Part 1 :

Q1. Reversing the Usage Decision document

I am having a problem with the UD that I have taken for the created Inspection Lot. The following are the steps for the goods Receipt:
GR Blocked stock (MVT Type -103);
Release GR Block Stock (My Type -105);
The stock is there in the Quality and the Inspection Lot is created;
I did all the QA11 and took the Usage decision on that inspection Lot. Once I have taken the Usage decision, the stock gets shifted to the Unrestricted Area.
How do I reverse the Usage Decision Document?

Ans: If you use 322, it is trying to create a new inspection lot. If you have inspection type 08 active, it will move into QI stock and create another inspection lot.
Instead, you can try canceling the original movement document that transferred the material out of QI stock.

Q2. Inspection Origin 05 Movement types

Which movement types refer to inspection origin 05?
I’ve also noticed that 451 refers to origin 05. Is it 5xx?
Do all movement types in Transaction Code MB1C refer to origin 05?

Ans: You need to check the T156S-QSSHK. It shows the inspection lot origin for all movement types. There you can find the answers to your queries.

Q3. Automatic usage decision and stock movements

I have executed massive automatic usage decision via QA16 and noticed that no stock postings been updated. The system noted the usage decision but didn’t carry any goods movements.
Why were the stock postings not updated?
Is it possible to execute in mass via QA16?

Ans: You should make sure that the UD codes you use have the automatic postings setup for it. The selected set code needs to be set for background postings and what material status it should post to. Take care of these and it will take care of the problems.

Q4. Inspection Lot Status

Is anyone aware of the standard SAP function module that sets the status of an inspection lot?
I need to change the status of a lot based on certain conditions and looked at QFPO_POST_STATUS_FOR_LOT but this didn’t return anything.
I need the status of the lot to be INSP RREC so that I can forward the result copy on to batch classification.

Ans: In general, forcing a change to the system status is not a very good idea. Instead, you should consider using a user status. If the system status is not RREC then, there will be no results to copy.

Q5. Inspection lot creation

Is it possible to make the inspection lot quantity to (1) all the time?
Can it be configured as an automatic default in QA01?
If yes, what are the steps necessary to make a sample size default every time we create an inspection lot?

Ans: 1. If you are referring to the Sample Size the answer is yes.
2. If you are referring to the Lot Size, then the answer is no.
For the lot quantity, you can use a sampling procedure of type fixed and assign the size to 1.

Q6. Quality planning after GR

In our plant, GR for the material was made three months back. This material is QM managed. The quality plan for this material was made this month only.
Hence our QM personnel are not able to clear this particular GR.
How do I go about it?
What is the TCode for it and how do I proceed?

Ans: You can reset the Sample Calculation and Recalculate the change in Start & Inspection end date in QA02.
In QA02 you can also change the key date on the second tab so it looks for a plan on that date. If that plan has already been created, you can then change the key date to the current date and it will find the plan.

Q7. Result Transfer

How do I transfer the results from one origin to another origin?

Ans: This can be done by creating a program attached to the follow-up functions for the UD code. Once the UD is done the results can be transferred from lot to lot

Q8. Invoice quantity

I had a Problem at doing MIRO.
For example:
My GR qty was 1000;
My Lot Qty was 1000;
After quality inspection, I posted 900 in unrestricted and the remaining 100 in reserve so at the time the system was showing invoice quantity as 1000.
My FI people would like MIRO, at the same time, have the system automatically take the quantity which I posted in unrestricted.
Is this possible?
If so, how can this be accomplished?
If some other quantity should reflect in invoice quantity does it mean I should put it in rejected or should I return it to vendor quantity?

Ans: It is not possible to restrict invoice quantity since reservation movement does not create any accounting documents.
If you post the quantity back to the vendor, (in QA11/QA12 Stock Posting) the invoice should get updated.

Q9. Two inspection lots created for source inspection

We encountered a problem in the source inspected material.
It creates inspection lot with inspection type 0130 for source inspection material through qi07 transaction manually against a particular purchase order. The problem is, the inspection lot is created automatically with goods inspection type 01 for the same purchase order when the material is received.
When we check with Q-info record it has a lead time set for one day. We also checked the material master for quality setting and found that it has both inspection types 01 and 0130 as well.
But the creation of two inspection lots for the same material, batch, and purchase order is not happening for all materials. It will happen randomly.
Will this setting in material master cause the second inspection lot creation for goods receipt?
Does the lead time cause this effect?
What could be the cause for this and how do I solve it?

Ans: You can check your Q-info record. In the area where you define the inspection type to use for the source inspection, there is an indicator “source inspection – no GR”. If that is on, there is no GR (01 inspection type) created.

Q10. Stock postings not yet completed for a lot

I have a problem regarding “Stock postings not yet completed for a lot”.
Here’s my scenario:
I have a PO having one line. I GRd it and 1000PCs goes to QI. When I view the delivery tab, the stock type is set to unrestricted use for that line item.
Actually, I have already done mvt type 321 (from QI to unrestricted) for the 1000 pieces and that 1000 pieces have already been issued.
My problem is, I have an inspection lot of 1000pc in QI shown in QVM3. When I go to QVM3, an inspection lot is shown there and I tried to release the 1000 piece QI stock to unrestricted and I got an error:
“1,000 pieces incorrect posting to unrestricted use stock, error message: Deficit of BA Stock in quality inspection 1,000 piece”
This is because I have already used up the 1000 pieces.
So I tried to record UD via QVM3. After that, it disappears in QVM3. But it appears in QVM where there is another message:
“Stock postings not yet completed for a lot” beside the inspection .end date.
Weird thing is that I have done mvt 321 successfully and moved the QI stock to unrestricted but it still remains unreleased in qvm3 or qvm2.
I need the lot to disappear in qvm2, how do I do it?
Can I cancel it without adversely affecting the rest of my stock?
Does canceling the lot solve my problem?
Doing this in QVM2 > Usage Decision > Functions > Cancel the Lot?

Ans: Check the Material Documents posted for that Inspection Lot. It may give some input as to how the errors came about.
The system will also not allow the 321 in MB1B with reference to the Inspection Lot. You cannot use MB* transactions to move Inspection Stocks related to an Inspection Lot.
Try cancelling that material document (321) and Repost using QA12.
Or, an alternative would be instead of doing QVM3, transfer the posting via mb1b. Resolve the issue by using mb1a mvt 552 (scrapping) then move it to QI. Once you have the stocks in QI, you can now release it in qvm3. After releasing, write off the stocks via mb1a mvt 551.

Q11. User as default partner in Notification

I want the system to take my user name as the default for partner AO Author while creating a notification. I’ve created the partner determination profile and assigned it to the notification but it is not defaulting the user name as a partner.
What can I do to correct this?

Ans: I assume that you have an organization for the partners. I think you need to utilize workflow and do some coding.
Utilize user ids. Use the KU for coordinator since it is for the user, and KO is for the person which requires HR. When a Q3 based notification is created the coordinator would have defaulted. But as I said, it requires organization, workflow and some coding.

Q12. MIC Long text history

Where does the system store MIC long text history?
When I tried using, ‘Read_text function module’, the system is fetching only new long text.
How do I fetch the old long text of MIC?

Ans: The system does not store the long text history, because it is a text. To maintain the long text, create MIC with the appropriate versions and assign MIC in the task list as per the required version. The setting is in customization for the plant level, MIC with history.
An alternative recourse is to check out AUT10. You need to set it up, but it allows you to track changes to any Long Text. I believe it is available from 4.5 or 4.6.

Q13. Regarding + ve check-in In-process Inspection

For a particular product, we have six (6) different stages. I have added a few MICs on Operation/Phase no. 40 in TCode C202 so that I can record results for In-process Inspection.
I have the following two queries:
While taking UD for this In-process Inspection, I cannot subtract sample quantity because the ‘Inspection Lot Stock’ tab doesn’t appear. How can I subtract samples for this In-process Inspection lot?
It was decided that the In-process Inspection will not be a +ve check (i.e. even if I reject a particular operation, the PP person can go ahead with the next operation). I just want for a particular product, that the In-process Inspection should be a +ve check i.e. unless I approve this operation. The PP person should not be able to proceed to the next operation.
How do I accomplish this?

Ans: First of all, there will be no Stock posting tab for 03 type inspection lot. It is controlled by PP for posting inventory (i.e. goods receipt) by appropriate control key for an operation.
During the confirmation by PP, they can declare the scrap/sample quantity, which is for reporting/costing and not inventory.
The second point to be controlled by the control key for an operation confirmation setting. Try it.

Q14. Process order problem W.R.T Inspection lot

Why can’t the process set deletion flag? The system gives a message that the inspection lot is still open.
What do I do with the inspection lot?
Should I cancel it? If so, is it possible?
Note: Usage decision is not made yet.
What is the procedure to cancel the inspection lot?

Ans: It’s inspection type 03. Try QA02 and change inspection lot.
In there you can cancel the inspection lot.
If it is production order CO02, go to functions –> Inspection Lot –> delete and save. The inspection lot will be deleted. Then set the deletion flag for the order.

