Part 1:

What is SAP PI?

SAP PI (Process Integration) is an enterprise integration platform that provides seamless integration between SAP and non-SAP applications within the organization A2A (Application to Application) or even outside the organization B2B (Business to Business). It allows organizations to exchange information between internal softwares within the company and external systems outside the company.

The SAP PI full form is Process Integration.

What is SAP PO?

SAP PO (Process Orchestration) is a tool for automation and optimization of business processes. It combines features of SAP Business Process Management (BPM), SAP Process Integration (PI), and SAP Business Rules Management (BRM). In other words, SAP Process Orchestration is a more advanced version of SAP PI and has all the tools required to integrate applications.

The SAP PO full form is Process Orchestration.

Understanding SAP PI/PO with an Example

But this was a technical aspect of SAP PI, but to understand this better we will see the example of implementation of SAP Process Integration.


To understand the concept of SAP PI more clearly, we take an example of a large-scale Dairy Industry, which is operating in a large portion of a state and dominating the region. But there is some small-scale dairy industries operating in the same region, parallel to the large-scale industry which is not making a profit due to their price variation compare to large-scale industry. So to avoid the pricing conflict and maintaining the same price all over the region, large scale and small scale industry decide to link together, with the help of SAP PI. They interconnect with each other with the help of SAP PI and started to work as a single unit. Now, through SAP PI they are able to exchange all the information pertaining to dairy industry, including pricing and share an equal amount of profit.

SAP PI connects different platforms like

  • SAP and Non-SAP systems
  • B2B and A2A Scenarios
  • Asynchronous and Synchronous Communications
  • Cross-component business process management


Prior to SAP PI, business would connect with each other through point-to-point communication. But this process is not used for multiple and complex processes. For smooth communication between multiple businesses, Mediated communication or Integration broker is used, and SAP PI adapts this system very well. It enables interconnection of a different process via a central location known as Integration Broker, unlike the point to point connection which is more like a spider web. The integration broker or server is an integral part of mediated communication consist of Java based Advanced Adapter Engine (AAE) and an integration engine for routing. Mediated communication is based on an integration broker which is executed by exchanging XML messages.

SAP PI PO Overview

Let see how SAP PI handles the XML messages by the help of Integration Broker. The exchange of data or message in SAP PI occurs in this four phases.

  • Message Transformation: During message exchange, it transforms the structure of the business data
  • Message Routing: Forwarding a message sent by a sender system to one or more receiver systems
  • Connectivity Adapters: Connecting the integration broker and receiver system, the adapter will transform the incoming message into an inbound message and later convert it to the format of the receiving system at the other end
  • Integration Processes: Cross component Business Process Management (ccBPM) consists of functions for enhanced service orchestration.

Next in this SAP PI tutorial, we will learn How SAP PI/PO works.

How SAP PI/PO works

SAP PI performs three basic functions

  • Connect: SAP PI has an ability to integrate with all application regardless of whether it is an application from a 3rd party or from the SAP. It uses the adapter framework to integrate 3rd party solutions.
  • Co-ordinate: It can define a path/workflow for each business transaction that is integrated. It ensures that each message is correctly delivered from the source to the target destination
  • Communicate: It can translate files into any format whether an internal file format or any business to business integration standard.

Next in this SAP PO tutorial, we will learn about SAP PI PO architecture.

SAP PI/PO Architecture

SAP PI/PO Architecture

SAP PI is not a single component responsible for the integration of SAP and Non- SAP application, but it is a cluster of components that together make SAP PI functional. This architecture of SAP PI or components is used during design time, configuration time and at run time. The various components of SAP PI include

System Landscape Directory:

It is a central information provider in a system landscape. SLD contains two types of information, “Component Information (Installable & Installed) and Landscape description.”

Integration Builder:

It is a tool-set which contains a set of tools for accessing and editing integration objects

Integration Repository:

To develop, design and maintain data types, message structures, mappings, interfaces, integration processes and integration scenarios independently of system landscape, integration repository is used.

Integration Server:

It is a central processing engine of the PI. All messages are processed using this server.

Central Monitoring:

With the help of this monitoring of PI domain is done, and “workbench” is the tool that is used for monitoring.

Adapter Engine:

It acts as a connector to connect the integration engine to SAP systems and other systems.

Message Processing Technique by PI:

To access data from SAP and Non-SAP application this technique is used. SAP PI uses an intermediate document like IDoc to Flat files to transfer their data.


Process Integration (PI) uses integration repository to design message structure


Integration Directory (ID) is used to configure technical parameters for objects created in IR ( Integration Repository)

Message Processing:

Once the IDOC is activated in SAP system, PI takes in charge and convert messages into XML format for its internal processing

Message Monitoring:

The messages can be monitored and traced using “Run Time Workbench”. This tool can be useful in monitoring sender and receiver adapters, Outgoing and Incoming messages, End to End monitoring of complete scenario and error traces.

Connectivity: Proxy Framework & Adapter Framework

Adapter Framework:

SAP PI connects with any external systems (SAP or Non-SAP) using the Adapter Framework. The adapter framework is based on the AS Java runtime environment and the connector architecture (JCA) version. The adapter framework consists of two default module chains if message processing is to be executed entirely within the adapter, default module chain for the adapter can be used.

  1. One for the sender direction
  2. One for the receiver direction

There are four types of Adapters used in SAP PI

  • File adapters: It exchanges files with external systems
  • JMS adapters: It communicates with a messaging system
  • SOAP adapters: It communicates with providers and clients of web services
  • JDBC adapters: It is an extended pack for SAP PI

Other interfaces supported by adapter framework are

  1. Configuration Services ( API and Adapter metadata xsd)
  2. Administration Services
  3. Various service APIs provided by Adapter framework- Thread Manager, Transaction Manager)
  4. Adapter framework includes a message audit log API. The API can be used for the technical trace and logging to write trace statements that describes the execution of the code.

How adaptor framework works?

  1. The data is received from the wire through a receive location that is listening for messages at certain protocol at a specified address
  2. After the message is received by the receive location, a message is sent to the adapter. It creates a new BizTalk message, attaches the data stream to the message.
  3. It adds any meta-data pertaining to the end-point over which the data was received and then the message is submitted to the message engine
  4. Message engine sends the message to the receive pipeline where the data is transformed into XML, here the message sender is authenticated, a message is decrypted and the XML is validated
  5. Next, the messaging engine published the message to the message box. The message box is a Microsoft SQL table containing messages to be processed
  6. The messaging engine sends the message to either the orchestration or send port.

SAP PI/PO Security

For messages, SAP PI provides the message level security for XI message protocol, for the SOAP adapter, for the RosettaNet protocol, for mail adapter, for the CIDX protocol and for connectivity with WSRM (Web Service Reliable Messaging) enabled systems. In SAP PI message level security enabled through the use of encryption, digital signature, SAML Assertion, Username token, Certificate token, etc. Authentication methods supported by WS infrastructure for transport level includes basic authentication (Password and Username), SAP assertion ticket, and HTTP over SSL.

Connecting Integration Server with WSRM (Web Service Reliable Messaging) Enabled System

To connect with WSRM enabled system you use a communication channel of adapter type WS.

  • You use a sender agreement with an assigned WS sender adapter to connect the Integration Server to a WS consumer
  • You use a receiver agreement with an assigned WS receiver adapter to connect the integration server to a WS provider

Benefits of Security in SAP PI/PO

  • Permissions of the receiver application are checked against the original user
  • In the receiver system, a user can be audited
  • Dynamic configuration at the PI receiver channel

New Features in SAP PI/PO

The new features in SAP PI include

  • Centralized monitoring based on SAP solution manager.
  • Very large (binary) file to file transfer
  • IDOC ( Intermediate Document ) and HTTP adapters in AAE (Advance Adapter Engine)
  • User Centric perspective in the ESR
  • Interface and Mapping based message split on AAE
  • Time Out configuration per communication channel
  • Automated Transport for Schema Validation
  • Replacing Trex, user-defined message search
  • User Centric perspectives in the ESR
  • Add-on for SAP PI: Secure Connectivity add-on (SGTP Adapter, PGP module) & B2B add-ons (OFTP adapter, AS2 adapter, EDI separator, EDI XML converter etc.)

