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Indian Railways is one of the world’s largest railway networks and is a state-owned enterprise which is governed by the Ministry of Railways of the Government of India. Recruitment in Indian Railways is done on the various Indian railways vacancies which are required to be filled. lakhs of candidates apply for the various Indian Railway exams, and RRB is one of them. The Indian Railways recruitment is conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board.
The minimum eligibility criteria for the Indian Railways recruitment is different for nontechnical and technical candidates and the details are given below:
For Non -Technical Posts
- Age Limit: 18 to 33 years
2. Educational Qualification: Pass in 10th standard (matriculation) or equivalent board
3. Nationality: Indian Citizen
For Technical Post:
Age Limit: 18 to 33 years
Educational Qualifications:
1. ITI Certificate: pass in ITI( Industrial Training Institute with certificate/Mechanical,Electrical,Electronics etc)
2. Diploma /Certificate: pass in Diploma certificate in the relevant field of engineering eg. Mechanical, Electrical)
Nationality: Indian Citizen
Indian Railways Recruitment Process-
The selection procedure of Indian railways consists of 2 processes which are-
- Written test
- Final Interview
Let’s have the details of the above-mentioned two processes at the Indian Railways recruitment.
1. Written test
The written test is generally multiple choice questions and it is an online exam. the number of subjects covered is given below.
Duration: 90 minutes
- Quantitative skills
- General awareness and as Language General Hindi/General English
- General arithmetic
- Analytic
2. Physical Test:
Many posts exhibit medical after the document verification process the posts are
- RRB Group D
The candidates must pass the medical examination to show their physical fitness to sustain the post and if he/she doesn’t acquire then the candidate will rejected.
2. Final Interview
Once a candidate clears the written exam, the candidate will be selected for the interview and then will be called for the interview by the Indian Railways recruitment authorities.
Indian Railways Recruitment Exams-
Various Railway recruitment exams are held by the respective authorities of Indian Railways to fill the Indian railways vacancies from time to time. Some of the such exams are-
RPF Exams and some other posts come under the Union Public Service Commission.
The placement Papers of Indian Railways and the Interview questions are given here to assist you in your journey of Career.
If need to share your views and ideas, please give us a response in the comment section.
The Indian Railways recruitment placement papers can be downloaded in the PDF here
Indian Railways Placement Paper pdf

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Indian Railways Recruitment and selection Process
Indian Railways eligibility, qualification and selection process
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