Q15. Collective Usage Decision

When I execute the TC: QA16 it is not showing any Inspection Lot. But there are many Inspection lots which are matching the selected criteria.
I have looked into the Material Master Auto usage decision which has been ticked (checked), even though I haven’t checked it. What could be the reasons for this?
Why is the inspection lot not displayed? Are there any settings I need to make to have them displayed?
I have checked all the conditions i.e.
Characteristic processing is completed. – i.e. Status 5 No usage decision has been made.
No characteristics have been rejected. No defects have been recorded.
Even after all the conditions are met it is not displaying any Inspection lot. What may be the other reasons for this?

Ans: Check if all the characteristics in the inspection lot have been evaluated and are completed – status 5.
Also, verify whether the lot is created with an inspection point because collective UD cannot be made for a lot with further inspection (Inspection point).

Checkout SAP QM Tutorials

Q16. Quality Certificate against delivery- QC20

I am facing a typical problem while I try to generate a COA against a delivery.
I have created a certificate profiled and assigned it to Material/customer.
I have produced a batch and recorded the result and done the UD.
I have created a delivery for the same batch. I have maintained the setting required for the output type LQCB.
I have also created the recipient using transaction VV22.
Still, I am not able to generate the COA against delivery.
There is a message saying ‘No messages’.
I am sure I am missing some settings in the output type.
What do I do to correct this and what are the steps I need to do for the output type setting?

Ans: First, you need to create a Q-Infoset. Then, create one with transaction QV51.

Q17. Extra posting proposal in UD

Can somebody explain to me how a new posting proposal can be added in order to use this in the catalogue assigned to a UD code?
There is a new one but won’t be available (VMENGE01) until 2007.
I want to add an extra one.

Ans: Try the customizing path Quality Management —
Quality Inspection –> Inspection Lot completion —
Define inventory postings.

Q18. Payment control question

The process for payment in our company is as follows:
‘GR–QI–accept or return—if accept payment’.
Before, we control the payment as ‘the first GR with movement type 103’, and if the quality is satisfactory we use 105 to receive it. Related people can compare the invoice quantity with the GR quantity and do the related payment.
Last month, we implemented a new QM module and with the QM module, we only can use movement type 101 to do goods received. With this, we could not compare GR quantity with invoice quantity to do the payment. We also had to check individually before the payment. This process takes time and could easily cause mistakes.
Is there a better way of doing this?

Ans: To handle the GR, check the configuration to see if QM is active for movement 105.
Now that you’ve switched on QM you should do both 103 & 105 to get the stock in QI and keep it there for your quality inspection.
The check you’re talking about can be managed by switching on QM in procurement and using QM Control key 0007 (in the Material Master).
The system will then block the invoice while the stock is in QI. If the batch has approved the block will be removed.

Q19. QM Certificates

The deletion flag on Production Order was set but had to be revoked to allow further goods issues. Issues have now taken place but in trying to reset the deletion flag, the following error message occurs. “The order has been flagged with delivery complete”.
What are the settings necessary for generating Quality certificates in SAP?

Ans: You’re normally not allowed to mark a Production order for deletion as long as the financial value on the order isn’t zero and/or you’ve got materials posted to it.
I can’t see the point in deleting an order with postings. That way you’d probably mess up both logistics and accounting.

Q20. Shelf life monitoring

I have a scenario of monitoring the shelf life for the material.
As such, I have maintained the follow ing settings:
Shelf life and batch data in Plant data 1 (MM01);
09 inspection type for QM view in MM01 ;
Activated movement type for the plant OMJ5;
Still, I face some problem in monitoring the shelf life. The inspection lot is not being generated after the expiration of the period.
The batches are being posted to Blocked stock. No inspection lot is getting generated automatically.
Is there any way to post the material to the QI stock so the lot will be generated automatically?
Is there some other setting that has to be maintained?

Ans: Maintain inspection interval in material master. Check if the stock is available for that material or not. Then execute deadline monitoring of the batch in transaction qa07.
You can also check the next inspection date in the batch master. Unless it was set up for recurring inspection when you did the original 01, this date may not be populated.
You can also check your indicators in QA07 to ensure you have the inspection lot and block option checked. Also, check the expiration date. The expiration date should be checked before the next inspection date.

Q21. Inspection of material for different vendors

I have a requirement from a client for inspection of material for different vendors. Characteristics change from vendor to vendor. Automatically, the inspection plan will need to be selected based on the vendor.
How do I accomplish this?

Ans: In the material to plan assignment, scroll to the right and you will see a vendor column. If you put a vendor number in that column, that is the plan that will be selected for the material/plant/vendor.

Q22. Missing attachments in the notification (QM01)

I know it should be possible to attach files, pictures, etc. when creating notifications. However, I am working right now in an automotive release and cannot find the button anymore.
Did we miss something?
What can be wrong?

Ans: Check what type of user you have set up.
Sometimes the security guys set up a testing ID as a different type than a regular user. Some ID types don’t have the ability to use the Object services functionality.

Q23. Different inspection interval when retesting a material

We have a requirement to use reduced inspection duration when we re-test a batch of material.
For example, when we first test a batch that has just been manufactured, the inspection duration is two years so the batch gets a next inspection date two years into the future.
When we retest this material in the future (as it approaches the next inspection date), we want to use an inspection duration of only 50% of the original inspection duration (one year in this example). So the batch gets a new next inspection date one year into the future. This applies to all re-tests (to only use 50% of the defined inspection duration).
As there is only one field in the material master for the inspection interval (in the QM view) I do not know of any way of achieving this in SAP.
How do I resolve this problem?

Ans: For re-test, you have to use inspection plans with usage code 9. So for these plans, you can create your specific requirements separate from the plans related to usage 1 (production).
Alternatively, there is actually a user-exit (QEVA0003) available where the system calculates the next inspection date. You just need to write the program to calculate the next date.

Q24. Change Inspection Stock of material in QM Only

I have activated 04 Inspection type with a post to Inspection stock for a material.
I have left QM not active unchecked for 101 Mvt type for Mvt Indicator F (GR for Order) in OMJJ.
While I am doing GR for the Process Order, the ‘101’ message appears.
What is the problem and how can I resolve this?

Ans: If the process order was created after you modified the material, then it’s an “old” process order, and this may explain the error.
If there was an existing stock of this material before you start, then try this first with a newly created material. Afterward, the error you describe should not happen.

Q25. Cancel a production confirmation with an inspection point.

I’m using transaction QE11 to confirm production orders (inspection point by shift ‘120’) and to save defects. The problem is that I can not reverse these production confirmations with transaction CO13 as I do normally in PP.
How I can cancel this production confirmation to delete 101 for the production and 261 for all the raw materials?
Note: I don’t want a reverse material document.

Ans: For technical and logical reasons, you cannot reverse an integrated production confirmation with inspection points and auto GR. Instead, you have to reverse the material document.
An alternative solution is to enter again in transaction QE11 the inspection point. Put to reverse indicate “non-confirmation”. In this way, the PP confirmation is reversed.

Q26. Table for an upper limit

In the inspection plan, I have a character with the upper limit.
In which table can I find this value?

Ans: Look at table PLMK.
If it is a reference MIC, also check QPMK.
These are for checking the plan. The Inspection Lot keeps them in different values.

Q27. User Exit for Vendor Evaluation

I am using exit MM06L001 (Function Module-EXIT_SAPMM06L_001 ) for quality criteria. The scores of the sub-criteria are calculated on the basis of quality notifications and inspection lots. But no score is getting calculated for the vendor.
Where did I go wrong and what can I do to remedy the error?

Ans: Regarding quality notification, do verify the following:
Notification completed with External origin.
Invoice verification already took place.
As for the inspection lot, verify that usage decision has been made. In addition, verify customization of all required parameters (as listed in the documentation under QM->Quality Control->Vendor Evaluation).

Q28. Customer – material combination inspection plan in 04 inspection type

I have one issue. I have in my plant discrete manufacturing which makes two orders. It is produced based on the sales order. Inspection is based on the customer mentioned in the sales order.
How do I create different inspection plans according to customer – material combination with inspection type 04?
Another requirement is at different stages of production down the BOM level. The inspection should be done for the same customer and the plan should be attached to the GR (04) automatically at all the stages, according to that customer.
How can I fulfill this requirement?

Ans: You can create different task lists in the same group and same usage with different group counters. Now while in the task overview screen, choose menu inspection plan->material T-List assignment. As a table pops up, you can specify which task list applies to which customer. You can also create multiple entries for the same group counter and with different customers.

Q29. BDC_OPEN_GROUP, lock date./. is invalid

When I try to upload data with LSMW to create an inspection plan, the system shows the message:
“BDC_OPEN_GROUP, lock date./. is invalid”.
I have BDC authority, so what’s the problem?

Ans: Did you enter a date for field START in structure BI000? The date has to be earlier than today’s date.
The queue start date specifies the day until which a batch input folder is locked. You cannot process a locked batch input folder until the day after the specified date.