Advantages of SAP PI/PO

  • In comparison to any other middleware product monitoring in SAP PI is better. It offers monitoring features like a message, performance, component monitoring and so on, all of which can be used to track and rectify the errors.
  • SAP PI supports various SAP components which are required while integrating with SAP PI
  • Adapters and mappings are good as compared with any other middleware product
  • Asynchronous and Synchronous communication is possible

When SAP PI/PO is not recommended in enterprise SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)

  • SAP PI is not recommended for synchronous communication as it will put a significant load on the infrastructure service for servicing asynchronous request
  • SAP PI is not recommended for UI driven scenarios if the backend is exposed as enterprise services
  • SAP PI is not needed for intermediation if a non-SAP backend like J2EE or .NET platform is exposing business services in a UI scenario

Part 2:

Q1. What are the activities for SAP NetWeaver XI integration, implementation, post-go-live?

SAP NetWeaver XI integration where the Involvement of charing the information between SAP and Non SAP System comes into Picture. Implementation where the SAP involvement in the business coming into the Picture.

Go Alive After Developing the interface after coming across various stages like testing the Interface is made alive or used to the real-time scenario is said to be GO ALIVE.

Q2. What is the CCMS button in RWB?

It is an alert or monitoring for the error messages. To monitor SAP components. CCMS is SAP Computing Center Management System. RWB is smoothly integrated with CCMS and CCMS alerts can be viewed thro’ the Runtime WorkBench. It provides alert monitoring for SAP Exchange Infrastructure Which is used for monitoring any system errors and administration errors. Enables monitor entire system centrally.

Q3. What systems are used in your XI/PI Implementation?

Usually, we will use Development System, Testing System(QA), Production System. But sometimes we will use Pre-Prod (Pre Production System) also. Before you moving all interfaces to Production will use Pre-Prod to test all interfaces with huge volumes. So totally will use the following systems for implementation:





Q4. Daily Activities and responsibilities of XI Developer?

Monitoring after golive troubleshoots performance issues when a ticket arises. on the development part, it will be creating BS, objects in IR, configuring in ID

Based on the scenario that what you are working in the low level Working on SLD, IR,ID, RWB + developing the scenario’s+Documentation + Based on the requirements design + monitoring check + Performance+..etc

Q5. Where would you look to find the Logical System in the SLD.?

In Business system wizard

Q6. What 2 Data Types are automatically created when the Namespace is saved in the Integration Repository?

ExchangeFaultdata and Exchange log data.

Q7. Which Development Object in SAP XI forms the “ROOT NODE” of an XML document when an XI message is generated?


Q8. What is the relationship between Product, Product Version, Software Component, and Software Component Version? Give an example.

PRODUCT: Represents a collection of all versions of a product. In the SAP environment, a product corresponds to an SAP technical Component, e.g. 4.6c, 4.6d, and 4.7 COMPONENT: Represents a collection of all versions of software components Examples of Software components are SAP_APPL, SAP_ABA, SAP_HR Software.

Q9. JMS adapter can talk with what type of systems? Give some examples…

Messaging systems to the integration engine

Q10. What format can the JDBC adapter communicate in? Should you use native SQL?

JDBC adapter converts database content to XML messages and the other way around.

Q11. If communications with JDBC using XML format, what are 4 actions you could do?


Q12. Can JDBC adapter query DB tables? Can it insert?


Q13. Can an RFC adapter be used for asynchronous processing?

YES, the RFC adapter can be used for asynchronous processing.

Q14. Is it necessary to create the partner profiles in case of a file to idoc scenario?

NO, it is not always necessary to create the partner profiles in case of the file to idoc scenario if you are doing it for testing purposes otherwise you have to configure partner profiles to assure XI for receiver client.

Q15. What is the difference between the party and the business service and in which cases they are used with details?

A Communication party represents a layer unit that is involved in a cross-system process (eg. a company). and Business service represents an abstract, addressable unit. business services are used in the cross-company process. for eg if the parties involved have only published their interfaces and not their system landscape or it is partly known. normally we use business services to communicate with different systems in the same company.

Q16. What are the usual project scenarios on the job (Legacy systems or ERP)?

It depends on the client’s requirement but you should know about the R3-MDM integration. most of the requirement it would be used. Related scenarios as I mentioned are MDM-BIW integration, SRM-MDM Catalog, MDM-XI-R3 integration, RPCM, enrichment adaptor, etc….

Q17. How long are usually the projects?

It depends on the client’s requirements.

Q18. What is a Global container in SAP XI?

Container object—> can be only used in the function it is defined in.

Global container > it can be used and remain visible across the different functions.

Global container – in the old days it was used to store objects in mappings now we can use global variables instead.

Container Object: This object enables you to cache the values that you want to read again when you next call the same user-defined function.

From SP14 and above avoid Global Container. Use the Java Section of Message Mapping to define Global Variables and to use them in your UDF’s.

Q19. Is it possible to transfer the data without using IR(repository)?

Yes, it is possible.

Q20. What is the use of IDX2?

Maintain the Idoc Metadata. This is needed only by XI, and not by other SAP systems. IDX2 is needed because XI needs to construct IDoc-XML from the IDoc. No other SAP system needs to do that.

Q21. Which adapter should you use while integrating with any SAP system? Explain why?

SAP gives us the following options to communicate with SAP systems.

  1. IDoc Adapter
  2. RFC Adapter
  3. Proxy

Explanation: If you take a close look at the adapters specified here, the one thing that strikes right away is the usage of proxies. We know that proxy generation is possible only if your WAS is >= 6.20. So, that is one parameter that comes up straight away for the usage of proxies.

Hence Use Proxies only if the WAS version is >= 6.20. And the biggest advantage of the proxy is that it always bypasses the Adapter Engine and will directly interact with the application system and Integration engine – so it will and should give us a better performance.

Q23. What is the CCMS button in RWB?

It is an alert or monitoring for the error messages. To monitor SAP components. CCMS is SAP Computing Center Management System. RWB is smoothly integrated with CCMS and CCMS alerts can be viewed thro’ the Runtime Work Bench. It provides alert monitoring for SAP Exchange Infrastructure Which is used for monitoring any system errors and administration errors. Enables monitor entire system centrally.

Q24. What systems used in your XI/PI Implementation?

Usually, we will use Development System, Testing System(QA), Production System. But sometimes we will use Pre-Prod (Pre Production System) also. Before you moving all interfaces to Production will use Pre-Prod to test all interfaces with huge volumes. So totally will use the following system for implementation:

DEV QA Pre-Prod Prod

Q25. Experience with Requirements Gathering?

If you have been interacting with the client for gathering the req need to explain to them on what basis the req was gathered.

These are the things you can ask the client to get the requirements:

Q26. What is the relationship between Product, Product Version, Software Component, and Software Component Version? Give an example.

PRODUCT: Represents a collection of all versions of a product. In the SAP environment, a product corresponds to an SAP technical Component, e.g. 4.6c, 4.6d, and 4.7 COMPONENT: Represents a collection of all versions of a software components Examples of Software components are SAP_APPL, SAP_ABA, SAP_HR Software

Q27. JMS adapter can talk with what type of systems? Give some examples.

Messaging systems to the integration engine

Q28. What is the Mapping Trace?

This object enables to transfer of the message to the mapping trace if the trace level is set correspondingly then the trace is visible to message monitoring.

Q2. What is SAP Netweaver?

SAP Net Weaver provides an open integration and application platform and permits the integration of the Enterprise Services Architecture. Exchange Infrastructure (XI) is an Integral part of SAPNet weaver. The position of XI is in the process integration layer of the Net weaver stack.

Q30. What is a Global Container?

This object enables you to cache the value that you want to read again when you next call any user-defined function that is in the same message mapping.

Q31. What is a Container?

This object enables you to cache the value, which you want to read again when you next call the same user-defined function.

Q31. What is Multi Cast?

You have the option of sending a message to multiple receivers and waiting for a response from each of the receivers. This procedure of sending a message to multiple receivers and waiting for a response message is also known as ‘multicast’.

Q32. What are the Types of Node Functions?

