DU Recruitment 2023: Apply for 51 Assistant Professor posts at colrec.uod.ac.in

Employment News: Latest Updates on Employment News Today, Govt Jobs Alert | Hindustan Times

Aditi Mahavidyalaya of Delhi University has invited applications for Assistant Professor posts. The applictaion process is underway and the deadline for the submission of the application form is December 20 or within 21 days from the publication of the advertisement in the employment news. The advertisement was published in the employment news on December 16. Interested candidates can apply online through the official website at colrec.uod.ac.in.

Application fee of 500 for UR/OBC/EWS category in DU Recruitment 2023

DU Recruitment 2023 vacancy details: This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 51 vacancies.

DU Recruitment 2023 application fee: The application fee is 500 for the UR/OBC/EWS category. SC, ST, PwBD category and Women applicants are exempted from the payment of the application fee.

Take a printout for future reference.

In case of a technical issue, candidates can mail their issues to the college at recruitment@aditi.du.ac.in.

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#Recruitment #Apply #Assistant #Professor #posts #colrec.uod.ac.in

By bpci

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