Q30. Validity date of inspection plans

We have a problem where inspection plans have to be maintained as counter one with e.g. four characteristics. A second plan, counters two, has a fifth characteristic and should be valid from e.g. next week and for the next two weeks. After that period, plan counter one has to be valid again.
How this can be maintained?
Is there a chance to maintain the “valid to-date” in the plan header?
I tried to change an inspection plan with change number, but I only had the possibility to maintain the Valid from date. The valid date is still 31.12.9999.
What could be wrong and how could this be corrected?

Ans: Check the engineering change functionality in SAP.
On Header level, you can select the change mode (only with change number). With those change numbers, you can plan and maintain changes of the inspection plan in advance.
You can also try using one inspection plan and use this functionality. In this case, you will have only one plan (Header and Counter) but via the Valid until date more “plans”. You will see how the plan looks like for a certain period.
For your last question, create an ECN with effectively type DATE. (Effectively, the type is to be specified in the opening screen itself). Then enter effectively intervals (shift+F9), and there you are.

Q31. Report stating the PO number and pending Inspection Lot Number

I am doing quality after doing Migo MVt Type 105. So when the Migo Mvt Type105 doc is saved then the inspection lot is generated and the stock is in Quality.
Can you tell me the transaction code for the stock on which the usage decision is pending? It should tell me the PO number also.

Ans: You can use the list display transaction code
QE51N and in the EXCEPTION criteria you can specify it to be ‘UD Not done’.
Otherwise, in the same transaction code QE51N in the output columns, you can display the column “Usage decision by” and sort by it so that the blank ones are on the top. Those blank ones are the lots for which UD was not done. Once you find out the lot numbers you can open the lot and see the order number in it.
QVM3 is the most suitable t-code to find such lots.
Alternately, t-code QA11 has an opening screen with a button: Lots without UD. Give your selection criteria there and execute. In the list that is generated, click on the inspection lot number and you are taken to the inspection lot details screen, which shows, among other things, the PO, the production order or the sales order number. Whichever applies for you.

Q32. Regarding sample size

I have a packing material whose unit of measurement (UOM) is THS.
Our sampling system is that when the incoming quantity of material is between 1 NOS to 100 NOS we take 1 NOS samples. Between 101 NOS to 2000 NOS we take 20 NOS samples and above it, we take a fix of 30 NOS samples. Now, these limits are in NOS and the sample quantity which I mentioned is also in NOS. I have given the alternate UOM as NOS in the material master with the equation 1000 NOS = 1 THS.
While creating the sampling scheme if I want to mention the lot size in NOS, I will have to use decimals i.e. I have to write 0.001 THS instead of 1 NOS and the sampling scheme doesn’t allow me to enter lot size or sample size in decimals.
How do I create a sampling scheme which can fulfill this criterion of mine and how do I attach it to the quality plan?

Ans: Do not disturb the sampling scheme. Let it be like this:
Up to 100 units: 1
Up to 200 units: 20
Up to (say) 100000 units: 30
Now, in the ‘sample’ tab for inspection characteristics, mention the sample unit of measure as NOS and base sample quantity as 1.

Q33. Automatic Creation of inspection lots (89)

Is there a way to create inspection lot programmatically in an ABAP Report?
Is there any Business object, function module or user exit?
We went to 1 lot for 1 shift. We use inspection origin 89 (manual). Therefore we’re searching for a way to create the inspection lot via job (ABAP program).
How do I resolve this?

Ans: Automatic creation of Inspection lot in SAP is governed by Inspection lot origin, inspection type, etc.
You have to give the details of why you want an inspection lot creation by program or ABAP report.
Instead, you can use a report /program to do it. Standard SAP provides this functionality.
If it is in–process inspection, you can use inspection points based on shifts.

Q34. Skip lots

I was in the process of testing the scenario of skip lots. I have done all the data maintenance in the material master and the dynamic modification rule. The quality level is getting updated to a skip stage, but the stock is not getting directly put into unrestricted stock when the lot should be skipping.
Where am I going wrong and how do I correct this?

Ans: This can be done by setting the Control Inspection lot indicator in the QM view of the material master to each material document.
It works for DMR at a lot and characteristic level.

Q35. Changing the status of an inspection lot after completion

We have two inspection lots for which UD has already been done. Later on, we realized that these lots the sample size was not calculated. Now we want to reset the “Sample Calculation” but notable as the status of the lot is “UD done”.
Is there a way we can reverse UD or reset the status of an inspection lot?

Ans: Under normal conditions, a UD cannot be reversed.

Q36. Error in return delivery to the vendor

I could not create return delivery for a material. The message display is:
How do I fix this problem?

Ans: Check in the configuration. The message clearly says that for the Warehouse no. 010 you have not allowed movement type “102”.
You have to change this configuration and add a line or move the stock to a warehouse where customer returns are allowed.

Q37. QM tables

How do I populate additional entries directly into the tables?

Ans: It depends on which tables you are talking about because some tables can be directly maintained in PRD. For some, you have to transport it maintaining in the DEV system. For example, number ranges are not transportable. You have to maintain it directly in every instance.
If you are talking about mass maintenance, Standard SAP QM does not have it by now. You can talk to your developer to write a program for you by which you can do mass maintenance. Otherwise, SM30 is good enough to run.

Q38. Delete COA Profile while in Release status

I have created some Certificate Profiles that need to be deleted. But they are all in released status. I know that Certificate Profile cannot be deleted if it is in “REL” status.
How I should deal with this issue?

Ans: It seems to me you could potentially block the profile – from within the profile, edit -> block profile.
Once it’s blocked, you can proceed with the deletion.

Q39. Batches in QM

I need some guidelines in maintaining the settings for batch management in QM.
What are the customizations necessary for batch management from QM point of view?
How the inspection lots get triggered and how are they connected/interlinked to the batches?

Ans: The links have to do with your configuration of batch management for your material. If the materials in question are batch managed and are purchased or manufactured within your organization when the material is received using the 101 movement type, the batch is created and assigned in the background to the inspection lot.
Depending on how you’ve designed your inspection plan or material specification, you can build the master inspection characteristics, dependent on class characteristics, that will copy the inspection results into the batch record.
This is less QM configuration than it is MM-Batch Management configuration and material master definition.

Q40. Automatic lot creation for movement type

There’s a specific scenario for my client.
During production, only for the rejection from the production department (during confirmation), QC wants to play a role.
So we propose this:
When there’s a rejection, the production department will move the stock manually to QI and in case of acceptance, it will move to unrestricted.
Can inspection lots be generated automatically at the time of movement to QI?

Ans: If the requirement in your case is that:
The inspection lot will be created after inspection i.e. the lot will be created with the quantity inspected and rejected quantity when production is taking place then the only solution is to create the inspection lot “Automatically”.
The reason being by standard SAP there is no control provided at the level of “Movement types” for “Automatic creation of inspection lots”.
Standard SAP assumes that there can’t be an inspection without an inspection lot.
In your case, you are physically doing the inspection without creating an inspection lot and you want to create a lot only if there’s a rejection. Standard SAP does not consider it to be good practice and hence does not support automatic creation of Inspection lot at this stage.
However, SAP does not stop you from creating a manual lot at any stage and perform an inspection.

Q41. Vendor blocked for quality reasons

I am getting an error message while creating a scheduling agreement with one vendor:
“Vendor blocked for quality reasons”
Message no. 06884
Quality Management has blocked this vendor as a source of supply for this material.”
How do I activate this vendor again?

Ans: Go to the relevant quality info record (QI02) and see if the vendor can be released from there.
Go to the “Vendor master change TCODE ‘XK02”. Once the vendor master is displayed, go to the menu function “Extras–>Blocked data”. On this screen, there is a section at the end for “Block for quality reasons”. The field “Block function” must have been filled with some code like “99/**”. Just blank out this field and save the data and the vendor will be released.
However, as a good practice, you might want to check with “Quality/Purchasing” department if they have knowingly blocked the vendor, as receiving against a blocked vendor is not allowed in many companies.

Q42. Usage decision

I want to post the stock from Quality Inspection to unrestricted use partially with two UD codes for the same inspection lot. But the QGA2 system will show the total document posted on only one usage decision code. I want to evaluate the stock on the basis of the usage decision code.
How can I resolve this issue?

Ans: You could use inspection points and partial lots. In this way, you may have a different UD for inspection points and inventory posting accordingly.

Q43. Assigning inspection type to inspection origin

While customizing, I’ve come across setting of inspection type to inspection origin. I wondered why it is not possible to assign a specific inspection type to more than one inspection origin. I wanted to assign inspection type 06 to inspection origin 05 and 06 but an error message appeared.
The funny thing is, that one inspection origin can have several inspection types. What is it used for?