  1. Remove Contexts – remove all higher-level contents of the source level message in order to map with the target message field. So you can get the node contexts removal.
  2. Split by value – Insert Context change for an element split by value is some as the counterpart of remove context. Here instead of delivering the context, you can insert a context change in the source value queue.
  3. Collapse contexts – Copies first values of all contexts to one context empty context are replaced by an empty string.
  4. Copy Value – How many ever times I occur I am copied just once”. This is not a node function but I am explaining it as it is used very frequently in real-time. Let us take an instance of the material group, which can occur as many times as the item node. But since we are mapping it to the header in the target nodes just want to copy the first occurrence of the material group and map it to the header node. Copy Value exactly does that.
  5. Create if – It will create a target node or element based on some condition.
  6. Exists – Function to determine whether a particular source field exists in an instance to be processed. If it does it gives true or else false.
  7. Use one as many.
  8. Replace value: – Replace the value I with the value that you desired in the dialogue for function properties.
  9. iSort – Sorts all values of the multiply occurring inbound field within the existing or set context.

Q33. What are the three objects used at user-defined functions?

  1. Container
  2. Global Container
  3. Mapping Trace

Part 3:

Q1. Briefly explain about Netweaver?

Ans: SAP Netweaver provides an open integration and application platform and permits the integration of the Enterprise Services Architecture. Net weaver covers the following topics:

  • People Integration
  • Process Integration
  • Information Integration
  • Application Platform.

Q2. What is SAP PI?

Ans: Process Integration is an integral part of SAP Net weaver. The aim of PI is to integrate different versions of both SAP and non-SAP systems implemented on different platforms (Java, ABAP, and so on). PI enables you to implement cross-system business processes.PI is based on an open architecture, makes use of open standards and offers services that are essential in a heterogeneous and complex system landscape: namely a runtime infrastructure for message exchange, configuration options for managing business processes and message flow, and options for transforming message contents between the sender and receiver systems.

The application-specific contents are transferred from the sender to the receiver in a freely defined XML schema (XML: extended Markup Language) using the Integration Engine. The structure of a message is therefore determined by the interface data structures used.

The central concept is that, during the design phase, all interfaces required are initially developed independently of a platform and made available in the form of a WSDL description (WSDL: Web Service Description Language). Using this description you can, for example, define mappings between interfaces without this having an effect on an existing system landscape. All design phase data is saved in the Integration Repository to be implemented later in a particular system landscape. In this second phase, the configuration phase, you can select components, interfaces, and mappings saved in the Integration Repository that are appropriate for your system landscape and business processes, and assign them to each other in logical routing. The data resulting from this configuration process is saved in the Integration Directory and you can call and evaluate it from the runtime of the PI.

SAP PI Features:

PI enables you to do the following:

Develop cross-system applications. You can exchange multiple system messages using the runtime infrastructure and synchronous or asynchronous communication. You can either develop new and platform-independent interfaces or connect to existing interfaces at runtime, using adapters. Adjust message values and structures for the receiver, using mappings. – Centrally maintain the message flow between logical systems in the system landscape, using .- Connect the logical receiver to a technical system, using Services; this system can easily be switched using this abstraction level (technical routing). Describe your system landscape as the basis for the description of your cross-system business process.

Q3.  Explain PI- Process Integration?

Ans: Process Integration can be used as a Middleware Engine to communicate in a distributed environment. The heart of XI is the Integration Engine that is used for integrating different technologies using Standard Messaging techniques e.g XML. Different mapping tools are available for mapping the distributed system which can be mapped without having any expertise of Technical Details. As a real-world example, XI can be helpful in integrating different banks with SAP R/3. XI Engine also supports previous releases of SAP R/3 like 4.6C and have many more adapters to communicate with legacy systems.

SAP XI is an integration technology and platform for:

  •  SAP and Non-SAP systems.
  •  A2A and B2B scenarios.
  •  Synchronous and Asynchronous communication.
  •  Cross component Business Process management and it include a built-in engine for designing and executing the integration process (Business process).
  •  The goal of SAP XI is to provide a single point of integration of all systems inside and outside the corporate boundary across technologies and organizational boundaries.
  •  The important feature of XI is openness, flexibility, and transparency to the integration process. It is based on ESA and SOA.
  •  The overall key concept of SAP XI is to drive an integrated business process across heterogeneous and highly dynamic landscapes in a more manageable cost-effective way.
  •  The basic idea is to provide runtime infrastructure which allows heterogeneous systems to be tied together with fewer connections and at the same time, in order to connect those applications and let messages flow from one application to another, have a centralized storage of integration knowledge.

Q4. What are the integrations in net weaver?

Ans: People integration, information integration, process integration, and application platform.

Q5. What are the components of the net weaver? 

Ans: Mobile infrastructure, enterprise portals, bow, and MDM training Hyderabad, sap xi (integration broker and bpm) WEB AS.

Q6. What is the message flow in SAP XI?

Ans: Inbound handling, receiver determination, interface determination, channel determination, mapping, outbound handling.

Q7. What are routing rules?

Ans: Receiver determination rules and interface determination rules (includes mapping assign).

Q8. What is the quality of services, which come under the asynchronous process?

Ans: Exactly once and exactly once in order.

Q9. What are service users?

Ans: They have sap user roles on the ABAP part of the SAP web as that is available on the J2ee part as groups

Q10. What the central administration transaction to manage the alerting? 


SAP PI Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

Q11. What are the tools used by the runtime to monitor?

Ans: ccms (computer center management system), PMI (process monitoring infrastructure), and alert framework.

Q12. When will we go for BPM?


  • Error Handling
  • Splitting of messages
  • Combining of messages
  • Message Persistency.

Q13. Why the integration engine?

Ans: Processing messages, mapping, routing, and guaranteeing the quality of service.

Q14. What is Multi Cast?

Ans: You have the option of sending a message to multiple receivers and waiting for a response from each of the receivers. This procedure of sending a message to multiple receivers and waiting for a response message is also known as ‘multicast’.

Q15. What are the Disadvantages of XSLT Mapping?

Ans: You cannot use Java APIs and Classes in it. There might be cases in your mapping when you will have to perform something like a properties file lookup or a DB lookup, such scenarios are not possible in XSLT.

Q16. What is a Technical System?

Ans: Technical system represents the physical system, it contains all the physical characteristics of your system for eg while creating a Technical system for your R3 system – u specify the hostname, message server, OS, the clients, etc.

Q17. Differences between proxies and adapters?

Ans: Proxies are interfaces, which will get executed in the application system. They can be created only in the system from message interfaces using proxy generation functions. You can use proxies for systems with WAS >=6.20.

I will communicate in the native language with SAP systems via proxies. Proxies use XML – SOAP-based communication for both ABAP and Java Proxies.

Adapters will convert one format into another expected/target format. means from SAP standard formats and as well as 3rd party formats to target formats

Q18. What are the Types of Useful node functions?

Ans: RemoveContext, splitByValue, collapseContext, Copy value, createif, exits, useOneAsMany

  1. removeContexts: “There is absolutely no difference between my children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren”.

Material Group is sent in the item node of the source idoc but I want it in the header node of the target idoc. So I need to fool the mapping runtime that Material Group is coming in the header node of the source. removeContext exactly does that.

  1. SplitByValue:“I need a different parent for every instance of me”

I will try to explain the function with the same mapping as readers can correlate well. Each instance of Item no in the source structure should generate a target itemNo and item under a different instance of the header node in the target. As we can observe that occurrences of items in the source and target structure are different we cannot map the elements of the item node directly. We use splitbyValue to achieve the same.

  1. collapseContexts:” There is just a slight difference between my children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren”.Similar to removeContext but context change is replaced with “. If we need to create empty tags in the target for every context change in the source we can use it. I did not find it useful so I don’t like to explain in detail.
  2. copy value: “How many ever times I occur I am copied just once”

This is not a node function but I am explaining it as it is used very frequently in real-time.

Let us take an instance of a material group, which can occur as many times as the item node. But since we are mapping it to the header in the target node I just want to copy the first occurrence of the material group and map it to the header node. copyValue exactly does that.

  1. createif: “I have criteria for existing”.

It is used when you want to create a target node or element based on some condition

Q19. What are the SAP XI Components?


  • Integration Builder
  • Integration Server
  • System Land Scape Directory
  • Runtime Work Bench.

Q20. What is an abstract interface?

