How 2 Become

To help you pass your interview at the first attempt, We will cover the following 2 things during this tutorial:

#1. We will explain why the hiring manager is asking you the question, “WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB?” They are asking you this question for 2 reasons. We will tell you what those two reasons are!

#2. We will then give you the perfect answer to the question, “What is your dream job?”.

Why Are You Being Asked This Question?

REASON #1 is because they want to see if the job you are applying for is a match for your ambitions! Will your dream job be a match for their company values, culture, and future plans? If it isn’t, you probably won’t get hired!

REASON #2 why they are asking you the question, “what is your dream job?” is because they want to check whether you have any plans to move on to a bigger or better company any time soon! For example, if you say your dream job is to eventually work in a different role for a different company, again, you won’t get hired!

Top-Scoring Example Answer

“My dream job is one that empowers me to make a positive difference to the team I am a part of and the people I am helping or serving in my work. My dream job allows me to be creative, put forward ideas and suggestions that help the business grow, and be the best version of myself possible in an environment where I am respected, valued, and supported.”

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Joshua Brown


By bpci

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