Jagran Josh
JKSSB Stock Assistant Admit Card 2024: The Jammu & Kashmir Service Selection Board (JKSSB) will release the admit card of the exam for the post of Stock Assistant, Animal/Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries Department on 9 Jan. Candidates will be able to download JKSSB Admit Card from the official website i.e. jkssb.nic.in and ssbjk.com.
JKSSB Stock Assistant Admit Card Download 2024
JKSSB Stock Assistant Exam will be held on 14 Jan. Those who are going to appear in the exam can check the link to download the admit card using their email ID and password, once released.
The candidates who are facing any issues while downloading the admit card may contact JKSSB Help-Desk at 0191-2461335 (Jammu)/0194-2435089 (Srinagar) or write to JKSSB at helpdesk.jkssb@amail.com. Help-Desk will be activate from 04.12.2023 to 10.12.2023 during office hours only.
How to Download JKSSB Admit Card 2024 ?
The candidates can check follow the steps given in this article to download the admit card through the steps given below.
Step 1: Visit the official website of the board
Step 2: On the homepage, there will be an option to download E-Admit Card. On that page, click on the link/button – “LOGIN”.
Step 3: Provide your details
Step 4: Now, download the admit card
Step 5: Take the print-out of the admit card
#JKSSB #Stock #Assistant #Admit #Card #Download #Link #Active #jkssb.nic.in