Ans: The inspection lot origin is a key used by SAP to determine where an inspection came from or what the source is.
In the case of inspection lot origin 01, any inspection related to this originally came from a purchase order or contract (e.g., a scheduling agreement). A lot is generated under this origin, delivered, and are numbered beginning with 01.
However, because multiple types of inspection may be possible for inspections originating from purchases, the origin includes several inspection types. Delivered, you’ll find regular, series inspection and the first article or pilot inspection types. The system controls these through status management in the quality info record. Regardless of the type of inspection, however, all 01 origin inspection lots are numbered beginning 01 and require vendor/PO data as part of the inspection lot creation.
Moving an existing inspection type from one origin to another won’t work, because the inspection types also have their own default values in the IMG that are relevant to the origins. You’re better off creating additional inspection types manually, but for the most part, SAP has created the standards one would need to implement the inspection process.

Q44. Vendor blocked for quality reasons

I am getting an error message while creating a scheduling agreement with one vendor:
Vendor blocked for quality reasons
Message no. 06884
Quality Management has blocked this vendor as a source of supply for this material.
How do I activate this vendor again?

Ans: QInfo Record (Transaction: QI02) should be the best starting point.
Or else check in the Vendor Master.

Q45. Question about the workflow of QM

I have a problem with quality notification.
When I release a task in the quality notification, the person that I specify in the response can’t receive the workflow task item in his workplace. I’ve activated the event link in the customizing of QN.
Why doesn’t it work?
If I use this function, what steps should I do?

Ans: You’ll need to maintain the Workflow. Even though SAP supply lots of ‘finished’ WF’s ready to use, there’s always something to adjust or set up.
The Agent Assignment has to be maintained for the task in the WF.
If you’ve got a WF responsible in your company you should talk to her/him. If not, you might have to try doing it yourself.
Maintaining a WF in the ‘Workflow builder’ isn’t impossible. Try transaction SWDD. Enter the WF number (Use Structure search to find the relevant WF) and press the ‘Check button’. You’ll get some messages in the field at the bottom of the screen. All error messages and also the information messages about Agents you’ll have to take care of to get the WF working. If you click on the message the system will take you to where you need to maintain.
When you’re through handling all messages you’ll have to activate the WF before trying the notification again.

Q46. Batch status

I would like to know where the batch status can be set in SAP. We have the stock type Q for Quality Inspection. We would like stock type R for rework and S for blocked.
Where can this be set in SAP?

Ans: There is no way to create a new status. The only thing you can do, if you have Batch Management, is to activate the Batch status so you can have Unrestricted (blank), Quality (Q) and Blocked (S). Having these batch statuses, you can duplicate all stocks to restricted Q, blank and S.

Q47. Operation wise UD

I am having 3 different operations. The 0020 and 0030 Operation is dependent on the 0010 operations. It means that once the RR is done for operation 0010, manual UD has to be taken immediately. The results are recorded for operation 0020 & 0030 and finally, a common UD is made for both 0020 & 0030 operations. This is the case for incoming inspection and in-process inspection.
Is there any customization for this type of RR & UD?

Ans: You could use Inspection Points for 0010 (it has its own UD) and then use the Inspection Lot UD for the whole process.

Q48. Material Spec-Usage

How do I use material specification?
If I want to use material specifications, what are the things I should do?

Ans: To use Material specification you need to have:
Class Characteristics;
MIC’s linked to the Class Characteristics;
A Class containing the Class Characteristics, assigned to the Material Master;
Material spec maintained. (QS61);
Limit values for the characteristics maintained in the classification view in the material master;
Inspection with material specification chosen in the inspection type in the material master.

Q49. Manual Valuation for MIC

While RR for some of the MIC’s, the system is asking for Manual Valuation and for some it is not asking.
I want the system to ask Manual Valuation for all the MICs.
What settings should I do to get this?

Ans: Check your Valuation Mode / Sampling Procedure. From there, you can find the settings needed to configure your requirement.

Q50. Different material type for the same material

Is it advisable to create a different material type for the same material?
One material type would be with quality active. The other would be without quality inspection.
In case of emergency, the without quality material shall be issued to production.
What may be the disadvantages?
How can this situation be handled without creating a different material type?

Ans: Instead of defining a separate material for
“emergency purpose”, I would suggest you should skip the inspection by forcing completion on the characteristics and make a usage decision as “accepted without inspection”, or something similar.
This way, there will be a record that the inspection lot was closed without inspection. The exact circumstances which qualified as an emergency can be recorded in the long text for UD.
Alternatively, if it is a batch managed material, you could try using the “restricted use” status.
Failing that, if you have the samples, you can still use QA11 to post the material without making the actual usage decision. When you finish the inspection, finish the lot normally. If it fails, you will need to track down where the material was used and bring it back.

Q51. External processing inspection

I would like to set up an External processing inspection. My process is
Generate Production order
In routing.
The first operation is an internal process.
The second operation is external processing, system generate PR for external processing
The third operation is an internal process.
I would like to know the following:
What is the standard setting for this scenario?
Which Inspection type will we use? Should it be in- process or GR?
Do we use Routing or inspection plan?

Ans: In case you want the material should be inspected after it returns from external processing, then you must use inspection type 01, for GR against the PO that you will create for external processing. The plan for this will be different (as opposed to the routing).

Q52. Cancellation of inspection lots

Is it possible to cancel the inspection lot once it has been created?

Ans: You can cancel it by reversing the transaction that created it.
It’s also possible to go into the inspection lot in Chance mode and set the status to “locked”. It will then disappear, but if there’s QI stock linked to it you won’t get it out.

Q53. Deactivate QM inspection

If a material quality history is good and we would like to deactivate the inspection. Currently, we know if we want to do this, no inspection lot would exist.
At the same time when we check in the purchase order position delivery view, there are stock indicator X.
If we deactivate the inspection for following GR, which stock type will it be and how can it be modified?

Ans: If you deactivate QM in the QM view of the material you’ll see that there’s a field called ‘Post to Insp. stock’ appearing.
If that is ticked. the material will go to QI, but as long as QM isn’t activated you can do an ordinary MM transaction MB1B or MIGO_TR with movement 321 to get it to unrestricted use.
If you remove the selection ‘Post to Insp. stock’, the stock will go to unrestricted use.

Q54. Two inspection lots generated for customer returns.

I have assigned 05 as inspection type in material master and assigned 5 as usage in task list for a material. Once this material is returned from the customer (thorough SD module – returns delivery), I am getting two inspection lots generated, one with REL CALC and other with REL CALC SPQR status.
Since I want to have the segregation of stock after UD, I want the lot with REL CALC SPRQ status only.
How can I avoid the lot which is generated with REL CALC status?

Ans: Since you’ve got one with and one without SPRQ it seems like you’ve got two different Insp. types triggering the two lots.
Check which inst. type is triggering the inspection lot without the SPRQ, and consider deactivating it in the Material master.

Q55. Problem with the batch generation

I am using SAP 4.OB.
We are using partial lots in QM (only partial lots and no batches) but while making the Usage Decision, the system asked a for the batch number (maybe because of material being managed in batches). Hence, we require a batch number. I made settings in customizing for batch management and initiated batch creation at production order release so that we can put this batch number at the usage decision.
We are using a system where the batch is generated while we make GR against production order. (It will pick batch number created at order release automatically).

But we make GR for partial production order quantities so we require a different batch number for each partial quantity. However, it picks the same batch number created at order release time. Once a partial quantity with a batch number is posted, an error message will pop up indicating that batch was already posted to inventory, so that same batch number cannot be used for multiple postings.
I want a separate batch number just for use in a usage decision which should not be in conflict with the batch in GR.

In GR, the batch should be created automatically for each partial production order quantity.
How can I accomplish this requirement?

Ans: You have contradicting logic when you create batch at order release and the fact that you do not always want to use this batch in the case of a partial receipt. Unless the shop floor wants to print labels or papers etc., you should not create a batch with the order.
IF you are using partial lots, create a new batch for every partial lot. That would be cleaner and would fulfill your requirement.

Q56. Automatic closing of lots with origin 03

I can remember my consultant telling me he has set up a job running overnight that closes all lots of origin 03 if the order was confirmed.
It does not seem to work. I’d like to check this job and if necessary set it up again.
Could you give me some hint where and how I can do that?

Ans: Check transaction QA40. This will do what you need. Create a variant and run this on a nightly basis.
Follow the steps below:
Go to QA40 & check whether there are variants created. IF not, create variants as in the development server.
After the creation of variant go to QA41 & click on each variant & click “Schedule job”.
Enter a suitable time i.e. in the night & click
“schedule periodically”
Click on “days” radio button & press create.
This will schedule the job every day
Repeat this process for all variants.

Q57. What is the difference between the inspection method and inspection plan?

Ans: An inspection plan in SAP is normally a task list based high-level object describing details about what characteristics must be tested in order to ensure the quality of the product.
The inspection method is detailed info describing how to carry out inspection. It is a separate object and can be assigned to either characteristic or in the plan directly.

Q58. What is the difference between selected sets and code groups?