Ans: The abstract interface is similar to other interfaces (outbound or inbound) but does not have direction. It can be used as either outbound or inbound. It is used only inside BPM. It is also called a hidden Interface.

Q21. How to Monitoring of BPM?


Q22. What are the stacks available in XI?


  • Java stack
  • ABAP Stack

Q23. What is the use of Exactly Once In Order (EOIO)?

Ans: Messages are delivered with the same queue names (supplied by the application) in the same sequence that they were sent from the sender system.

Q24. End_to_End monitoring?


  • If you want to monitor message processing steps in a number of SAP Components.
  • If you want to monitor the path of individual messages through these SAP Components from start to end.

Q25. When would you use ABAP and Java mapping? What are the advantages and disadvantages of one vs. the other? Any guidelines on this?


Java mapping runs on the J2EE engine, ABAP Mapping runs on ABAP Stack. I guess ABAP mapping makes more sense if you have a requirement wherein you need to perform multiple RFC classes for RFC Lookup’s etc as you can do this very easily  Using your ABAP Code. Java Mapping provides an easier means to use Java API’s etc and it uses SAX parser which provides better performance while ABAP Mapping uses DOM Parser (I am not very sure about this though) which can cause a performance bottleneck.

Q26. What are the transaction codes in XI?



Starting Builder


Integration Engine, Monitoring


XI Message Monitoring


Test SLD Connection


SLD API Customization


Integration Engine, Administration


XI Directory Cache


Process Engine, Monitoring


Q27. What are the functions used in graphical mapping?


  • Conversions
  • Boolean
  • Node Functions
  • Constant
  • Date
  • Text
  • Static
  • Arithmetic

Q28. What is Xpath?

Ans: Its just path to an XML tag. The path is an expression language for addressing portions of an XML document, or for computing values (strings, numbers, or boolean values) based on the content of an XML document. The path is also a specification of the XML family. Using XPath you can address any node in an XML document. XSLT implements XPath expressions to select substructures of an XML document. Using templates in XSLT you can define the mapping rules for the selected substructures.

Q29. What are DOM and SAX?

Ans: SAX is Simple API for XML, DOM is Document Object Model. SAX parser is a memoryless parser and is recommended when the XML structure is huge. DOM parser loads the entire XML into the memory and so when the XML size is too big, DOM parser is to be avoided.

Q30. When we use XI Adapter?  

Ans: Basically XI adapter is used in the case of ABAP and JAVA proxies.

Q31. What is Message Mapping?

Ans: Message Mapping is used to transform your Source XML into the target XML structure.

SAP PI Tutorial

Q32. What is Value Mapping?

Ans: Converting a value in the source to another in target) Value Mapping is used for specific mapping structures/mapping rules. Example, Currency Conversion Mapping Rules. Instead of creating this conversion rule in every mapping program, you can create a VALUE mapping that is stored in a value mapping table and use this is your Message Mapping and Thereby save up redundant mapping logic. Also, if the conversion rate changes, if you have used value mapping, you need to make a change only in once place and the result will be reflected in every mapping. If value mapping was not used, then you would have had to make the change in all mapping programs.

Q33. What are the steps required to configure a scenario?


  1. Create your communication channel: The communication channel is the means using which XI gets and passes information. XI can understand the only XML and so, the communication channels ( or adapters ) do the task of passing XML messages to and from XI. If the message is not in XML format, the content conversion is performed at the Adapter.
  2. Create your sender and receiver agreement: Whenever XI is the recipient of some information, you create a sender agreement for the corresponding adapter, sender system, and sender interface. Whenever XI is going to send some information to an external system, as the external system is the recipient of the information, create a receiver agreement for the same. for IDOC and HTTP adapters, no sender agreement is required.
  3. Receiver Determination: In this stage, you tell XI, the recipient Interface of the scenario. You can also provide conditions on which the receiver is determined.
  4. Interface Determination: The stage where the Inbound Interface and the Interface mapping program are defined. Conditional Interface determination is also possible.

Q34. What is CIM?

Ans: Common Information model, XI has developed means Ans) CIM the SLD is for a central repository of information about software and system in the data center, expressed in the Common information model. CIM was developed by DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force). It is an industry consortium whose goal is to enable the management of IT systems in a distributed environment using web standards.

Q35. What are the BPM tcodes?



Q36. What is the use of BPM patterns?

Ans: Patterns are more like the example where u can refer to the IS or u can make use of those in your scenario


Check Events


Delete Event trace


Display Event trace


Switch on Event trace


Processes and work items,


Restart workflow with errors


To find workflow log by interface name &namespace.


Diagnosis process with errors.


Q37. What is cache and how many types of Caches are there in XI and what are their purposes?

Ans: There Are Two Types:

  1. CPA cache: – CPA cache – is your Collaboration profile agreement cache, ie to mean it will contain the cache copy of all objects created during configuration time (ID).CPA (Collaboration profile agreement )Cache-mainly for the J2EE engine/Adapter engine.
  2. Runtime Cache:- Runtime cache – it will contain cache copies of all the objects in XI (IR/ID) and active version of all your objects during runtime.

Q38. Why do we need Web Start?

Ans: Java Web Start is used to deploy standalone java applications over the network. When it comes to XI, the Integration Repository and Directory require specific Java client software, which is stored on the Integration Server and will be automatically installed on the client-side using Java Web Start. This client software can be used during design time to develop new interfaces and mappings and to configure services, routings, and mappings. As it allows applications to be started from the Internet using a web browser.

Q39. If u don’t give FTP Connection details how will test the input message?

Ans: Go to component monitoring click on Test message button, there you can give the payload.

Q40. What is value mapping?

Ans: value-mapping function to map different representations of an object to each other. You save the mapping rules for different objects in a value mapping table.

Q41. What is the context object?

Ans: The context object is an alternative to XPath; this will be used to access the content of an element in message in Runtime. This will be used to create in IR, and refer in Message Interface, In ID we will define where it is to be used, Based on this runtime value we can route the message processing.

Q42. What is cache monitoring?

Ans: Cache monitoring displays objects that are currently in the runtime cache of either of the following receives of cache data.

Q43. What are the Monitoring available in Runtime Work Bench?


  • Component monitoring
  • Message monitoring
  • End-to-End monitoring
  • Alert Configuration
  • Cache monitoring
  • Index administration

Q44. What is the use of the Adapter engine AAE in the PI system?

Ans: As the Integration engine handles messages in XML and SOAP protocol so if the business system doesn’t contain data in a specific format, Adapters are used to convert the messages specific protocol and message format required by the integration engine.

Q45. When will we go for BPM?


  • Error Handling
  • Splitting of messages
  • Combining of messages
  • Message Persistency

Part 4:

1) What are the different types of mapping that can be used in PI?

The various types of mapping which are used in PI are:

  • Graphical Mapping
  • Java Mapping
  • XSLT Mapping
  • ABAP Mapping

2) Is it necessary to create the partner profiles in case of file to idoc scenario?

NO, it is not always necessary to create the partner profiles in case of file to idoc scenario if you are doing it for testing purposes otherwise you have to configure partner profile to assure XI for receiver client.

3) What are the daily activities and responsibilities of XI Developer?

Monitoring after Go Live, troubleshoot performance issue when a ticket arises, on development part it will be creating BS, objects in IR, configuring in ID

Based on the scenario that what you are working in the low-level Working on SLD, IR, ID, RWB + developing the scenario’s+Documentation + Based on the requirements design + monitoring check + Performance+..etc

4) What Are The Activities for Sap Netweaver Xi Integration, Implementation, Post Go-live?

  • SAP NetWeaver XI integration where the Involvement of sharing the information between SAP and Non SAP System comes into Picture.
  • The implementation where the SAP involvement into the business coming into Picture.
  • Go Alive After Developing the interface after coming across various stages like testing the Interface is made alive or used to the real-time scenario is said to be GO ALIVE.

5) How to configure driver level encryption in PI JDBC Adapter?

The encryption of the data sent to the Oracle database is taken care by the JDBC driver and not by the PI as each and every database provides there own data encryption feature.

  • The driver parameters must be configured in the Advanced mode of the JDBC channel
  • The driver parameters must be prefixed with “driver:”, for example,

6) How to enable message compression on PI/PO system?

