standard InfoCubes or InfoObject with master data characteristics. InfoSets are used to join data and that data is used in BI system.

  1. What is a temporal join?

Temporal Joins: are used to map a period of time. At the time of reporting, other InfoProviders handle time-dependent master data in such a way that the record that is valid for a pre-defined unique key date is used each time. You can define Temporal join that contains atleast one time-dependent characteristic or a pseudo time-dependent InfoProvider.

  1. Where do we use InfoSet in BI system?

Infosets are used to analyze the data in multiple InfoProviders by combining master data charactertics, DataStore Objects, and InfoCubes.

You can use temporal join with InfoSet to specify a particular point of time when you want to evaluate the data.

You can use reporting using Business Explorer BEx on DSO’s without enabling BEx indicator.

  1. What are the different type of InfoSet joins?
  • Inner Join
  • Left Outer Join
  • Temporal Join
  • Self Join
  1. What is the use of InfoCube in BW system?

InfoCube is defined as multidimensional dataset which is used for analysis in a BEx query. An InfoCube consists of set of relational tables which are logically joined to implement star schema. A Fact table in star schema is joined with multiple dimension tables.

You can add data from one or more InfoSource or InfoProviders to an InfoCube. They are available as InfoProviders for analysis and reporting purposes.

  1. What is the structure of InfoCube?

An InfoCube is used to store the data physically. It consists of a number of InfoObjects that are filled with data from staging. It has the structure of a star schema.

In SAP BI, an Infocube contains Extended Star Schema as shown above.

An InfoCube consists of a fact table which is surrounded by 16 dimension tables and master data that is lying outside the cube.

  1. What is the use of real time InfoCube? How do you enter data in real time InfoCubes?

Real time InfoCubes are used to support parallel write access. Real time InfoCubes are used in connection with the entry of planning data.

You can enter the data in Real time InfoCubes in two different ways −

Transaction for entering planning data

BI Staging

  1. How do you create a real time InfoCube in administrator workbench?

A real time InfoCube can be created using Real Time Indicator check box.

  1. Can you make an InfoObject as info provider and why?Is it possible to convert a standard InfoCube to real time InfoCube?

To convert a standard InfoCube to real time InfoCube, you have two options −

Convert with loss of Transactional data

Conversion with Retention of Transaction Data

  1. Can you convert an InfoPackage group into a Process chain?

Yes, Double Click on the info package grp → Process Chain Maintenance button and type in the name and description.

  1. When you define aggregates, what are the available options?
  • H Hierarchy
  • F fixed value
  • Blank
  1. Can you setup InfoObjects as Virtual Providers?


  1. To perform a Union operation on InfoProviders, which InfoProvider is uses?


  1. Explain the different between Operation Data store, InfoCube and MultiProvider?


They provide granular data, allows overwrite and data is in transparent tables, ideal for drilldown and RRI.

InfoCube −

This is used for star schema, we can only append data, ideal for primary reporting.

MultiProvider −

It contains a physical data and allow to access data from different InfoProviders.

  1. What do you understand by Start and update routine?

Start Routines −

The start routine is run for each Data Package after the data has been written to the PSA and before the transfer rules have been executed. It allows complex computations for a key figure or a characteristic. It has no return value. Its purpose is to execute preliminary calculations and to store them in global Data Structures. This structure or table can be accessed in the other routines. The entire Data Package in the transfer structure format is used as a parameter for the routine.

Update Routines −

They are defined at the InfoObject level. It is like the Start Routine. It is independent of the DataSource. We can use this to define Global Data and Global Checks.

  1. What is the use of Rollup?

This is used to load new Data Package into the InfoCube aggregates. If we have not performed a rollup then the new InfoCube data will not be available while reporting on the aggregate.

  1. How can you achieve performance optimization in SAP Data Warehouse?

During loading, perform steps in below order −

First load the master data in the following order: First attributes, then texts, then hierarchies.

Load the master data first and then the transaction data. By doing this, you ensure that the SIDs are created before the transaction data is loaded and not while the transaction data is being loaded.

To optimize performance when loading and deleting data from the InfoCube −

  • Indexes
  • Aggregates
  • Line item and high Cardinality
  • Compression

To achieve good activation performance for DataStore objects, you should note the following points −

Creating SID Values

Generating SID values takes a long time and can be avoided in the following cases −

Do not set the ‘Generate SID values’ flag, if you only use the DataStore object as a data store. If you do set this flag, SIDs are created for all new characteristic values.

If you are using line items (document number or time stamp, for example) as characteristics in the DataStore object, set the flag in characteristic maintenance to show that they are “attribute only”.

  1. What is Partition of an InfoCube?

It is the method of dividing a table for report optimization. SAP uses fact file partitioning to improve performance. We can partition only at 0CALMONTH or 0FISCPER. Table partitioning helps to run the report faster as data is stored in the relevant partitions. Also table maintenance becomes easier.

  1. Explain the difference between InfoCube and ODS?

Infocube is structured as star schema where a fact table is surrounded by different dim table that are linked with DIM’ids.

ODS is a flat structure with no star schema concept and which will have granular data (detailed level). Overwrite functionality.

  1. What is the use of Navigational attributes?

Navigational attribute is used for drilling down in the report.

  1. While loading data from flat files, when separators are used inconstantly. How this will read in BI load?

If separators are used inconsistently in a CSV file, the incorrect separator is read as a character and both fields are merged into one field and may be shortened. Subsequent fields are then no longer in the correct order.