Ans: Selected set contains a combination of different codes at plant level code group are at the client level

Q59. How to clear inspection stock from qty. one of material is in qty. I am trying using movement type 322 but it is showing error clear inspection stock from qm only. by using qa32 when I am changing status there it is not opening task list tab .any expert can solve this problem?

Ans: 1. Check the inspection lot status
2. If it starts with CRTD — create or if already available assign task list to inspection lot
3. Change inspection lot key date and assign task list to inspection lot
4. Inspection lot must be RELEASED
if yes
Do result in recording and post the stock using usage decision screen

Q60. How many types of testings are there in QM implementation? Give a brief explanation

Ans: Mainly 3 types:
1. QM in procurement-Inwards goods receipt inspection. 
2. QM in production- During operations and prdn ordr goods receipt.
3. QM in sales- Inspection for a delivery 

Q61. How to Prepare the Functional Requirements Specifications (FRS)?

Ans: IBM itself is having a separate division (Life Science) to perform the CSV. Refer to them / contact them to get the FRS

Q62. How to get inspection lot certificate

Ans: First, create a certificate profile using QC01 T code & then assign it to the material using T code QC15.
After this, you can check certificate analysis creation by using the following transaction codes.
A. T code QC20 – From delivery
B. T code QC21 – From Inspection lot
C. T code QC22 – From Batch.

Q63. How many partner functions are there in SAP?

Ans: Three Partner Functions in MM Module.
1. OA-Ordering Address
2. VA-Vendor
3. PI-Invoicing Party
Total 38 partner functions in SAP

Part 2:

1 .Which Movement Types Refer To Inspection Origin 05?


You need to check the T156S-QASK. It shows the inspection lot origin for all movement types.

2 I Have Executed Massive Automatic Usage Decision Via Qa16 And Noticed That No Stock Postings Been Updated. The System Noted The Usage Decision But Didn’t Carry Any Goods Movements. Why Were The Stock Postings Not Updated? Is It Possible To Execute In Mass Via Qa16?


You should make sure that the UD codes you use have the automatic postings setup for it. The selected set code needs to be set for background postings and what material status it should post to. Take care of these and it will take care of the problems.

3 .I Need To Change The Status Of A Lot Based On Certain Conditions And Looked At Qfpo_post_status_for_lot But This Didn’t Return Anything. I Need The Status Of The Lot To Be Insp Rrec So That I Can Forward The Result Copy On To Batch Classification?


In general, forcing a change to the system status is not a very good idea. Instead, you should consider using a user status. If the system status is not RREC then, there will be no results to copy.

4 .Is It Possible To Make The Inspection Lot Quantity To (1) All The Time? Can It Be Configured As An Automatic Default In Qa01? If Yes, What Are The Steps Necessary To Make A Sample Size Default Every Time We Create An Inspection Lot?


If you are referring to the Sample Size the answer is yes. If you are referring to the Lot Size, then the answer is no. For the lot quantity, you can use a sampling procedure of type fixed and assign the size to 1.

5.In Our Plant, Gr For A Material Was Made Three Months Back. This Material Is Qm Managed. The Quality Plan For This Material Was Made This Month Only. Hence Our Qm Personnel Are Not Able To Clear This Particular Gr. How Do I Go About It? What Is The Tcode For It And How Do I Proceed?


You can reset the Sample Calculation and Recalculate the change in Start & Inspection end date in QA02. In QA02 you can also change the key date on the second tab so it looks for a plan on that date. If that plan has already been created, you can then change the key date to the current date and it will find the plan.

6.How Do I Transfer The Results From One Origin To Another Origin?


This can be done by creating a program attached to the follow up functions for the UD code. Once the UD is done the results can be transferred from lot to lot

7 .I Want The System To Take My User Name As Default For Partner Ao Author While Creating A Notification. I’ve Created The Partner Determination Profile And Assigned It To The Notification But It Is Not Defaulting The User Name As Partner. What Can I Do To Correct This?


I assume that you have an organization for the partners. I think you need to utilize workflow and do some coding. Utilize the user ids. Use the KU for coordinator since it is for the user, and KO is for the person which requires HR. When a Q3 based notification is created the coordinator would be defaulted. But as I said, it requires organization, workflow and some coding.

8.Where Does The System Store Mic Long Text History? When I Tried Using, ‘read_text Function Module’, The System Is Fetching Only New Long Text. How Do I Fetch The Old Long Text Of Mic?


The system does not store the long text history, because it is a text. To maintain the long text, create MIC with the appropriate versions and assign MIC in the task list as per the required version. The setting is in customization for the plant level, MIC with history. An alternative recourse is to check out AUT10. You need to set it up, but it allows you to track changes to any Long Text. I believe it is available from 4.5 or 4.6.

9.Can Somebody Explain To Me How A New Posting Proposal Can Be Added In Order To Use This In The Catalog Assigned To A Ud Code? There Is A New One But Won’t Be Available (vmenge01) Until 2007. I Want To Add An Extra One.


Try the customizing path Quality Management — > Quality Inspection –> Inspection Lot completion — > Define inventory postings.

10.The Deletion Flag On Production Order Was Set But Had To Be Revoked To Allow Further Goods Issues. Issues Have Now Taken Place But In Trying To Reset The Deletion Flag, The Following Error Message Occurs. “The Order Has Been Flagged With Delivery Complete”. What Are The Settings Necessary For Generating Quality Certificates In Sap?


You’re normally not allowed to mark a Production order for deletion as long as the financial value on the order isn’t zero and/or you’ve got materials posted to it. I can’t see the point in deleting an order with postings. That way you’d probably mess up both logistics and accounting.

Generating Quality Certificates In Sap

11 .I Have A Requirement From A Client For Inspection Of A Material For Different Vendors. Characteristics Change From Vendor To Vendor. Automatically , The Inspection Plan Will Need To Be Selected Based On The Vendor. How Do I Accomplish This?


In the material to plan the assignment, scroll to the right and you will see a vendor column. If you put a vendor number in that column, that is the plan that will be selected for the material/plant/vendor.

12.I Know It Should Be Possible To Attach Files, Pictures Etc. When Creating Notifications. However, I Am Working Right Now In An Automotive Release And Cannot Find The Button Anymore. Did We Miss Something? What Can Be Wrong?


Check what type of user you have set up. Sometimes the security guys set up a testing ID as a different type than a regular user. Some ID types don’t have the ability to use the Object services functionality.

13.I Have Activated 04 Inspection Type With Post To Inspection Stock For A Material. I Have Left Qm Not Active Unchecked For 101 Mvt Type For Mvt Indicator F (gr For Order) In Omjj. While I Am Doing Gr For The Process Order, The ‘101’ Message Appears. What Is The Problem And How Can I Resolve This?


If the process order was created after you modified the material, then it’s an “old” process order, and this may explain the error. If there was an existing stock of this material before you start, then try this first with a newly created material. Afterwards, the error you describe should not happen.

14.In The Inspection Plan I Have A Characteristic With Upper Limit. In Which Table Can I Find This Value?


Look at table PLMK. If it is a reference MIC, also check QPMK. These are for checking the plan. The Inspection Lot keeps them in different values.

15.I Am Using Exit Mm06l001 (function Module- Exit_sapmm06l_001) For Quality Criteria. The Scores Of The Sub Criteria Are Calculated On The Basis Of Quality Notifications And Inspection Lots. But No Score Is Getting Calculated For The Vendor. Where Did I Go Wrong And What Can I Do To Remedy The Error?


Regarding quality notification, do verify the following:

  • Notification completed with External origin.
  • Invoice verification already took place.

As for inspection, verify that usage decisions have been made. In addition, verify customization of all required parameters (as listed in documentation under QM->Quality Control->Vendor Evaluation).

16 .When I Try To Upload Data With Lsmw To Create Inspection Plan, The System Shows The Message: “bdc_open_group, Lock Date./. Is Invalid”. I Have Bdc Authority, So What’s The Problem?


Did you enter a date for field START in structure BI000? The date has to be earlier than today’s date. The queue start date specifies the day until which a batch input folder is locked. You cannot process a locked batch input folder until the day after the specified date.

17.I Am Doing Quality After Doing Migo Mvt Type 105. So When The Migo Mvt Type105 Doc Is Saved Then The Inspection Lot Is Generated And The Stock Is In Quality. Can You Tell Me The Transaction Code For The Stock On Which The Usage Decision Is Pending?


You can use the list display transaction code QE51N and in the EXCEPTION criteria you can specify it to be ‘UD Not done’. Otherwise in the same transaction code QE51N in the output columns, you can display the column “Usage decision by” and sort by it so that the blank ones are on the top. Those blank ones are the lots for which UD was not done. Once you find out the lot numbers you can open the lot and see the order number in it.

18 .Is There A Way To Create Inspection Lot Programmatically In An Abap Report? Is There Any Business Object, Function Module Or User Exit? We Went To 1 Lot For 1 Shift. We Use Inspection Origin 89 (manual). Therefore We’re Searching For A Way To Create The Inspection Lot Via Job (abap Program). How Do I Resolve This?