1.Configure message compression on PI/PO application level by setting the following two properties in NWA -> Configurations -> Infrastructure -> Java system properties -> Services -> XPI Service: Messaging System.

  • messaging.compression.enabled (boolean)
  • messaging.compression.threshold (unit value is in bytes)

7) How to check the patch level of PI ESR contents?

  • Call transaction sxmb_ifr
  • Logon to the Enterprise Services Builder
  • Go to SAP Basis -> SAP BASIS 7.10 -> Details (tab)
  • The current SAP Basis SP release is available in the Available Support Packages field
  • The current SFTP ADAPTER XI CONTENT is available from the SFTP ADAPTER object in the Available Support Packages field

8) How to view the payload of archived PI messages?

  • Open transaction SARA
  • Enter the Archiving Object ‘BC_XMB’
  • Click on the Read button
  • Select Execute on the next screen
  • Choose the archived file which contains the message you wish to view the payload
  • Select the message you wish to view
  • A screen similar to that in transaction SXMB_MONI is opened and here you can view the payload

9) How to check if PI tables need to take consolidated statistics?

  • In PI system, go to transaction DB20, enter the SXMSPMAST in Table field and click on the button “Update Info”
  • Check if the number in “Old Number” is 435.530, while the “Active Flag” is set to “I”.
  • If not, Document 1020260 is required to be applied in the system.
  • For the detailed number in ‘Old Number’, the right number is 435530 for table SXMSPMAST, you can get the result from the attached TXT file in document 1020260.

10) How can I convert an IDoc to plain text?

Create a mapping and keep only those fields(i.e. segment E1BP1011) which you want to send to the target. And do the Content Conversion then.

11) What is the use of the Integration server? What are the components in the Integration server?

This is one of the key components of SAP PI system and is used for processing of messages. It consists of three engines:

  • Business Process Engine
  • Integration Engine
  • Central Advanced Adapter Engine AAE

CCMS Monitoring Infrastructure

  1. What should you do if the monitor tree disappears suddenly?

A visibility level (RZ20 -> “Extras” -> “Display options”) helps in classifying each monitor tree. The monitor tree displays the objects which correspond to this level. The complete subtree is visible irrespective of the visibility level, if an alert appears for any object in the tree. This may result in the monitor tree to disappear post an alert is reset and the node is presented with a gray background.

  1. What should you do if actions in the tree are executed for elements other than those expected?

When the monitor is saved, the selections for nodes are saved and retained in the tree (RZ20). Even if the selected nodes are invisible as the corresponding subtree has not been expanded; this will continue to happen. Thus, even if the selected nodes are invisible; these actions can be executed. The remedy to this is that one can click the “Deselect all” button and then reselect the required nodes again.

  1. What should you do if the cursor position has no effect?

It is important to make a selection by setting the corresponding flag (checkbox) when analyzing the open alerts of an MTE. Here, the position of the cursor has no effect.

  1. Where can you find Automatic refreshing option?

It is available in Release 4.5A along with the newest SAPgui version.

  1. What condition is required for carrying out externalizing R/3 alerts?

Unless there is any further notice on an SNMP basis, the externalization of the R/3 alerts will not be carried out. This was not the case previously. Though, many partners (see SAPNet) offer agents which read the MIB and continue with the help of SNMP. For this purpose, SAP makes corresponding C libraries available. This helps in downloading from SAPSERV*.

To link external tools directly through the SNMP to the monitoring infrastructure is not a planned activity. However, in case of a possible MIB enhancement, the partners are notified.

  1. How is Syslog threshold value maintenance carried out?

Syslog threshold value maintenance is carried out with Transaction RZ06 up to and including Release 4.0B not like other MTEs.

  1. What authorization check is carried out within RZ20?

An authorization for object S_RZL_ADM is carried out within RZ20 to start the transaction. However, no additional authorization checks are carried out within RZ20.

  1. What are the reasons behind the time differences in a system?

Time differences are caused when the time zones are not active. One can use 91667 and 0100442.

  1. How should you monitor the Oracle database?

The Oracle database should be monitored in Release 4.5A from within Transaction RZ20.

  1. What is EnqueueTime?

It is the time taken for setting a lock.

  1. How to shut down the CCMS monitor architecture for an application server?

Listed below are the steps that are used to monitor an application server which is hidden in the display Transaction RZ20:

RZ21 (‘Monitoring: Settings and Tool Maintenance’) –> “Contexts/segments”–> “Segments”. Select a segment –> “Edit data” –> Set the status to ‘Offline’ and save.

This helps in hiding the monitoring of the RZ20. The monitoring runtime environment remains (report values, possibly triggers alerts, etc.). If the monitoring runtime environment is shut down, the profile parameter alert/MONI_SEGM_SIZE=0 should be set.

  1. What do users get only nodes with icons without node names and how can this be rectified?

This is caused when the monitoring segment in the shared memory is filled which prevents additional nodes from getting created correctly.

This can be rectified by increasing the profile parameters alert/MONI_SEGM_SIZE on the affected application server and restart the application server. See 135503.

  1. Why could be the possible reason for Logical command as tool (RZ21) not getting started?

Select ‘external command’ in the tool definition under ‘Call type’ in RZ21 up to and including Release 4.5B. But, if a function that executes the logical command when starting the tool via RZ20 is missing in the source code of RZ20 then the execution of the tool has no effect. From Release 4.6A one can no longer select ‘external command’ in RZ21.

In some releases, there is a method CCMS_NT_EVENT in RZ21 which is proposed to execute the logical command Z_SEND_ALERT. This method definition can be deleted in RZ21.

  1. In what way should you write a Data-Supplier?

Check the document stored on SAPNET:

“Writing a Data Supplier for the R/3 Release 4 Alert Monitor” below the alias System Management -> System Monitoring and Alert Management

  1. What could be the possible reason if the current status of an MTE is red, but no alert exists?

Occasionally a node in the ‘Current status’ displays a red message but no alerts usually exist for it.


  • A red message is displayed and triggers an alert.
  • Someone finishes the alert but no other message is displayed

As the alert is finished for ‘Open alerts’ everything is green. But, as the last red message is still the presently valid message, therefore, the ‘Current status’ is still red.

Via RZ20 -> Properties -> Methods
‘In absence of values deactivate after’

When a note is displayed in grey and if no new values are reported, one should specify. CAUTION: The node will never become inactive if this value is set to 0.

  1. How can the specific nodes be set to ‘disabled’?

The following steps can help in setting the specific nodes to ‘disabled’

  • Activate the maintenance function in RZ20, select the required node and RZ20->Edit->Alert->Configurate generation -> Suppress.

Like this, an entry is made in the shared memory for MTE and the alert generation is ‘disabled’. Use the 4.6D kernel, in order to make this work correctly.

As of Release 6.20, this function can be selected through the below-given menu entry:

RZ20-> Edit->Node->Deactivate

  1. What is the dispatching method for data acquisition programs?

SAPSYS within the AutoABAP SAPMSSY6 controls short-term data acquisition programs. Nothing is required to be defined here. The long-term data acquisition programs run in the background job SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP. By pressing a button this job is activated; it is then automatically planned and activated. The long-term data acquisition programs run under the user (and relevant user authorization) are executed in the background who activates the background job as given below:

Technical Infrastructure-> Method execution -> Activate background processing. Please activate the background job once for each monitored system.

  1. How to create a new method in RZ21 that executes function modules as methods?

In order to do this, the interface definition of the module must meet the necessities explained in the White Paper

Part 5:

  1. What are the activities for SAP NetWeaver XI integration, implementation, post-go-live?


SAP NetWeaver PI integration where the Involvement of charing the information between SAP and Non SAP System comes into Picture. Implementation where the SAP involvement in the business coming into the Picture.

Go Alive After Developing the interface after coming across various stages like testing the Interface is made alive or used to the real-time scenario is said to be GO ALIVE.

  1. What is the CCMS button in RWB?


It is an alert or monitoring for the error messages. To monitor SAP components. CCMS is SAP Computing Center Management System. RWB is smoothly integrated with CCMS and CCMS alerts can be viewed thro’ the Runtime Workbench. It provides alert monitoring for SAP Exchange Infrastructure Which is used for monitoring any system errors and administration errors. Enables monitor entire system centrally.