  1. To load the data from a file source system, what is requirement in BI system?

Before you can transfer data from a file source system, the metadata must be available in BI in the form of a DataSource.

  1. In SAP BW, is it possible to have multiple data sources have one InfoSource?


  1. How data is stored in PSA?

In form of PSA tables

  1. What is the use of DB connection in SAP BW data acquisition?

DB connect is used to define other database connection in addition to default connection and these connections are used to transfer data into BI system from tables or views.

To connect an external database, you should have below information −

  • Tools
  • Source Application knowledge
  • SQL syntax in Database
  • Database functions
  1. What is UD connect in SAP BW system? How does it allow reporting in BI system?

Universal data UD connect allows you to access Relational and multidimensional data sources and transfer the data in form of flat data. Multidimensional data is converted to flat format when Universal Data Connect is used for data transfer.

UD uses J2EE connector to allow reporting on SAP and non-SAP data. Different BI Java connectors are available for various drivers, protocols as resource adapters −

  • BI ODBO Connector
  • BI JDBC Connector
  • BI SAP Query Connector
  • XMLA Connect

Part 5:

Q1) What is partitioning and what are the benefits of partitioning in an InfoCube?

Ans: Partitioning is the method of dividing a table (either column-wise or row-wise) based on the fields available which would enable a quick reference for the intended values of the fields in the table. By partitioning an info cube, the reporting performance is enhanced because it is easier to search in smaller tables. Also, table maintenance becomes easier.

Q2) What does Rollup do?

Ans: Rollup creates aggregates in an info cube whenever new data is loaded.

Q3) What are the inputs for an Infoset?

Ans: The inputs for an Infoset are ODS objects and InfoObjects (with master data or text).

Q4) What internally happens when BW objects like Info Object, Info Cube, or ODS are created and activated?

Ans: When an InfoObject, InfoCube, or ODS object is created, BW maintains a saved version of that object but does not make it available for use. Once the object is activated, BW creates an active version that is available for use.

Q5) What is the specific advantage of LO extraction over LIS extraction?

Ans: The load performance of LO extraction is better than that of LIS. In LIS two tables are used for delta management that is cumbersome. In LO only one delta queue is used for delta management.

Q6) What is the importance of 0REQUID?

Ans: It is the InfoObject for Request id. REQUIRED enables BW to distinguish between different data records.

Q7) Can you add programs to the scheduler?

Ans: Yes. Through event handling.

Q8) What is the importance of table ROIDOCPRMS?

Ans: It is an IDOC parameter source system. This table contains the details of the data transfer like the source system of the data, data packet size, maximum number of lines in a data packet, etc. The data packet size can be changed through the control parameters option on SBIW i.e., the contents of this table can be changed.

Q9) What is the importance of ‘start routine’ in update rules?

Ans: A Start routine is a user exit that can be executed before the update rule starts to allow more complex computations for a key figure or a characteristic. The start routine has no return value. Its purpose is to execute preliminary calculations and to store them in a global data structure. You can access this structure or table in the other routines.

Q10) When is IDOC data transfer used?

Ans: IDOCs are used for communication between logical systems like SAP R/3, R/2, and non-SAP systems using ALE and for communication between an SAP R/3 system and a non-SAP system. In BW, an IDOC is a data container for data exchange between SAP systems or between SAP systems and external systems based on an EDI interface. IDOCs support a limited file size of 1000 bytes. So IDOCs are not used when loading data into PSA since data there is more detailed. It is used when the file size is lesser than 1000 bytes.

Q11) What is the partitioning characteristic in CO-PA used for?

Ans: For easier parallel search and load of data.

Q12) What is the advantage of BW reporting on CO-PA data compared with directly running the queries on CO-PA?

Ans: BW has a better performance advantage over-reporting in R/3. For a huge amount of data, the R/3 reporting tool is at a serious disadvantage because R/3 is modeled as an OLTP system and is good for transaction processing rather than analytical processing.

Q13) What is the function of the BW statistics cube?

Ans: BW statistics cube contains the data related to the reporting performance and the data loads of all the InfoCubes in the BW system.

Q14) When an ODS is in ‘overwrite’ mode, does uploading the same data, again and again, create new entries in the changelog each time data is uploaded?

Ans: No.

Q15) What is the function of the ‘selective deletion’ tab in the manage->contents of an info cube?

Ans: It allows us to select a particular value of a particular field and delete its contents.

Q16) When we collapse an info cube, is the consolidated data stored in the same info cube, or is it stored in the new infocube?

Ans: Data is stored in the same cube.

Q17) What is the effect of aggregation on the performance? Are there any negative effects on performance?

Ans: Aggregation improves performance in reporting.

Q18) What happens when you load transaction data without loading master data?

Ans: The transaction data gets loaded and the master data fields remain blank.

Q19) When given a choice between a single info cube and multiple InfoCubes with a multi-provider, what factors does one need to consider before making a decision?

Ans: One would have to see if the InfoCubes are used individually. If these cubes are often used individually, then it is better to go for a multi-provider with many cubes since the reporting would be faster for an individual cube query rather than for a big cube with a lot of data.

Q20) How many hierarchy levels can be created for a characteristic info object?

Ans: Maximum of 98 levels.

Q21) What is an open hub service?

Ans: The open hub service enables you to distribute data from an SAP BW system into external data marts, analytical applications, and other applications. With this, you can ensure controlled distribution using several systems. The central object for the export of data is the Infospoke. Using this, you can define the object from which the data comes and into which target it is transferred. Through the open hub service, SAP BW becomes a hub of an enterprise data warehouse. The distribution of data becomes clear through central monitoring from the distribution status in the BW system.