Automatic creation of Inspection lot in SAP is governed by Inspection lot origin, inspection type, etc. You have to give the details of why you want an inspection lot creation by program or ABAP report. Instead, you can use a report /program to do it. Standard SAP provides this functionality. If it is in-process inspection, you can use inspection points based on shifts.

19.I Was In The Process Of Testing The Scenario Of Skip Lots. I Have Done All The Data Maintenance In The Material Master And The Dynamic Modification Rule. The Quality Level Is Getting Updated To A Skip Stage, But The Stock Is Not Getting Directly Put Into Unrestricted Stock When The Lot Should Be Skipping. Where Am I Going Wrong And How Do I Correct This?


This can be done by setting the Control Inspection lot indicator in the QM view of the material master to each material document. Iit works for DMR at a lot and characteristic level.

20.We Have Two Inspection Lots For Which Ud Has Already Been Done. Later On We Realized That These Lots The Sample Size Was Not Calculated. Now We Want To Reset The “sample Calculation” But Not Able As The Status Of The Lot Is “ud Done”. Is There A Way We Can Reverse Ud Or Reset The Status Of An Inspection Lot?


Under normal conditions, a UD cannot be reversed.

Reverse Ud Or Reset The Status

21.How Do I Populate Additional Entries Directly Into The Tables? Is There Any Direct Way To Populate Fields In The Tables?


It depends on which tables you are talking about because some tables can be directly maintained in PRD. For some you have to transport it in the DEV system. For example, number ranges are not transportable. You have to maintain it directly in every instance. If you are talking about mass maintenance, Standard SAP QM does not have it by now. You can talk to your developer to write a program for you by which you can do a mass maintenance. Otherwise SM30 is good enough to run.

22.I Have Created Some Certificate Profiles That Need To Be Deleted. But They Are All In Released Status. I Know That Certificate Profile Cannot Be Deleted If It Is In “rel” Status. How Should I Deal With This Issue?


It seems to me you could potentially block the profile – from within the profile, edit -> block profile. Once it’s blocked, you can proceed with the deletion.

23.I Need Some Guidelines In Maintaining The Settings For Batch Management In Qm. What Are The Customizations Necessary For Batch Management From Qm Point Of View? How The Inspection Lots Get Triggered And How Are They Connected / Interlinked To The Batches?


The links have to do with your configuration of batch management for your material. If the materials in question are batch managed and are purchased or manufactured within your organization when the material is received using the 101 movement type, the batch is created and assigned in the background to the inspection lot. Depending on how you’ve designed your inspection plan or material specification, you can build the master inspection characteristics, dependent on class characteristics, that will copy the inspection results into the batch record. This is less QM configuration than it is MM-Batch Management configuration and material master definition.

24 .I Want To Post The Stock From Quality Inspection To Unrestricted Use Partially With Two Ud Codes For Same Inspection Lot. But The Qga2 System Will Show The Total Document Posted On Only One Usage Decision Code. I Want To Evaluate The Stock On The Basis Of Usage Decision Code. How Can I Resolve This Issue?


You could use inspection points and partial lots. In this way, you may have a different UD for inspection points and inventory posting accordingly.

25.I Would Like To Know Where The Batch Status Can Be Set In Sap. We Have The Stock Type Q For Quality Inspection. We Would Like Stock Type R For Rework And S For Blocked. Where Can This Be Set In Sap?


There is no way to create a new status. The only thing you can do, if you have Batch Management, is to activate the Batch status so you can have Unrestricted (blank), Quality (Q) and Blocked (S). Having these batch statuses, you can duplicate all stocks to restricted Q, blank and S.

26.I Am Having 3 Different Operations. The 0020 And 0030 Operation Is Dependent On The 0010 Operation. It Means That Once The Rr Is Done For Operation 0010, Manual Ud Has To Be Taken Immediately. Then Results Are Recorded For Operation 0020 & 0030 And Finally A Common Ud Is Made For Both 0020 & 0030 Operation. This Is The Case For Incoming Inspection And In Process Inspection. Is There Any Customization For This Type Of Rr & Ud?


You could use Inspection Points for 0010 (it has its own UD) and then use the Inspection Lot UD for the whole process.

27 .How Do I Use Material Specification? If I Want To Use Material Specification, What Are The Things I Should Do?


To use Material specification you need to have:

  • Class Characteristics;
  • MIC’s linked to the Class Characteristics;
  • A Class containing the Class Characteristics, assigned to the Material Master;
  • Material spec maintained. (QS61);
  • Limit values for the characteristics, maintained in the classification view in the material master;
  • Inspection with material specification chosen in the inspection type in the material master.

28 .While Rr For Some Of The Mic’s, The System Is Asking For Manual Valuation And For Some It Is Not Asking. I Want The System To Ask Manual Valuation For All The Mic’s. What Settings Should I Do To Get This?


Check your Valuation Mode / Sampling Procedure. From there, you can find the settings needed to configure your requirement.

29 .Is It Possible To Cancel The Inspection Lot Once It Has Been Created?


You can cancel it by reversing the transaction that created it. It’s also possible to go into the inspection lot in Chance mode and set the status to “locked”. It will then disappear, but if there’s QI stock linked to it you won’t get it out. Contact for more on SAP QM Online Training

  1. Name a few common tables and their description in the QM system?


  • QPAM Inspection catalog selected sets
  • QPMK Inspection characteristic master
  • QPMT Master Inspection Characteristics Texts
  • QPMZ Master Inspection characteristics MIC
  • QMAT Inspection type for material parameters
  • QMHU shows QM link in Inspection lot and handling unit Item
  • QMTB Inspection method master record
  • QMTT Inspection Method texts
  • QPAC Inspection catalog codes
  1. What are different search criteria you can use in the Quality Management system?


  • Material
  • Inspection lot creation date
  • Batch
  • Vendor
  • Inspection dates
  • Plant
  • Inspection type
  1. What are ISO standards for Quality Management?


The ISO 9000 family of quality management systems standards is designed to help organizations ensure that they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product.

ISO standards for Quality Management

  1. What are the advantages of using the SAP QM process?


  • SAP Quality management integration with other modules is one of the key aspects of quality management. You can implement the quality process in Material Management, Production planning and other SAP modules.
  • You can access to data maintained in the system related to customer, vendor and supplier master.
  • Using SAP QM, a standardize process can be implemented.
  • SAP Quality management process helps you to incorporate the improvement process – by monitoring the processes, defect identification and quality notifications.
  • You can perform automation of information flow by which inspection lot gets created automatically when you release the production order or goods receipt.
  • Using SAP quality management process, you can perform the quality compliance of raw materials when it is first delivered by vendors/suppliers and in process manufacturing and also after the production process is completed.
  • SAP QM also responsible to perform the compliance with customer’s quality specifications you ship the goods to customer as per Purchase order.

34.Explain difference between Requirement class and Requirement type?


Requirement type and requirement class are assigned with planning strategy. Requirement type is only description but it is contend of requirement classes they control the creation and execution of PIR, Sale Order & Stock consumption.

  1. How many Quality Principles are there? Could you name a few?


  • Customer Focus
  • Leadership
  • Process Approach
  • Involvement of People
  • System Approach to Management
  • Continual Improvement
  • Factual approach to decision making
  • Mutually beneficial supplier relationship
  1. What are the different partner functions in the SAP MM module?


  • Ordering Address OA
  • Vendor VA
  • Invoicing Party PI
  1. How do you get Inspection lot certificates?


Use QC21- Quality Certificate

  1. What is Quality Notification?


Quality notification you can record different types of problems that occurred due to poor quality of goods. Quality notifications can be created for the following internal and external problems −

  • Defect Analysis
  • Customer Complaint
  • Complaint against vendor

39.What are the different types of defect that can be processed under defect recording?


Complaints filed by customers

This includes the defects identified in goods that are delivered to customers. You can use standard SAP Quality notification Q1 to record customer complaint and take action against problems reported by customers.

Complaints identified in vendor delivered goods

This includes the defect identified with the quality of goods delivered from supplier/vendor. You use standard SAP QM notification type Q2 to record a complaint against the vendor and take action for the incoming material.

Internal Defects

This includes recording internal problems which are identified at the time of in process quality inspection. You use standard SAP QM notification type Q3 to deal with problems identified in goods manufactured in a company.

40.What do you understand about defect recording in the Quality Management process?


In SAP QM, you can capture different types of record which are identified at the time of inspection. SAP Quality notification can be used to analyze the defects identified and perform root cause analysis.

Defect recording in QM

41.Explain the different steps that are involved in the Final inspection process?


Final inspection process consists of the following steps −

  • Creation and Confirmation of Production order
  • Listing Inspection lot
  • Attaching and releasing inspection lot
  • Sampling
  • Result recording
  • Usage decision
  • Posting the stock
  1. What is the difference between Good Receipts Inspection and Source Inspection?