  1. What systems are used in your XI/PI Implementation?


Usually, we will use Development System, Testing System(QA), Production System. But sometimes we will use Pre-Prod (Pre Production System) also. Before you moving all interfaces to Production will use Pre-Prod to test all interfaces with huge volumes. So totally will use the following systems for implementation :

  • DEV
  • QA
  • Pre-Prod
  • Prod
  1. Daily Activities and responsibilities of XI Developer?


Monitoring after golive troubleshoots performance issues when a ticket arises. on the development part, it will be creating BS, objects in IR, configuring in ID

Based on the scenario that what you are working in the low level Working on SLD, IR,ID, RWB + developing the scenario’s+Documentation + Based on the requirements design + monitoring check + Performance+..etc

  1. Where would you look to find the Logical System in the SLD.?


In Business system wizard

Logical System in the SLD

  1. What 2 Data Types are automatically created when the Namespace is saved in the Integration Repository?


ExchangeFaultdata and Exchange log data.

  1. Which Development Object in SAP XI forms the “ROOT NODE” of an XML document when an XI message is generated?



  1. What is the relationship between Product, Product Version, Software Component, and Software Component Version? Give an example.


PRODUCT : Represents a collection of all versions of a product. In the SAP environment, a product corresponds to an SAP technical Component, e.g. 4.6c, 4.6d, and 4.7

COMPONENT : Represents a collection of all versions of software components Examples of Software components are SAP_APPL, SAP_ABA, SAP_HR Software.

  1. JMS adapter can talk with what type of systems? Give some examples…


Messaging systems to the integration engine

  1. What format can the JDBC adapter communicate in? Should you use native SQL?


JDBC adapter converts database content to XML messages and the other way around.

  1. If communications with JDBC using XML format, what are 4 actions you could do?



  1. Can JDBC adapter query DB tables? Can it insert?



  1. Can an RFC adapter be used for asynchronous processing?


YES, the RFC adapter can be used for asynchronous processing.

  1. Is it necessary to create the partner profiles in case of a file to idoc scenario?


NO, it is not always necessary to create the partner profiles in case of the file to idoc scenario if you are doing it for testing purposes otherwise you have to configure partner profiles to assure XI for receiver client.

  1. What is the difference between the party and the business service and in which cases they are used with details?


A Communication party represents a layer unit that is involved in a cross-system process (eg. a company). and Business service represents an abstract, addressable unit. business services are used in the cross-company process. for eg if the parties involved have only published their interfaces and not their system landscape or it is partly known. normally we use business services to communicate with different systems in the same company.

  1. What are the usual project scenarios on the job (Legacy systems or ERP)?


It depends on the client’s requirement but you should know about the R3-MDM integration. most of the requirement it would be used. Related scenarios as I mentioned are MDM-BIW integration, SRM-MDM Catalog, MDM-XI-R3 integration, RPCM, enrichment adaptor, etc….

  1. How long are usually the projects?


It depends on the client’s requirements.

  1. What is a Global container in SAP XI?


  • Container object > can be only used in the function it is defined in.
  • Global container > it can be used and remain visible across the different functions.
  • Global container > in the old days it was used to store objects in mappings now we can use global variables instead.
  • Container Object > This object enables you to cache the values that you want to read again when you next call the same user-defined function.
  • From SP14 and above avoid Global Container. Use the Java Section of Message Mapping to define Global Variables and to use them in your UDF’s.
  1. Is it possible to transfer the data without using IR(repository)?


Yes, it is possible.

  1. What is the use of IDX2?


Maintain the Idoc Metadata. This is needed only by XI, and not by other SAP systems. IDX2 is needed because XI needs to construct IDoc-XML from the IDoc. No other SAP system needs to do that.

  1. Which adapter should you use while integrating with any SAP system? Explain why?


SAP gives us the following options to communicate with SAP systems.

  • IDoc Adapter
  • RFC Adapter
  • Proxy

Explanation : If you take a close look at the adapters specified here, the one thing that strikes right away is the usage of proxies. We know that proxy generation is possible only if your WAS is >= 6.20. So, that is one parameter that comes up straight away for the usage of proxies.

Hence Use Proxies only if the WAS version is >= 6.20. And the biggest advantage of the proxy is that it always bypasses the Adapter Engine and will directly interact with the application system and Integration engine – so it will and should give us a better performance.

  1. What is the CCMS button in RWB?


It is an alert or monitoring for the error messages. To monitor SAP components. CCMS is SAP Computing Center Management System. RWB is smoothly integrated with CCMS and CCMS alerts can be viewed thro’ the Runtime Work Bench. It provides alert monitoring for SAP Exchange Infrastructure Which is used for monitoring any system errors and administration errors. Enables monitor entire system centrally.

  1. What systems used in your XI/PI Implementation?


Usually, we will use Development System, Testing System(QA), Production System. But sometimes we will use Pre-Prod (Pre Production System) also. Before you moving all interfaces to Production will use Pre-Prod to test all interfaces with huge volumes. So totally will use the following system for implementation:

DEV QA Pre-Prod Prod

  1. Experience with Requirements Gathering?


If you have been interacting with the client for gathering the req need to explain to them on what basis the req was gathered.

Requirements Gathering

  1. What is the relationship between Product and Component Version? Give an example.




Represents a collection of all versions of a product. In the SAP environment, a product corresponds to an SAP technical Component, e.g. 4.6c, 4.6d, and 4.7

Represents a collection of all versions of a software components Examples of Software components are SAP_APPL, SAP_ABA, SAP_HR Software

  1. JMS adapter can talk with what type of systems? Give some examples.


Messaging systems to the integration engine

  1. What is the Mapping Trace?


This object enables to transfer of the message to the mapping trace if the trace level is set correspondingly then the trace is visible to message monitoring.

  1. What is SAP Netweaver?


SAP Net Weaver provides an open integration and application platform and permits the integration of the Enterprise Services Architecture. Exchange Infrastructure (XI) is an Integral part of SAPNet weaver. The position of XI is in the process integration layer of the Net weaver stack.

  1. What is a Global Container?


This object enables you to cache the value that you want to read again when you next call any user-defined function that is in the same message mapping.

  1. What is Multi Cast?


You have the option of sending a message to multiple receivers and waiting for a response from each of the receivers. This procedure of sending a message to multiple receivers and waiting for a response message is also known as ‘multicast’.

This object enables you to cache the value, which you want to read again when you next call the same user-defined function.

  1. What are the Types of Node Functions?


  • Remove Contexts – remove all higher-level contents of the source level message in order to map with the target message field. So you can get the node contexts removal.
  • Split by value – Insert Context change for an element split by value is some as the counterpart of remove context. Here instead of delivering the context, you can insert a context change in the source value queue.
  • Collapse contexts – Copies first values of all contexts to one context empty context are replaced by an empty string.
  • Copy Value – How many ever times I occur I am copied just once”. This is not a node function but I am explaining it as it is used very frequently in real-time. Let us take an instance of the material group, which can occur as many times as the item node. But since we are mapping it to the header in the target nodes just want to copy the first occurrence of the material group and map it to the header node. Copy Value exactly does that.
  • Create if – It will create a target node or element based on some condition.
  • Exists – Function to determine whether a particular source field exists in an instance to be processed. If it does it gives true or else false.
  • Use one as many.
  • Replace value – Replace the value I with the value that you desired in the dialogue for function properties.
  • iSort – Sorts all values of the multiply occurring inbound field within the existing or set context.
  1. What are the three objects used at user-defined functions?


  • Container
  • Global Container
  • Mapping Trace

34.What Are The Different Ways Of Communication You Can Have With Sap System And Give The Merits And Demerits Of Each?


You can use IDOC adapter, RFC adapter and Proxy communication. Depends on the situation you can decide which way you need to connect SAP ECC from PI. If WAS version is >= 6.20 then you can go with Proxy communication with ECC. With PI 7.3 you can use proxy with Integration engine or Advanced Adapter Engine through SOAP Adapter over XI 3.0 protocol.

  1. Did You Work On Rfc Adapter? If Your Answer Yes Then The Interviewer Ask You What Is Program Id?


Program id is one of the parameter in RFC sender Communication Channel. It should be same in RFC Destination ( Tcode -SM59 ) and XI RFC sender adapter. Once the XI components activated, sender RFC adapter will registers itself with program id specified, on SAP gateway. You can test this by using ‘Test Connection’ in SM59 for your RFC destination. If it is registered the test connection will go fine otherwise it will give an error.

