Logical Reasoning series: Solving questions on Data Sufficiency

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Logical Reasoning forms an integral part of various competitive exams like CAT, XAT, UPSC, Bank jobs like SBI PO, SBI CBO, etc.

Few conditions will be presented and candidates are expected to analyse it if the given statements are sufficient to arrive at a conclusion. (Biplov Bhuyan/HT PHOTO)

To qualify and secure high scores in such competitive exams requires the candidate to be well prepared with the logical reasoning topics. Now, with sectional cut-offs also being implemented in such exams, candidates mandatorily have to be prepared and attempt questions from the sections.

In this series, we’ll discuss the topic of Data Sufficiency which is often seen in the logical reasoning section of bank exams. In this section few conditions will be presented and candidates are expected to analyse it if the given statements are sufficient to arrive at a conclusion.

Below are a few statements that have been given. Analyse them and answer whether the data given in the statements are sufficient to answer the question or not.

From the given statements we know that Rumi was born in 1998 and the age difference between them is 3 years.

Hence, this means that Rahi was born in 1995. This would mean that the hints given by both statements are important to arrive at the conclusion.

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By bpci

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