Goods Receipt Inspection −

  • Performed after receiving the goods
  • Performed at receivers/customers place
  • Goods receipt for purchase order triggers the inspection lot creation
  • Inspection lot is created after receiving the goods

Source Inspection −

  • Performed before receiving the goods
  • Performed generally at suppliers place with customers participation
  • Quality info record triggers the inspection lot creation. To trigger the lot open purchase order required for the Material, Plant and vendor combination.
  • Inspection lot created before receiving the goods based on the lead time in Quality Info record. There is also option to create inspection lot after goods receipt.
  1. What is the difference between Inspection Method and Inspection Plan?


Inspection plan in SAP is normally a task list based high level object describing details about what characteristics must be tested in order to ensure the quality of the product.

Inspection method is detailed info describing how to carry out inspection. It is a separate object and can be assigned to either characteristic or in the plan directly.

  1. What is the inspection type for final inspection?


Inspection lot type is 4 for final inspection.

  1. When the final inspection is performed in the QM process?


You perform final inspection of goods after production goods receipt in the SAP system. Inspection lot is created after goods receipt for a production order.

  1. What is the inspection type for in process Inspection?


The in process inspection has a reference to a production order in the SAP system. You generate an Inspection lot at the time of production order release and inspection type for in-process inspection is 03 in the system. When there is a production order release, inspection lot will be automatically created in the system.

  1. Is it possible to run the quality process for intermediate or finished products during the production process in the SAP system?


Yes, Example: Inspection in each shift, etc.

  1. How do you activate/deactivate Inspection type?


Go to Logistics → Quality management → Quality planning → Logistics master data → Material → Inspection setup.

Choose “Activate insp. type” or “Deactivate insp. Type.

49.Explain Quality Management specific data that you can maintain in material master to control the Inspection Plan?


To control QM activities, you can, for example, define the following −

  • Procurement data
  • Procurement control key
  • Certificate type
  • Requirements for the vendor’s QM system
  • Technical delivery terms

Display inspection setup −

  • Inspection type
  • Use of a task list or material specification
  • Results recording for characteristics
  • Quality score procedure
  • Sample determination
  1. What is Sap QM consultant?


Sap QM consultant

  1. What is result recording in the QM process?


You can do the result recording for the inspection lot created at the time of Goods Receipt.

To perform the Result recording, go to T-code: QA32

52 . What do you understand by lot inspection?


In SAP system, you can perform the incoming inspection for different materials like raw material inspection, in progress material inspection or final goods inspection. Good receipt is generated as part of purchasing or against a scheduling agreement.

For each good receipt, SAP system creates a one inspection lot which contains details- vendor, date or purchase, etc.

  1. What are different valuation parameters, and how sampling plan depend on valuation parameters?


You can create sampling schemes −

  • For attributive inspections
  • For variable inspections based on the s-method
  • Without valuation parameters, if you use the sampling scheme in a sample-drawing procedure or in a sampling procedure that calls for a sample calculation without a task list

Depending on the valuation parameter used, the sampling plan consists of −

  • The sample size, acceptance number, and rejection number for attributive inspections.
  • The sample size and K-factor for variable inspections.
  • The sample size if without valuation parameters was specified.
  1. How do you manage defects in the material supplied by the vendor/supplier?


Quality info records are used to manage the supplier relation in an organization. When there is continuous defect in the material supplied by a vendor, you can use quality info records to block a vendor.

When you create a purchase order, SAP system performs a check to find if a Quality info record is required and is available for combination of material and vendor.

Quality information record has to be maintained when you use the source inspection functionality that means a material has to undergo an inspection prior to the material reaching the plant for Goods Receipt.

You can set under Quality Info record that inspection is required when it is procured from vendor A and is not required if you procure from Vendor B.

  1. What do you define in an Inspection plan?


  • Materials to be inspected.
  • How the inspection of materials need to be taken place.
  • What characteristics to be inspected, work center and inspection specifications.
  • In the inspection plan, you have to define the sequence of inspection steps to be performed and the range of specifications as per master inspection characteristics MIC, sampling procedure to calculate the sample size for inspection, inspection method, etc.
  1. What do you understand by Actual Quality Level value AQL?


Maximum fraction of nonconforming units (as a percentage) or maximum number of defects per 100 units permitted for a lot to be accepted. The AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) is the quality level that represents the upper limit of a satisfactory average quality level for an acceptance sampling inspection.

57.Where do you use Sampling Procedures?


Sampling procedures can be referenced in task lists, material specifications and in the inspection setup. The where-used list displays the task lists, material specifications and inspection setup, in which a sampling procedure is used.

58 What is the use of Quality Control Chart type? What does it specify?


If you want to use quality control charts in a sampling procedure, you must enter a quality control chart type. The control chart type specifies −

  • The characteristics for which the control chart is suited
  • The control variables a chart contains
  • How the control limits are calculated
  1. How do you set Inspection point in an Inspection lot?

If you want to use inspection points in the sampling procedure, you need to set an indicator for the corresponding application area. This indicator specifies how many inspection points are to be created for each inspection lot.

  1. What is Valuation mode in Sampling Procedure?


The valuation mode defines the rules for accepting or rejecting a characteristic or sample. The sampling type and the valuation mode specify which parameters the system uses to determine a sample size.

Valuation mode in Sampling Procedure

  1. What is the use of Sampling Type?


The sampling type defines how a sample is calculated (for example, fixed sample, 100% inspection, use sampling scheme, percentage sample). Together with the valuation mode, the sampling type defines the parameters for sample determination.

Using the sampling type, the system proposes a list of rules for sample determination. If there is only one rule available, this is automatically chosen.

  1. What is a Sampling scheme?


A collection of sampling plans. You use a sampling scheme if you want to −

Determine the sample size on the basis of the lot size, inspection severity, or combination of inspection severity and AQL (actual quality level).

Store how a decision is made to accept or reject a characteristic.

Determine the number of physical samples, based on the lot size, or the number of containers in an inspection lot in sample management.

  1. How do you create an inspection method? An Inspection method can be created in one plant can be used in another plant?


You can use the inspection method to perform the inspection. An inspection method can be assigned to master inspection characteristics or directly to an inspection characteristics in an inspection plan.

An Inspection method can be created in one plant and the same method can be used in other plants.

Creating an Inspection method

To create an inspection method, use T-code: QS31.

  1. What are Qualitative specifications under Master Inspection characteristics?


These specifications can take values like true/false or OK/Not OK.

  1. What are Quantitative specifications under Master Inspection characteristics?


You can directly get the results for quantitative specifications from inspection while doing result recording. You can set limits like minimum and maximum value for each parameter at master level. You can also attach the inspection method to inspection specification level.

  1. What activities of Controlling are integrated with the Quality Management process?


You can integrate SAP QM with controlling process to manage the costs for defect control and non-confirmative costs in production process.

67.What activities of Production Planning are integrated with the Quality Management process?


  • You can integrate SAP QM with PP to perform the inspection planning and work scheduling in the SAP system.
  • As part of SAP quality management process, you handle inspection characteristics and also define characteristics for the operation.
  • You can manage quality inspections for manufacturing orders.
  • Using SAP QM, you can set up the final inspection from the goods receipt after production process is complete.
  • You can use QM process to manage partial lots of a material during production which are different in quality.
  • You can confirm the quality information as per manufacturing orders.
  • Using SAP QM, you can monitor the production quality with the help of control charts and reports in Production planning.
  1. What activities of SAP Sales and Distribution are integrated with the Quality Management process?


You can integrate SAP QM with Sales and Distribution to perform the following activities −

You can manage quality information related to customers for the sales and distribution process.

In SAP QM system, you can initiate an inspection when a delivery is created against a purchase order.

You can manage quality in sales & distribution by performing quality notifications and RCA’s and by processing customer complaints to improve customer satisfaction.

  1. Which all modules SAP quality Management QM process is integrated with?


  • SAP Material Management
  • SAP Production Planning
  • SAP Sales and Distribution
  • SAP Controlling

70.What is an Inspection plan in the QM process?


Inspection plan definition is an important part of the QM planning process. The inspection plan contains the number of characteristics of the item are to be inspected and list of tests to be performed for performing the inspection.

Inspection plan in the QM process

  1. What comes under the Quality assurance process?


Under Quality assurance, it includes the quality inspection.

A Quality inspection involves someone from the quality department inspecting an item as per defined points in the inspection plan. You perform the inspection based on one or more inspection lots, where a lot is a request to inspect a specific item.

In the SAP system, you can create an Inspection lot either manually by a user or automatically in the system.

  1. What comes under the Quality control process?


Under quality control, you have quality notifications, standard reports and Quality notification systems. What actions have to be taken as per defect finding.

  1. What is Quality notification?


The quality notification process includes recording problem that is either identified by a customer for a product manufactured in an organization, or in a company against the product of a supplier/vendor.

Quality notification can be raised internally to raise an issue that has arisen on the production line. A quality notification can be assigned to an existing order or you can also create a new order as per the quality notification.

  1. What are different standard reports in SAP Quality Management System?


You can create reports in the QM system to check how many times a product has been identified with a defect and improvement areas that your company has to implement. There are number of reports that can be generated in QM −

Material Defects report

It can be used to check the number of times an item has been identified with a defect status.