36.What Is The Difference Between Rfc Adapter And Idoc Adapter?


Both RFC and IDOC adapter you can use for connecting SAP ECC from PI. But IDOC adapter you can use only for Asynchronous communication while RFC adapter you can use for Synchronous also.

37.What Is Global Container In Sap Xi?


  • Container object—> can be only used in the function it is defined in.
  • Global container—> It can be used and remain visible across the different function.
  • Global container—> In the old days it was used to store objects in mappings now we can use global variables instead.
  • Container Object : This object enables you to cache the values that you want to read again when you next call the same user-defined function.

From SP14 and above avoid Global Container. Use Java Section of Message Mapping to define Global Variables and to use them in your UDF’s.

38.Is It Possible To Transfer The Data Without Using Ir(repository)?


Yes, it is possible.

39.What Is The Use Of Idx2?


Maintain the Idoc Metadata. This is needed only by XI, and not by other SAP systems. IDX2 is needed because XI needs to construct IDoc-XML from the IDoc. No other SAP system needs to do that.

40.Which Adapter Should You Use While Integrating With Any Sap System? Explain Why?


SAP gives us following options to communicate with SAP systems.

  • IDoc Adapter
  • RFC Adapter
  • Proxy
  1. What Are The Activities For Sap Netweaver Xi Integration, Implementation, Post Go-live?


SAP NetWeaver XI integration where the Involvement of charing the information between SAP and Non SAP System comes into Picture. Implementation where the SAP involvement into the business coming into Picture.

Go Alive After Developing the interface after come acrossing various stages like testing the Interface is made alive or used to the real time scenario is said to be GO ALIVE.

42.What Is Ccms Button In Rwb?


It is an alert and monitoring for the error messages. To monitor SAP components . CCMS is SAP Computing Center Management System. RWB is smoothly integrated with CCMS and CCMS alerts can be viewed thro’ the Runtime WorkBench. It provides alert monitoring for SAP Exchange Infrastructure Which is used for monitoring any system errors and administration errors. Enables monitor entire system centrally.

43.What Systems Used In Your Xi/pi Implementation?


Usually we will use Development System, Testing System(QA), Production System. But some times we will use Pre-Prod (Pre Production System) also. Before you moving all interfaces to Production will use Pre-Prod to test all interfaces with huge volumes. So totally will use following systems for an implementation :

  • DEV
  • QA
  • Pre-Prod.
  • Prod.
  1. Daily Activities And Responsibilities Of Xi Developer?


Monitoring after golive. troubleshoot performance issue when a ticket arises. on development part it will be creating BS, objects in IR, configuring in ID Based on the scenario that what you are working in the low level Working on SLD,IR,ID,RWB + developing the scenario+Documentation + Based on the requirements design + monitoring check + Performance+..etc

45.Experience With Requirements Gathering?


If you have been interacting with the client for gathering the req need to explain them on what basis the req were gathered. These are the things you can ask the client to get the requirements :

  • What is the problem? This will give answer for why they are going for XI? Here try to Understand the business as well as integration? Where XI come into the picture? .
  • Total number of systems involved in integration? That is their SLD? Details? .
  • Scenarios (interfaces)? Total? What kind of? But here once again this is depends on project. Some times client will give this (or) based on the requirement you people have to decide? It is fully depends..!!!! take care Then based on the scenario you need to get the full information . this is place where you can ask all the questions from scenario to scenario. Get all the details as mentioned below apart from the basics try to ask something technically. .
  • Are they providing any XSD,WSDL, documents, Naming conventions..etc Protocols related like http, ftp, smtp, soap.
  • If file related then CSV, Fixed. like that delimiter specific details.very imp this one. .
  • If R/3 present then . it is Idoc, Rfc, BAPI,. any proxies and web services for direct communication . etc.
  • These are the basic things for XI integration project and after that every thing is specific to scenarios.
  1. Where Would You Look Logical System In The Sld.?


Business system wizard

47.What 2 Data Types Are Automatically Created When The Namespace Is Saved In The Integration Repository?


ExchangeFaultdata and Exchange log data.

Namespace Is Saved In the Integration Repository

48.Which Development Object In Sap Xi Forms The “root Node” Of An Xml Document When An Xi Message Is Generated?



  1. What Is The Relationship Between Product, Product Version, Software Component And Software Component Version? Give An Example.


  • PRODUCT : Represents a collection of all versions of a product. In SAP environment, a product corresponds to an SAP technical Component, e.g. 4.6c, 4.6d, and 4.7 .
  • COMPONENT : Represents a collection of all versions of a software components Examples of Software components are SAP_APPL, SAP_ABA, SAP_HR Software.
  1. Jms Adapter Can Talk With What Type Of Systems? Give Some Examples


Messaging systems to the integration engine

  1. What Format Can Jdbc Adapter Communicate In? Should You Use Native Sql?


JDBC adapter converts database content to XML messages and the other way around.

  1. If Communications With Jdbc Using Xml Format, What Are 4 Actions You Could Do?



  1. Can Jdbc Adapter Query Db Tables? Can It Insert?



54.Can Rfc Adapter Be Used For Asynchronous Processing?


YES, RFC adapter can be used for asynchronous processing.

Asynchronous Processing

  1. What Is Difference Between The Party And The Business Service And In Which Cases They Are Used With Details?


A Communication party represent a layer unit which is involved in cross-system process (eg. a company). and Business service represent an abstract, addressable unit. business services are used in cross-company process. for eg if the parties involved have only published there interfaces and not there system landscape or it is partly known. normally we use business services to communicate with different systems in same company.

  1. What Are The Usual Project Scenarios On The Job (legacy Systems Or Erp)?


It depends on the client requirement but you should know about the R3-MDM integration.most of the requirement it would be use. Related scenarios as I mentioned are MDM-BIW integration, SRM-MDM Catalog, MDM-XI-R3 integration, RPCM,enrichment adaptor etc

  1. How Long Are Usually The Projects?


It depends on the client requirement.

  1. How To Solve The Following Error Coming In Message Monitoring?


Http_resp_status_code_not_ok Go to transaction SICF /default_host/sap/xi/engine double click on service Now check whether you have entered correct information for the following fields. Client, user id, password, and language information.

  1. How To Solve The Following Error Coming In Message Monitoring?


Runtimeexception In Message-mapping Transformation

The error is in Message Mapping. Go to the Test tab and test the message mapping with the incoming payload file. Check the source structure with the input file that you are sending to XI. Both structures should be exactly same. I mean all nodes and the node structures. Refresh the cache (both Delta cache and full cache) in SXI_CACHE transaction in PI.

  1. How To Solve The Following Error Coming In Message Monitoring?


Obligatory Node Xxx Missing In The Idoc Structure Xxx The error is in Message Mapping. Check the node xxx and make sure all its attributes are mapped properly. For Ex: SEGMENT=”1″ and BEGIN=”1″

  1. Partner Connectivity Kit Is Directly Integrated With?


integration engine.

  1. How To Solve The Following Error Coming In Message Monitoring? No Receiver Could Be Determined?


Problem is in Receiver Determination. Check it. If everything is fine then just edit and change something then remove that change and again reactivate the receiver determination.

  1. How To Solve The Following Error Coming In Message Monitoring? Party And Service Not Defined.


The problem is that the file is not able to get any party or service configured for itself.

Check the structure of input file and confirm that the same structure is assigned to Sender Interface.

  1. How To Solve The Following Error Coming In Message Monitoring? Error While Refreshing The Xi Runtime Cache.


  1. The problem is in Cache refresh.
  2. Go to SXI_CACHE, then from Menu – XI Runtime Cache – choose “Start Delta Cache Refresh” (F6) and then choose “Start Complete Cache Refresh” (shift + F6)
  3. After Transporting Pi Objects, The Objects Are Not Getting Updated / Created In The Target System?