Q22) What is the function of the ‘reconstruction’ tab in an info cube?

Ans: It reconstructs the deleted requests from the info cube. If a request has been deleted and later someone wants the data records of that request to be added to the info cube, one can use the reconstruction tab to add those records. It goes to the PSA and brings the data to the info cube.

Q23) What are secondary indexes with respect to InfoCubes?

Ans: Index created in addition to the primary index of the info cube. When you activate a table in the ABAP Dictionary, an index is created on the primary key fields of the table. Further indexes created for the table are called secondary indexes.

Q24) What is DB connect and where is it used?

Ans: DB Connect is a database connecting a piece of the program. It is used in connecting third-party tools with BW for reporting purposes.

Q25) Can we extract hierarchies from R/3 for CO-PA?

Ans: No We cannot, “NO hierarchies in CO/PA.

Q26) Explain ‘field name for partitioning’ in CO-PA?

Ans: The CO/PA partitioning is used to decrease package size (eg: company code)

Q27) What is the V3 update method?

Ans: It is a program in the R/3 source system that schedules batch jobs to update extract structure to data sources collectively.

Q28) What is the use of BW Statistics?

Ans: The sets of cubes delivered by SAP are used to measure performance for the query, loading data, etc., It also shows the usage of aggregates and the cost associated with then.

Q29) What is the process chain and how you used it?

Ans: Process chains are tools available in BW for Automation of the upload of master data and transaction data while taking care of dependency between each process.

In one of our scenarios, we wanted to upload wholesale price info objects which will have wholesale prices for all the material. Then we wanted to load transaction data. While loading transaction data to populate wholesale prices, there was a lookup in the update rule on this InfoObject master data table. This dependency of first uploading master data and then uploading transaction data was done through the process chain.

Q30) What are Remotecubes and how you accessed and used it in your project?

Ans: A RemoteCube is an InfoCube whose transaction data is not managed in the Business Information Warehouse but externally. Only the structure of the RemoteCube is defined in BW. The data is read for reporting using a BAPI from another system.B) Using a RemoteCube, you can carry out reporting using data in external systems without having to physically store transaction data in BW. You can, for example, include an external system from market data providers using a RemoteCube.

Q31) Are there any limitations for the BEx analyzer?

Ans: TBD

Q32) How does the BEx analyzer connect to BW?

Ans: Bex Analyzer is connected with OLAP Processor. OLE DB Connectivity makes Bex Analyzer connects with BIW.

Q33) What is field partitioning in CO-PA?

Ans: Internally allocates space in the database. If the needed table resides in one or a few partitions, then only these partitions will be selected and examined by SQL statement, thereby significantly reducing I/O volume.

Q34) What is the difference between ‘saving’ and ‘activating’?

Ans: In BIW, Saving–> actually saves the defined structure and retrieves whenever required.B) Activating—> It saves and generates required tables and structures.

Q35) What does delta initialization do?

Ans: It makes BW expect the data from Sources, after the full update. It initializes the delta Update mechanism for that data source.

Q36) What is the difference between delta and pseudo delta?

Ans: Some data target and module has delta Update feature. Those can be used for the delta Update of data. Say ODS, COPA is delta capable. data can be expected stage wise. After the first accumulation of data, BIW expects the data in delta wise for these data targets. When the other data target does not have these features (delta update), they can be made delta capable of using ODS as a data target.

Q37) What is the “replication of data source process?

Ans: Replication of data source enables the extract structure from the source system to be replicated in the target system.

Q38) Are any quality checks available for inefficient cube designs?

Ans: Huge Dimension tables make a cube inefficient.

Q39) Why not star-schema is implemented for ODS as well?

Ans: Because ODS is meant to store a detailed document for quick perusal and help make short-term decisions.

Q40) How do you transform Open Hub Data?

Ans: Using BADI.


Part 6:

  1. What exactly do you know about the SAP BW?
    Answer: It is a data warehouse application that has some of the tremendous features in it. The fact is every business needs to maintain the data most reliably and this is one of the best available tools to enable businesses for the same. It can simply help organizations in data reporting, formatting, analysis, as well as in important decision making. Data can also be accessed easily from all the SAP applications and in case the need felt, from other businesses as well. (SAP BW Interview Questions)
  2. Can you create a data storage area in the SAP BW?
    Answer: Yes, this is possible and generally it is called Infocube. There are generally two tables which are present in it and they are called Dimensional Table and the Fact Table.
  3. Can you tell something about the Multi-provider in the SAP and how it is useful for the users?
    Answer: It is an info-provider that consists of data from the info-providers used for other tasks. One of the main aims of this is to make sure that data remain available reliably for the reporting purpose. Some of the things that make it useful for the users are:
  4. The source of data is from the Info providers that are dedicated to a specific task.
    2. They don’t contain any sort of data present in them
    3. There are basic union operators which make sure that the Info-providers remains connected to one another
    4. They are useful in assuring effective reporting and make sure they can be run anytime for testing or any other purpose.
  5. What is proposed from statistics for aggregates?
    Answer: You can ask the system to get the optimal characteristics for aggregation by using the BW statistics data (like query run time, etc).
  6. How extended Star schema is different from Star schema?
    Answer: In Extended Star schema one fact table can connect to 16 dimensions tables and each dimension table is assigned with 248 maximum SID tables. SID tables are also called Characteristics and each character can have master data tables like ATTR, Text, etc.
    In Star Schema, Each Dimension is joined to one single Fact table. Each Dimension is represented by only one dimension and is not further normalized.
    Dimension Table contains a set of attribute that is used to analyze the data. (E learning Portal)
  7. What is the use of InfoCube in the BW system?
    Answer: InfoCube is defined as a multidimensional dataset that is used for analysis in a BEx query. An InfoCube consists of a set of relational tables that are logically joined to implement star schema. A Fact table in a star schema is joined with multiple dimension tables.
    You can add data from one or more InfoSource or InfoProviders to an InfoCube. They are available as InfoProviders for analysis and reporting purposes.
  8. What are the conversion routines for units and currencies in the update rule?
    Answer: Time dimensions are automatically converted; ex: if the cube contains calendar month and your transfer structure contains the date, the date to calendar month is converted automatically. 
  9. What are the data loading tuning one can do?
  • Watch the ABAP code in transfer and update rules;
  • Load balance on different servers
  • Indexes on source tables
  • Use fixed-length files if u load data from flat files and put the
  • file on the application server.
  • Use content extractor
  • Use PSA and data target in parallel option in the info package
  • Start several info packagers parallel with different selection options
  • Buffer the SID number ranges if u load a lot of data at once
    Loadmaster data before loading transaction data.
  1. What are the data-target administration tasks?
    Answer: Delete index, generate an index, construct database statistics, initial fill of new aggregates, the roll-up of filled aggregates, compression of the InfoCube, activate ODS, complete deletion of data target.
  2. How we do the SD and MM configuration for BW?
    Answer: You need to activate the data sources in R3 system.You need to maintain the login information for the logical system.sm59: Choose the RFC destination, BW system, Under logon Security, maintain the user credentials. Maintain control parameters for data transfer. Filling in of setup tables SBIWI feels that these are certain prerequisites. From an SD perspective, you as a BW consultant should first understand the basic SD process flow on the R3 side. (search the forum for SD process flow and you’ll get a wealth of information on the flow and the tables as well as transactions involved in SD).Next, you need to understand the process flow that has been implemented at the client’s place. How the SD data flows and what are the integration points with other modules as well as how the integration happens. This knowledge is essential when modeling your BW design. From a BW perspective, you need to first know all the SD extractors and what information they bring. Next look at all the cubes and ODS for SD.
  3. What are the load process and processing?
    Answer: The load process and processing are the Info package, Read PSA and update data target, save hierarchy, update ODS data object, data export open hub, delete overlapping requests.
  4. How the dimensions are optimized?
    Answer: It system can be used as many as possible for performance, for instance, it may be assumed that 100 products and 200 customers; if one dimension for both, the size of the dimension will be 20000; if it was made individual dimensions then the total number of rows will be 300. Even if they are taken more than one characteristic per dimension, the math considering the worst case and decide which characteristics may be combined in a dimension.
  5. What is the structure of InfoCube?
    Answer: An InfoCube is used to store the data physically. It consists of several InfoObjects that are filled with data from staging. It has the structure of a star schema.

In SAP BI, an Infocube contains Extended Star Schema as shown above.
An InfoCube consists of a fact table that is surrounded by 16 dimension tables and master data that is lying outside the cube.

  1. Which are the attachments that are platform-independent and become a part of the template?
    Answer: There are several attachments that are part of the template form. APP STORE: This is a kind of attachment that comprises packages as well as procedures that are useful for all the different forms to create toolbars, menus, etc. 

APPS DAYPK: This attachment contains packages that help control the applications associated with oracle. 

FNDSQF: This attachment has various procedures as well as packages for flex fields, profiles, message dictionary and also concurrent processing. CUSTOM: This attachment helps extend the application forms of oracle without causing any modification related to the application code. There are various kinds of customization including zoom.