Vendor Defect report

This report is used to show the number of defective material supplied by a vendor.

This can be checked by examining the inspection lots for goods receipts, a quality department can highlight vendors who are material which are failing in inspection.

Customer Defect report

This report is used to show the defects that were found on inspections for outbound deliveries. This helps organizations to improve the quality of goods delivered and hence raise the customer satisfaction.

  1. What is the use of SAP Quality Management system?


SAP Quality Management is part of SAP R/3 system and is integrated with other SAP modules like SAP Material Management MM, Production Planning PP and Plant Maintenance. QM is integral part of logistic management and is used to perform quality functions at incoming material, in process manufacturing process and raw material as well in the facility.

  1. What are the different functions in SAP Quality Management?


  • Quality Planning
  • Quality Notifications
  • Quality Inspection

Quality planning allows the inspection of goods from the vendor, raw material, work in process and final product.

Quality notification includes the defect identification and steps to be taken by the quality department.

  1. What is QM software used for?


QM software allows organizations to get a global picture of their quality system and to respond to issues quickly. QM hardware is typically one of the solutions used to monitor quality, mainly through the use of testing equipment.

  1. What is the Usage decision in SAP QM?I want to post the stock from Quality Inspection to unrestricted use partially with two UD codes for the same inspection lot. But the QGA2 system will show the total document posted on only one usage decision code. I want to evaluate the stock on the basis of the usage decision code.How can I resolve this issue?


You could use inspection points and partial lots. In this way, you may have a different UD for inspection points and inventory posting accordingly.

80 . How to get inspection lot certificate?


First, create a certificate profile using QC01 T code & then assign it to the material using T code QC15.

After this, you can check certificate analysis creation by using the following transaction codes.

  • T code QC20 – From delivery
  • T code QC21 – From Inspection lot
  • T code QC22 – From Batch.
  1. Why are vendors blocked for quality reasons?I am getting an error message while creating a scheduling agreement with one vendor: Vendor blocked for quality reasons Message no. 06884. Diagnosis. Quality Management has blocked this vendor as a source of supply for this material. How do I activate this vendor again?


QInfo Record (Transaction: QI02) should be the best starting point. Or else check in the Vendor Master.

82.What is the Workflow in QA process?


Workflow in QA process

  1. What is Batch status in SAP QM?


There is no way to create a new status. The only thing you can do, if you have Batch Management, is to activate the Batch status so you can have Unrestricted (blank), Quality (Q) and Blocked (S). Having these batch statuses, you can duplicate all stocks to restricted Q, blank and S.

84.. What is Operation wise UD?


You could use Inspection Points for 0010 (it has its own UD) and then use the Inspection Lot UD for the whole process.

  1. What is Manual Valuation for MIC?


Check your Valuation Mode / Sampling Procedure. From there, you can find the settings needed to configure your requirement.

  1. Is it advisable to create a different material type for the same material?


Instead of defining a separate material for “emergency purpose”, I would suggest you should skip the inspection by forcing completion on the characteristics and make a usage decision as “accepted without inspection”, or something similar.

This way, there will be a record that the inspection lot was closed without inspection. The exact circumstances which qualified as an emergency can be recorded in the long text for UD.

Alternatively, if it is a batch managed material, you could try using the “restricted use” status.

Failing that, if you have the samples, you can still use QA11 to post the material without making the actual usage decision. When you finish the inspection, finish the lot normally. If it fails, you will need to track down where the material was used and bring it back.

  1. Which Inspection type will we use? Should it be in- process or GR?Do we use Routing or inspection plan?


In case you want the material to be inspected after it returns from external processing, then you must use inspection type 01, for GR against the PO that you will create for external processing. The plan for this will be different (as opposed to the routing).

  1. Is it possible to cancel the inspection lot once it has been created?


You can cancel it by reversing the transaction that created it.

It’s also possible to go into the inspection lot in Chance mode and set the status to “locked”. It will then disappear, but if there’s QI stock linked to it you won’t get it out.

  1. If a material quality history is good and we would like to deactivate the inspection. Currently, we know if we want to do this, no inspection lot would exist.At the same time when we check in the purchase order position delivery view, there are stock indicator X.If we deactivate the inspection for following GR, which stock type will it be and how can it be modified?


If you deactivate QM in the QM view of the material you’ll see that there’s a field called ‘Post to Insp. stock’ appearing.

If that is ticked. The material will go to QI, but as long as QM isn’t activated you can do an ordinary MM transaction MB1B or MIGO_TR with movement 321 to get it to unrestricted use.

If you remove the selection ‘Post to Insp. stock’, the stock will go to unrestricted use.

  1. .How can I avoid the lot which is generated with REL CALC status?


Since you’ve got one with and one without SPRQ it seems like you’ve got two different Insp. types triggering the two lots.

Check which inst. type is triggering the inspection lot without the SPRQ, and consider deactivating it in the Material master.

  1. How to Prepare the Functional Requirements Specifications (FRS)?


IBM itself is having a separate division (Life Science) to perform the CSV. Refer to them / contact them to get the FRS

  1. I can remember my consultant telling me he has set up a job running overnight that closes all lots of origin 03 if the order was confirmed. It does not seem to work. I’d like to check this job and if necessary set it up again. Could you give me some hint where and how I can do that?


Check transaction QA40. This will do what you need. Create a variant and run this on a nightly basis.

Follow the steps below:

Go to QA40 & check whether there are variants created. IF not, create variants as in the development server.

After the creation of the variant go to QA41 & click on each variant & click “Schedule job”.

Enter a suitable time i.e. in the night & click “schedule periodically”

Click on the “days” radio button & press create.

This will schedule the job every day

Repeat this process for all variants.

  1. What is the difference between the inspection method and inspection plan?


An inspection plan in SAP is normally a task list based on high-level objects describing details about what characteristics must be tested in order to ensure the quality of the product.

The inspection method is detailed info describing how to carry out an inspection. It is a separate object and can be assigned to either characteristic or in the plan directly.

Part 3 :

  1. What is the use of SAP Quality Management system?
    SAP Quality Management is part of SAP R/3 system and is integrated with other SAP modules like SAP Material Management MM, SAP Production Planning PP and Plant Maintenance. QM is integral part of logistic management and is used to perform quality functions at incoming material, in process manufacturing process and raw material as well in the facility.
  2. What activities of SAP Sales and Distribution are integrated with Quality Management process?
    You can integrate SAP QM with Sales and Distribution to perform the following activities −

    • You can manage quality information related to customer for sales and distribution process.
    • In SAP QM system, you can initiate an inspection when a delivery is created against a purchase order.
    • You can manage quality in sales and distribution by performing quality notifications and RCA’s and by processing customer complaints to improve customer satisfaction.
  3. What is the use of Quality Control Chart type? What does it specify?
    If you want to use quality control charts in a sampling procedure, you must enter a quality control chart type. The control chart type specifies −
    • The characteristics for which the control chart is suited
    • The control vMyISAMbles a chart contains
    • How the control limits are calculated
  4. How many Quality Principles are there? Could you name few?
    • Customer Focus
    • Leadership
    • Process Approach
    • Involvement of People
    • System Approach to Management
    • Continual Improvement
    • Factual approach to decision making
    • Mutually beneficial supplier relationship
  5. Name few common tables and their description in QM system?
    • QPAM Inspection catalog selected sets
    • QPMK Inspection characteristic master
    • QPMT Master Inspection Characteristics Texts
    • QPMZ Master Inspection charactertics MIC
    • QMAT Inspection type for material parameters
    • QMHU shows QM link in Inspection lot and handling unit Item
    • QMTB Inspection method master record
    • QMTT Inspection Method texts
    • QPAC Inspection catalog codes
  6. What is ISO standards for Quality Management?The ISO 9000 family of quality management systems standards is designed to help organizations ensure that they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product.
  7. Explain the different steps that are involved in Final inspection process?
    Final inspection process consists of the following steps −
    • Creation and Confirmation of Production order
    • Listing Inspection lot
    • Attaching and releasing inspection lot
    • Sampling
    • Result recording
    • Usage decision
    • Posting the stock
  8. What is usage decision again Inspection lot?Usage decision is used to decide whether you want to accept or reject the goods in the inspection lot based on the results of the inspection. As per inspection results the process is marked as completed.
  9. What do you define in an Inspection plan?
    • Materials to be inspected. ·
    • How the inspection of materials need to be taken place. ·
    • Characteristics to be inspected, work center and inspection specifications. ·
    • In the inspection plan, you have to define the sequence of inspection steps to be performed and the range of specifications as per master inspection characteristics MIC, sampling procedure to calculate the sample size for inspection, inspection method, etc.
  10. Where do you use Sampling Procedures?
    Sampling procedures can be referenced in task lists, material specifications and in the inspection setup. The where-used list displays the task lists, material specifications and inspection setup, in which a sampling procedure is used.


By bpci