Patents and Designs Recruitment exams 2023: Window for answer key challenge for preliminary exams closes tomorrow

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The window for the answer key challenge for Patents and Recruitment Preliminary Exams 2023 ends tomorrow. The answer key challenge was released by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on December 27. In a notice, the NTA stated that the Provisional Answer Keys for the Preliminary Exam (Phase 1) for the Post of Examiner of Patents and Designs along with the question papers with recorded responses have been uploaded on the website for candidates to challenge.

Patents and Designs Recruitment exams (Prelims) 2023: Last day for answer key challenge tomorrow.(NTA website)

Notably, the exam was conducted on December 21 at 260 Centres located in 103 cities across the country. A total of 89,657 candidates appeared for the test, the results of which will be declared soon.

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Now what are the steps to challenge the answer keys?

The NTA in its notice has stated that candidates who are not satisfied with the Answer Key need to challenge the same by paying a fee of 200 per question as a non-refundable processing fee till December 29.

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To challenge answer keys, candidates have to go through the following steps as described by the NTA:

1. Go to the website

2. Click ‘Challenge (s) regarding Answer Key’.

3. Login with your Application Number and Date of Birth, enter the Security PIN as displayed, and submit.

4. Click ‘Challenge(s) regarding Answer Key’.

5. A window with Question IDs placed in a sequential order will appear.

6. The ID next to the question under the column ‘Correct Option’ stands for the most appropriate Answer Key by NTA.

7. If candidates wish to challenge this option, they may use any one or more of the Option IDs given in the next four columns by clicking the check box.

8. Candidates may upload supporting documents by selecting the ‘Choose File’ and upload option. All documents must be put in a single PDF file.

9. After clicking the desired option, candidates will have to scroll down click on ‘Save your Claim’ and move to the next screen.

10. They will see a display of all the Option IDs challenged.

11. Candidates must click on ‘Save your Claim and submit.

12. A non-refundable processing fee of 200 for each question challenged has to be paid through Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking.

(For more information, visit the official website)

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By bpci

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