  1. Where do we use Write optimized DSO’s?
    Answer: Write optimized DSO provides a temporary storage area for large sets of data if you are executing complex transformations for this data before it is written to the DataStore object. The data can then be updated to further InfoProviders. You only have to create the complex transformations once for all data. Write-optimized DataStore objects are used as the EDW layer for saving data. Business rules are only applied when the data is updated to additional InfoProviders. (SAP BW on HANA Interview Questions The Best 2019 Latest)
  2. How would you convert an info package group into a process chain?
    Answer: Double Click on the info package grp, click on the ‘Process Chain Maint’ button and type in the name and description; the individual info packages are inserted automatically.
  3. How can you navigate to see the error idocs?
    Answer: If it is fine to check the IDOCs in source system go to BD87->give Ur user ID and date->execute->you can find Red status Idocs select the erroneous Idoc->Rt.clickand select Manual process. You need to Reprocess this IDOC which is RED. For this, you can take the help of Any of your Team (ALE IDOC Team or BAsis Team)Or Elseyoucan push it manually. Just search it in the bd87 screen only to Reprocess. Also, try to find why these IDocs are stuck there.
  4. What is the index?
    Answer: Indices/Indexes are used to locate needed records in a database table quickly. BW uses two types of indices, B-tree indices for regular database tables and bitmap indices for fact tables and aggregate tables.
  5. How can a cube have partitioned for which the data already exists?
    Answer: The cube cannot be partitioned if the data already exists the cube must be empty to do this, one workaround is to make a copy of the cube A to cube B, export data from A to B using export data source, empty cube A, create partition on A, re-import data from B, and delete cube B.
  6. How would you optimize the dimensions?
    Answer: Use as many as possible for performance improvement; Ex: Assume that u have 100 products and 200 customers; if you make one dimension for both, the size of the dimension will be 20000; if you make individual dimensions then the total number of rows will be 300. Even if you put more than one characteristic per dimension, do the math considering the worst-case scenario and decide which characteristics may be combined in a dimension.
  7. What is the use of real-time InfoCube? How do you enter data in real-time InfoCubes?
  • Real-time InfoCubes are used to support parallel write access. Real-time InfoCubes are used in connection with the entry of planning data.
  • You can enter the data in Real-time InfoCubes in two different ways −
  • Transaction for entering planning data.
  1. What is extended Star schema? Which of the tables are inside and outside cube in an extended star schema?
    Answer: In Extended Star schema, Fact tables are connected to Dimension tables and the dimension table is connected to the SID table and the SID table is connected to master data tables. In Extended star schema you have Fact and Dimension tables are inside the cube however SID tables are an outside cube. When you load the transactional data into Info cube, Dim Id’s are generated based on SID’s and these Dim id’s are used in fact tables.
  2. What is the use of Transformation and how the mapping is done in BW?
    Answer: The transformationprocess is used to perform data consolidation, cleansing, and data integration. When data is loaded from one BI object to another BI object, transformation is applied to the data. Transformation is used to convert a field of source into the target object format.
    Transformation rules −
    Transformation rules are used to map source fields and target fields. Different rule types can be used for transformation.
  3. What is the structure?
    Answer: Combination of characteristics and key figures; for example, you can create a structure containing sales for products A, B, and C as three different restricted key figures contained in a structure; if this is global you can reuse it in other queries.
  4. What is the calculated key figure?
    Answer: To do complicated calculations on key figures such as mathematics functions, percentage functions, etc. For example, you can have a calculated key figure to find out sales tax from the sale price.
  5. Can you tell something about the Data Ware-house Hierarchy?
    Answer: It is an approach that is considered when it comes to defining the data aggregation. It’s a logical structure and the best thing is the users are free to consider it for data organization. The common example of this approach is the time dimension hierarchy.
  6. What is a Dashboard in SAP BW and how it is created?
    Answer: It is a collection of views, groups, as well as reports. It can also be considered as the graphical reporting interface. It is possible to create the same with the help of a Web Application Designer. The entire content can be displayed on a screen quickly.
  7. What is a reusable structure?
    Answer: These are query level structures that can be used in any queries.
  8. What is the use of the Info area in the SAP BW system?
    Answer: Info Area in SAP BI is used to group similar types of an object. Info Area is used to manage Info Cubes and Info Objects. Each Info Objects resides in an Info Area and you can define it as a folder that is used to hold similar files together.
  9. which Datastore object is used?
    Answer:DataStore object for direct update allows you to access data for reporting and analysis immediately after it is loaded. It is different from standard dsos in the way how it processed the data. Data is stored in the same format in which it was loaded to the DataStore object for the direct update by the application.
  10. How do I separate development from the production environment?
    Answer: Depending on requirements for the availability of the application, the size of the user population and other factors you can decide how to divide the development environment from the production environment. For certain applications, it is acceptable to combine the development server with the deployment server, as long as the end users understand that sometimes the application is not available. Other applications may require two (development and production) or even three (development, test, and production) servers. In Application Express applications can be moved from environment to environment using an export and import facility for application definitions. With one server available to run the database and Application Express, you can still separate the development version of an application from its production version by using two workspaces accessing separate schemas. In this case, one workspace will be used by developers and the other will be the workspace in which the application is deployed in production.
  11. When to Virtual Providers based on DTP?
    Answer: When only some amount of data is used.
    You need to access up to date data from an SAP source system.
    Only a few users execute queries simultaneously on the database.
  12. Explain the architecture of the SAP BW system and its components?
    Answer: OLAP Processor
    Metadata Repository,
    Process designer and other functions.
    Business Explorer BEx is a reporting and analysis tool that supports query, analysis and reporting functions in BI. Using BEx, you can analyze historical and current data to a different degree of analysis.
  13. How does change run affect aggregate?
    Answer: Newly loaded master data is not active until the change run has been applied to hierarchy.
  14. What do you mean by the term Rollup in the SAP BW?
    Answer: Generally, this approach is considered when it comes to packing the new data packages in the Info-cubes. This is generally done because the entire data in the Infocube doesn’t remain available during the reporting processes.
  15. Name two types of Multi providers and compare them to each other?
    Answer: These are Homogenous and Heterogeneous. In homogenous, there are info-providers which are similar to one another in terms of all their technical specifications and other technical details. They can also have similar key figures and characteristics.

On the other side, Heterogeneous are the ones which are ones that have only a limited number of identical characters as well as the key figures. It can be used for modeling while the homogenous cannot be considered for this task. All the scenarios can easily be divided into the sub-categories and have their dedicated info-provider.

