Tips and tricks to excel in CBSE Class 12 physics board exams

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As the CBSE board exams approach, students often find themselves struggling with stress and apprehension. However, with a tactical approach and the right mindset, one can traverse the exams and excel in them.

Physics is a subject that requires a fair balance of logic and understanding and not just memorisation.(Burhaan Kinu/HT PHOTO)

As a Physics educator, I understand the challenges students face. Physics is a subject that requires a fair balance of logic and understanding and not just memorisation. Mastering physics for the board exams necessitates a combination of effective study strategies, dedication, and a positive mindset.

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Here are some tips and tactics to help you prepare effectively and perform at your best in the Physics paper.

Thorough clarity of the Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Before plunging into your study routine, it is critical to have a clear understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern. Acquaint yourself with the chapters, topics, and weightage assigned to each unit and create a vision board with milestones and an achievement plan. This will guide your preparation, allowing you to prioritise areas with higher marks.

Units I, II, and III, based on Static and Current Electricity, carry a weightage of 16 marks. Expect a question on Gauss Law, the superposition principle for determining electric field/force/ potential/ potential energy and the combination of capacitors.

• Units III and IV, comprising four chapters, have a weightage of 17 marks. Do emphasise EMI and AC, as a bit of practice shall help you ace the numerical questions.

Units V and VI, based on EM waves and Optics have a weightage of 18 marks. One can anticipate questions on topics viz optical devices (ray diagrams and derivations) and TIR and Huygens theory, which can be mastered with ease. Also, focus on numerical questions based on Interference and Diffraction.

• Units VII, VIII and IX account for 19 marks and are relatively easy to score. So, ensure that all concepts of Modern Physics and Semiconductors are effectively covered.

Topics covered in Book 2 are mostly theoretical, while those in Book 1 are numerical-based. Leverage your strengths while allocating the required time suitably.

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The question paper shall comprise 33 questions and five sections.

• Section A comprises 16 questions; Q1 to Q12 are MCQs, and Q13 to Q16 are Assertion and Reasoning questions of 1 mark each.

• Section B includes 5 questions, Q17 to Q21 carrying 2 marks with one internal choice.

• Section C includes 7 questions, Q22 to Q28 carrying 3 marks each with one internal choice.

• Section D includes 2 Case Studies, Q29 and Q30, each carrying 4 marks. Each of these questions have 4 parts of one mark each, and there is a choice in any one of the parts.

• Section E includes Q31, Q32 and Q33 of 5 marks each, and each question has an internal choice.

It is imperative to allocate time efficiently while you ensure that you cover all sections adequately.

Create a Study Schedule

Develop a realistic study timetable that allows you to complete the syllabus on time and leave adequate days for revision. Study for an hour with short breaks to avoid saturation and burnout.

While assigning more time to challenging topics is essential, do ensure you consolidate your learning by regularly revisiting previously covered topics. Both quality and quantity matter in your preparation.

Conceptual Understanding is the key

Physics calls for a strong conceptual footing, so strive to understand the underlying principles and theories with their applications. Use concept maps and concise notes highlighting key points and prepare a list of formulas and derivations chapter-wise to be used as a ready reckoner.

Regular Practice

There is no substitute for practice in Physics. Solve a variety of problems from textbooks, reference materials, and previous year’s question papers to acclimatise yourself to the exam.

Dedicate a substantial portion of your study time to numerical problems. Additionally, practice theoretical questions to ensure a well-rounded preparation. The more times you revisit the material, the more confident and prepared you’ll feel on the day of the exam.

Utilise resources effectively

Your textbook, reference books, online materials, and class notes are valuable assets. Use them to strengthen your understanding of concepts and practice varied questions.

However, as the exams approach, do not consult too many books; revise and practice from the 1-2 books at most that you have extensively referred to during the session.

Work on time management

Once the syllabus is covered, solve the previous year’s question papers within the stipulated time. This will help you work out the specific time required for each section. Please ensure you get feedback for the practice papers from your teachers.

Take guidance to clear doubts

Discussing concepts and problem-solving approaches with friends and teachers can provide valuable insights and help you view topics from different perspectives.

If you have doubts, clarify them promptly, as unresolved doubts can lead to confusion and impact your performance during the exam. Remember, your teachers are there to support you, so make the most of their expertise.

Take care of your health

Maintain a balanced diet, get adequate sleep, and engage in physical activities to keep your mind and body in optimal condition. A healthy lifestyle enhances your concentration and cognitive abilities, ensuring you can focus effectively during study sessions and exams.

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Positive and a stress-free mindset

Trust your abilities and the efforts you’ve put into your preparation. While some level of stress is expected, excessive anxiety can hamper performance. Practice mindfulness, yoga, breathing exercises, spend some time outdoors and stay connected with family and friends. Stay confident, and don’t let fear or self-doubt overshadow your capabilities.

During the Exam

• Utilise the 15 minutes of reading time to understand and interpret the questions, and do not get flustered if the question seems challenging. At times, when we start solving the question, answers start to fall into place.

• Decide on the option you want to attempt in the questions with a choice.

• Attempt all questions of a given section; do not mix questions of different sections. Start with the questions you find most comfortable to gain momentum.

• Avoid spending too much time on a single question; if you get stuck, move on to the next one and return later if time allows. Stay calm and composed and ensure that you complete the entire paper.

• Write a couple of introduction lines for derivations.

• Solve the numerical questions in systematic and clear mathematical steps.

• Highlight the formula used and the answers.

• Wherever required, support your answers with a neat diagram.

• Ensure that you have 15-20 minutes to revise the paper at the end.

Success is not just about the marks you score but also about the knowledge and skills you gain. Approach the exams with a growth mindset, embrace challenges, and celebrate your progress.

(Authored by Rachna Arora, PGT Physics, Shiv Nadar School, Noida. Views are personal)

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