  • Go to transaction SE01 -> Transports -> Global Information -> Transports -> check the error displayed there.
  • Also confirm that the business systems are ready for source and target system before transportation.
  1. After Some Changes Or Modification In Sld. the Changes Are Not Reflecting In Ir Or Id


  1. Go to IR -> Menu -> Environment –> Clear SLD Data Cache
  2. Go to ID -> Menu -> Environment –> Clear SLD Data Cache
  3. How To Transport Alert Rules?


Create a workbench transport request manually with transaction SE09. Delete the corresponding unclassified task of that request. Double click on the transport request and click on button ‘edit <-> change’. For Program ID enter R3TR, for Object Type enter TABU and for Object Name enter SXMSALERTRULES.

Now click on the button with the key symbol (located under ‘Function’). Click on ‘Insert row’ and enter * for table key. Save the request, release it and import it in the target system. Refer SAP Note 1110295

  1. How To Test The Alert?


  • You can test the alert by executing the report RSALERTTEST.
  • To check the log, execute the report SXMSALERT_LOGREADER.
  1. If Idoc Has Been Changed In R/3 Then What Should Be Done With Respect To Pi?


Go to transaction IDX2 –> Delete the old IDOC structure and Load the new IDOC structure

  1. How To Process The Messages Stuck In Queues?


Check the queues using transactions SMQ1 (outbound)/SMQ2 (inbound). Resolve the displayed errors. You can cancel the messages from SXMB_MONI. Execute LUW if necessary and avoid deleting entries manually.

  1. How To Solve The Following Conversion Error In Message Monitoring? Unable To Convert The Sender Service Xxxx To An Ale Logical System.


This error occurs in case of scenarios with IDOC adapters. Whenever you use business systems, make sure that the corresponding logical system name is maintained in the SLD.

Open your business system in the Integration Directory. Switch to Change mode. Access the menu path Service → Adapter Specific Identifiers. Click the button that says ‘Compare with System Landscape Directory’ and chose Apply. Save and activate your change list.

In case of business services, you can manually type a logical system name in the Adapter Specific Identifiers if required. This name should match the corresponding logical system name defined in the partner SAP system’s partner profiles.

  1. How To Monitor Bpm?


Use the transaction code SXMB_MONI_BPE.

Monitor Bpm

  1. Briefly Explain About Netweaver?


SAP NetWeaver provides an open integration and application platform and permits the integration of the Enterprise Services Architecture. Net weaver covers following topics:

  • People Integration.
  • Process Integration.
  • Information Integration.
  • Application Platform.
  1. What Are The Integrations In Netweaver?


People integration, information integration, process integration and application platform.

  1. What Are The Components In Netweaver?


mobile infrastructure, enterprise portals, biw and MDM, sap xi (integration broker and bpm) WEB AS.

  1. What Is The Message Flow In Sap Xi?


inbound handling, receiver determination, interface determination, channel determination, mapping, outbound handling.

  1. What Are Routing Rules?


Receiver determination rules and interface determination rules (includes mapping assign).

  1. What are the Types of Useful node functions?


RemoveContext, splitByValue, collapseContext, Copy value, createif, exits, useOneAsMany :

  1. removeContexts :“There is absolutely no difference between my children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren”.Material Group is sent in the item node of the source idoc but I want it in the header node of the target idoc. So I need to fool the mapping runtime that Material Group is coming in the header node of the source. removeContext exactly does that.
  2. SplitByValue :“I need a different parent for every instance of me”I will try to explain the function with the same mapping as readers can correlate well. Each instance of Item no in the source structure should generate a target itemNo and item under a different instance of the header node in the target. As we can observe that occurrences of items in the source and target structure are different we cannot map the elements of the item node directly. We use splitbyValue to achieve the same.
  3. collapseContexts :” There is just a slight difference between my children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren”. Similar to removeContext but context change is replaced with “. If we need to create empty tags in the target for every context change in the source we can use it. I did not find it useful so I don’t like to explain in detail.
  4. copy value :“How many ever times I occur I am copied just once” This is not a node function but I am explaining it as it is used very frequently in real-time.Let us take an instance of a material group, which can occur as many times as the item node. But since we are mapping it to the header in the target node I just want to copy the first occurrence of the material group and map it to the header node. copyValue exactly does that.
  5. createif :“I have criteria for existing”. It is used when you want to create a target node or element based on some condition
  6. What Are Service Users?


They have sapmuser roles on the abap part of the SAP web as that is available on the J2ee part as groups.

  1. What The Central Administration Transaction To Manage The Alerting?



  1. What Are The Tools Used By Runtime To Monitor?


ccms (computer center management system), pmi (process monitoring infrastructure) and alert frame work.

  1. The Message Has Been Sent From Sender To Pi Or From Pi To Receiver But Nothing Is Coming In Message Monitoring. Where Is The Input File?


The file got stucked in the PI queue. Check the following.

  • qRFC Monitoring: transaction SM58 Click Deregistration Click Registration.
  • qRFC monitor (Outbound queue) Check the queue and monitor the problem.
  • qRFC monitor (Inbound queue) Check the queue and monitor the problem.
  1. What Does Partner Connectivity Kit Enable?


enables partners of XI customers to conduct XML document exchange with XI.

  1. What Is The Process Performed In Runtime Workbench?


message monitoring, component monitoring, performance analysis and message alerting.

  1. What Are Unicode Sap Web As Platforms?


oracle and ms sql

  1. Integration of PM with EWM?


The SAP EWM integration with SAP PM(EAM) allows easy adaptation and usage with fast time to value and a low TCO for customers. Complex PM order management for maintenance for massive assets maintenance (Mining, Oil & Gas, etc.)

Integration of PM with EWM

  1. What is SAP and why it is used?


As one of the world’s leading software systems dedicated toward the management of business processes, SAP facilitates effective data processing and information flow across organizations. SAP connects all parts of a business into an intelligent suite on a fully digital platform.

  1. Explain PI- Process Integration?


Process Integration can be used as a Middleware Engine to communicate in a distributed environment. The heart of XI is the Integration Engine that is used for integrating different technologies using Standard Messaging techniques e.g XML. Different mapping tools are available for mapping the distributed system which can be mapped without having any expertise of Technical Details. As a real-world example, XI can be helpful in integrating different banks with SAP R/3. XI Engine also supports previous releases of SAP R/3 like 4.6C and have many more adapters to communicate with legacy systems.

89.When will we go for BPM?


  • Error Handling
  • Splitting of messages
  • Combining of messages
  • Message Persistency.
  1. What Are The Quality Of Services, Which Comes Under Asynchronous Process?


exactly once and exactly once in order.

92.What are the SAP XI Components?


  • Integration Builder
  • Integration Server
  • System Land Scape Directory
  • Runtime Work Bench.
  1. What are the transaction codes in XI?


  2. Starting Builder
  4. Integration Engine, Monitoring
  6. XI Message Monitoring
  8. Test SLD Connection
  10. SLD API Customization
  11. SXMB_ADM
  12. Integration Engine, Administration
  14. XI Directory Cache
  16. Process Engine, Monitoring
  17. What are the functions used in graphical mapping?


  • Conversions
  • Boolean
  • Node Functions
  • Constant
  • Date
  • Text
  • Static
  • Arithmetic
  1. What are DOM and SAX?


SAX is Simple API for XML, DOM is Document Object Model. SAX parser is a memoryless parser and is recommended when the XML structure is huge. DOM parser loads the entire XML into the memory and so when the XML size is too big, DOM parser is to be avoided.

  1. What is CIM?


Common Information model, XI has developed means Ans) CIM the SLD is for a central repository of information about software and system in the data center, expressed in the Common information model. CIM was developed by DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force). It is an industry consortium whose goal is to enable the management of IT systems in a distributed environment using web standards.

  1. What are the BPM tcodes?



98.What is the use of BPM patterns?


Patterns are more like the example where u can refer to the IS or u can make use of those in your scenario :

  2. Check Events
  4. Delete Event trace
  5. SWEL
  6. Display Event trace
  7. SWELS
  8. Switch on Event trace
  9. SWI1
  10. Processes and work items,
  12. Restart workflow with errors
  13. SWF_XI_SWI14
  15. Diagnosis process with errors.
  16. If u don’t give FTP Connection details how will test the input message?


If u don’t give FTP Connection details how will test the input message

  1. What is cache monitoring?


Cache monitoring displays objects that are currently in the runtime cache of either of the following receives of cache data.


By bpci