  1. Is it possible for the users to convert the package group into a Process Chain? If so, how?
    Answer: Yes, this can be done easily. For this, the user has to first make a double click on the group defining the info. Next is to open the Process Chain Management option from it. After this, the users have to type the name and the description post in which the task is done automatically.
  2. What exactly do you know about the term Data Flow in the Business Intelligence or Business Warehouse?
    Answer: It defines the path adopted by the data and how it reaches from one specific location to another in a domain or a warehouse. Some various rules and regulations govern the control over the same. Generally, the flow is from a transactional to an analytical system.
  3. What is the Process chain and when you can use the same in the Data Warehouse?
    Answer: It is an approach that is useful when it comes to automating the loading process of the date. Several important processes such as Indices, Data Load, as well as the deletion can be automated provided some basic conditions are met and the best thing is the users don’t have a lot of concern with the type of data you generally make use of.
  4. Can you name a few important tasks which are essential in the data warehousing and management of the same?
  • Collection integration, as well as management of the data and the concerned tasks
  • Making effective plans and analyzing the situations with the help of data stored
  • The next important task is reporting. There are many tools in SAP BW application that are useful in this matter and enable the user to keep up the pace even when the data is present on the browser or in the excel.
  • Next important module is to assure broadcast publishing
  • Making sure of security is the next big thing as privacy always matters for any businesses when it comes to dealing with the data whether structured or unstructured
  • Checkout SAP BW Tutorials
  1. What is Geographical Information in the SAP BW and for what purpose it is used commonly?
    Answer: Geographical Information generally consists of information related to a customer, origin, a region of the sales, transaction history and a lot more. It can be accessed through a geographical system, named as BEx.
  2. What is the process chain and how you used it?
    Answer: Process chains are a tool available in BW for Automation of the upload of master data and transaction data while taking care of dependency between each process.

In one of our scenarios, we wanted to upload wholesale price info object which will have a wholesale price for all the material. Then we wanted to load transaction data. While loading transaction data to populate wholesale prices, there was a lookup in the update rule on this InfoObject master data table. This dependency of first uploading master data and then uploading transaction data was done through the process chain.

  1. What is the function of the ‘reconstruction’ tab in an info cube?
    Answer: It reconstructs the deleted requests from the info cube. If a request has been deleted and later someone wants the data records of that request to be added to the info cube, one can use the reconstruction tab to add those records. It goes to the PSA and brings the data to the info cube.
  2. What is an open hub service?
    Answer: The open hub service enables you to distribute data from an SAP BW system into external data marts, analytical applications, and other applications. With this, you can ensure controlled distribution using several systems. The central object for the export of data is the Infospoke. Using this, you can define the object from which the data comes and into which target it is transferred. Through the open hub service, SAP BW becomes a hub of an enterprise data warehouse. The distribution of data becomes clear through central monitoring from the distribution status in the BW system.
  3. What are extractors? Name a few which are used commonly in the SAP BW?
    Answer: Many times there is a need to extract the data from the system programmer. This task generally needs a lot of time and effort too. With the help of an extractor, it can be accomplished very easily and in a proper time frame. The users are free to consider them in the SAP Business Warehouse easily. A few which are used commonly are as under:
  4. Customer Generated Extractors
    2. Application-Specific Attractors
    3. Cross Application Extractors
  5. Compare Info cubes with Operational Data Store?
    Answer: The level of data in the ODS is very high and every single detailed about the same can be grabbed easily. On the other side, not many details are present in the Info cubes about the data.
    It is possible to control the ODS with a key whereas the same is not possible in case of an Infocube
    ODS is a flat structure but Infocube is a 16-dimensional approach
    Under a Cube, there can be multiple ODS. Generally, it can be said that Infocube can have data that is derived generally from the ODS.
  6. What exactly do you know about Business Warehouse statistics?
    Answer: There are several cubes present in the SAP and they are considered for measuring the performance of data loading and query handling. All the data in the Warehouse can be shown or can be displayed with the help of this approach. Generally, it keeps an eye on the overall time queries take to accomplish a task or how quick they are responded.
  7. What is compression in the Data Warehouse?
    Answer: It is a procedure that is considered for eliminating the additional ID’s. Its main aim is to make sure that the maximum space remains available on the warehouse so that the maximum amount of data can be stored. A compression is a useful approach with the help of which the users can make sure that no duplicate or unused IDs exist in the warehouse environment which can sometimes slow down the system performance.
  8. How do perform real-time data acquisition in a BW system?
    Answer: Real-time data acquisition is based on moving data to Business Warehouse in real-time. Data is sent to the delta queue or PSA table in real-time.

Real-time data acquisition can be achieved in two scenarios −
By using InfoPackage for real-time data acquisition using Service API.

  • Using Web Service to load data to Persistent Storage Area PSA and then by using real-time DTP to move the data to DSO.

Real-time Data Acquisition Background Process −

  • To process data to InfoPackage and data transfer process DTP at regular intervals, you can use a background process known as Daemon.
  • Daemon process gets all the information from InfoPackage and DTP that which data is to be transferred and which PSA and Data sore objects to be loaded with data.
  1. Tell something you know about the dimension in the Warehouse and how it can be optimized?
    Answer: Generally, the Data Warehouse has a group of reference information about any activity. The same is considered as a dimension in the warehouse. For optimization, the users have to make sure that there are no dynamic characters that remain present in the dimension and there should also be a strict upper limit on the size of the same.
  2. What is generally included in the Data Target Administrative task?
    Answer: All the information regarding the database statics, Indexes, Info-cube comparison, Deleting the data target, as well as maintenance, can be located in the Data target Administrative Task.

Note: Browse latest SAP BW  interview questions and    SAP BW tutorial. Here you can check  SAP BW Training details and   SAP training videos for self learning. Contact +91 988 502 2027 for more information.


Part 7:

Q1. Explain the architecture of SAP BW system and its components

Ans: OLAP Processor
Metadata Repository,
Process designer and other functions.
Business Explorer BEx is reporting and analysis tool that support query, analysis and reporting functions in BI. Using BEx, you can analyze historical and current data to different degree of analysis.

Q2. What is an InfoObject and why it is used in SAP BI?

Ans: Info Objects are known as smallest unit in SAP BI and are used in Info Providers, DSO’s, Multi providers, etc. Each Info Provider contains multiple Info Objects.
InfoObjects are used in reports to analyze the data stored and to provide information to decision makers.

Q3. What are the different categories of InfoObjects in BW system?

Ans: Info Objects can be categorized into below categories −

  • Characteristics like Customer, Product, etc.
  • Units like Quantity sold, currency, etc.
  • Key Figures like Total Revenue, Profit, etc.
  • Time characteristics like Year, quarter, etc.

Q4. What is the use of Infoarea in SAP BW system?

Ans: Info Area in SAP BI are used to group similar types of object together. Info Area are used to manage Info Cubes and Info Objects. Each Info Objects resides in an Info Area and you can define it a folder which is used to hold similar files together.

Q5. How do you access to source system data in BI without extraction?

Ans: To access data in BI source system directly. You can directly access to source system data in BI without extraction using Virtual Providers. Virtual providers can be defined as InfoProviders where transactional data is not stored in the object. Virtual providers allow only read access on BI data.

Q6. What are different types on Virtual providers?
Ans: VirtualProviders based on DTP
VirtualProviders with function modules
VirtualProviders based on BAPI’s

Q7. Which Virtual Providers are used in which scenario of data extraction?
VirtualProviders based on DTP −

Ans: This type of Virtual Providers are based on the data source or an Info Provider and they take characteristics and key figures of source. Same extractors are used to select data in source system as you use to replicate data into BI system.

Q8. When to Virtual Providers based on DTP?

Ans: When only some amount of data is used.
You need to access up to date data from a SAP source system.
Only few users executes queries simultaneously on the database.

Q9. Virtual Provider with Function Module −

Ans: This Virtual Provider is used to display data from non BI data source to BI without copying the data to BI structure. The data can be local or remote. This is used primarily for SEM application.

Q10. What is the use of Transformation and how the mapping is done in BW?

Ans: Transformation process is used to perform data consolidation, cleansing and data integration. When data is loaded from one BI object to other BI object, transformation is applied on the data. Transformation is used to convert a field of source into the target object format.
Transformation rules −
Transformation rules are used to map source fields and target fields. Different rule types can be used for transformation.

Q11. How do perform real time data acquisition in BW system?

Ans: Real time data acquisition is based on moving data to Business Warehouse in real time. Data is sent to delta queue or PSA table in real time.
Real time data acquisition can be achieved in two scenarios −
By using InfoPackage for real time data acquisition using Service API.
Using Web Service to load data to Persistent Storage Area PSA and then by using real time DTP to move the data to DSO.
Real time Data Acquisition Background Process −
To process data to InfoPackage and data transfer process DTP at regular intervals, you can use a background process known as Daemon.
Daemon process gets all the information from InfoPackage and DTP that which data is to be transferred and which PSA and Data sore objects to be loaded with data.

Q12. What is InfoObject catalog?

Ans: InfoObjects are created in Info Object catalog. It is possible that an Info Object can be assigned to different Info Catalog.

Q13. What is the use DSO in BW system? What kind of data is stored in DSO’sWhat are the different components in DSO architecture?

Ans: To access data for reporting and analysis immediately after it is loaded,

Q14. What all data sources you have used to acquire data in SAP BW system?


  • SAP systems (SAP Applications/SAP ECC)
  • Relational Database (Oracle, SQL Server, etc.)
  • Flat File (Excel, Notepad)
  • Multidimensional Source systems (Universe using UDI connector)
  • Web Services that transfer data to BI by means of push

Q15. When you are using SAP BI7.x, you can load the data to which component?

Ans: In BW 3.5, you can load data in Persistence Staging Area and also in targets from source system but If you are using SAP BI 7.0 data load should be restricted to PSA only for latest versions.

Q16. What is an InfoPackage?

Ans: An InfoPackage is used to specify how and when to load data to BI system from different data sources. An InfoPackage contains all the information how data is loaded from source system to a data source or PSA. InfoPackage consists of condition for requesting data from a source system.
Note that using an InfoPackage in BW 3.5, you can load data in Persistence Staging Area and also in targets from source system but If you are using SAP BI 7.0 data load should be restricted to PSA only for latest versions.

Q17. What is extended Star schema? Which of the tables are inside and outside cube in an extended star schema?

Ans: In Extended Star schema, Fact tables are connected to Dimension tables and dimension table is connected to SID table and SID table is connected to master data tables. In Extended star schema you have Fact and Dimension tables are inside the cube however SID tables are outside cube. When you load the transactional data into Info cube, Dim Id’s are generated based on SID’s and these Dim id’s are used in fact tables.

Q18. How extended Star schema is different from Star schema?

Ans: In Extended Star schema one fact table can connect to 16 dimensions tables and each dimension table is assigned with 248 maximum SID tables. SID tables are also called Characteristics and each characteristic can have master data tables like ATTR, Text, etc.
In Star Schema, Each Dimension is joined to one single Fact table. Each Dimension is represented by only one dimension and is not further normalized.
Dimension Table contains set of attribute that are used to analyze the data.

Q19. which Data store object is used?

Ans: DataStore object for direct update allows you to access data for reporting and analysis immediately after it is loaded. It is different from standard DSO’s in the way how it processed the data. Data is stored in same format in which it was loaded to DataStore object for direct update by the application.


Q20. Explain the structure of direct update DSO’s?

Ans: one table for active data and no change log area exists. Data is retrieved from external systems using API’s.
Below API’s exists −

  • RSDRI_ODSO_INSERT: These are used to insert new data.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_INSERT_RFC: Similar to RSDRI_ODSO_INSERT and can be called up remotely.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_MODIFY: This is used to insert data having new keys.For data with keys already in the system, the data is changed.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_MODIFY_RFC: Similar to RSDRI_ODSO_MODIFY and can be called up remotely.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_UPDATE: This API is used to update existing data.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_UPDATE_RFC: This is similar to RSDRI_ODSO_UPDATE and can be called up remotely.
  • RSDRI_ODSO_DELETE_RFC: This API is used to delete the data.

Q21. Can we perform Delta uploads in direct update DSO’s?

Ans: As structure of this DSO contains one table for active data and no change log so this doesn’t allow delta update to InfoProviders.

Q22. What is write optimized DSO’s?

Ans: In Write optimized DSO, data that is loaded is available immediately for the further processing.

Q23. Where do we use Write optimized DSO’s?

Ans: Write optimized DSO provides a temporary storage area for large sets of data if you are executing complex transformations for this data before it is written to the DataStore object. The data can then be updated to further InfoProviders. You only have to create the complex transformations once for all data.
Write-optimized DataStore objects are used as the EDW layer for saving data. Business rules are only applied when the data is updated to additional InfoProviders.

Q24. Explain the structure of Write optimized DSO’s? How it is different from Standard DSO’s?

Ans: It only contains table of active data and there is no need to activate the data as required with standard DSO. This allows you to process the data more quickly.

Q25. To perform a Join on dataset, what type of InfoProviders should be used?

Ans: Infosets are defined as special type of InfoProviders where data sources contains Join rule on DataStore objects, standard InfoCubes or InfoObject with master data characteristics. InfoSets are used to join data and that data is used in BI system.

Q26. What is a temporal join?

Ans: Temporal Joins: are used to map a period of time. At the time of reporting, other InfoProviders handle time-dependent master data in such a way that the record that is valid for a pre-defined unique key date is used each time. You can define Temporal join that contains atleast one time-dependent characteristic or a pseudo time-dependent InfoProvider.

Q27. Where do we use InfoSet in BI system?

Ans: Infosets are used to analyze the data in multiple InfoProviders by combining master data charactertics, DataStore Objects, and InfoCubes.
You can use temporal join with InfoSet to specify a particular point of time when you want to evaluate the data.
You can use reporting using Business Explorer BEx on DSO’s without enabling BEx indicator.

Q28. What are the different type of InfoSet joins?


  • Inner Join
  • Left Outer Join
  • Temporal Join
  • Self Join

Q29. What is the use of InfoCube in BW system?

Ans: InfoCube is defined as multidimensional dataset which is used for analysis in a BEx query. An InfoCube consists of set of relational tables which are logically joined to implement star schema. A Fact table in star schema is joined with multiple dimension tables.
You can add data from one or more InfoSource or InfoProviders to an InfoCube. They are available as InfoProviders for analysis and reporting purposes.

Q30. What is the structure of InfoCube?

Ans: An InfoCube is used to store the data physically. It consists of a number of InfoObjects that are filled with data from staging. It has the structure of a star schema.
In SAP BI, an Infocube contains Extended Star Schema as shown above.
An InfoCube consists of a fact table which is surrounded by 16 dimension tables and master data that is lying outside the cube.

Q31. What is the use of real time InfoCube? How do you enter data in real time InfoCubes?

Ans: Real time InfoCubes are used to support parallel write access. Real time InfoCubes are used in connection with the entry of planning data.
You can enter the data in Real time InfoCubes in two different ways −
Transaction for entering planning data
BI Staging

Q32. How do you create a real time InfoCube in administrator workbench?

Ans: A real time InfoCube can be created using Real Time Indicator check box.

Q33. Can you make an InfoObject as info provider and why?

Ans: Yes, when you want to report on charactertics or master data, you can make them as InfoProvider.

Q34. Is it possible to convert a standard InfoCube to real time InfoCube?

Ans: To convert a standard InfoCube to real time InfoCube, you have two options −
Convert with loss of Transactional data
Conversion with Retention of Transaction Data

Q35. Can you convert an InfoPackage group into a Process chain?

Ans: Yes, Double Click on the info package grp → Process Chain Maintenance button and type in the name and description.

Q36. When you define aggregates, what are the available options?


  • H Hierarchy
  • F fixed value
  • Blank

Q37. Can you setup InfoObjects as Virtual Providers?

Q38. To perform a Union operation on InfoProviders, which InfoProvider is uses?

Ans: MultiProvider

Q39.Explain the different between Operation Data store, InfoCube and MultiProvider?

Ans: ODS −
They provide granular data, allows overwrite and data is in transparent tables, ideal for drilldown and RRI.
InfoCube −
This is used for star schema, we can only append data, ideal for primary reporting.
MultiProvider −
It contains a physical data and allow to access data from different InfoProviders.

Q40. What do you understand by Start and update routine?


Start Routines − The start routine is run for each Data Package after the data has been written to the PSA and before the transfer rules have been executed. It allows complex computations for a key figure or a characteristic. It has no return value. Its purpose is to execute preliminary calculations and to store them in global Data Structures. This structure or table can be accessed in the other routines. The entire Data Package in the transfer structure format is used as a parameter for the routine.


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