RPSC RAS Prelims exam district information today on the SSO portal

Competitive Exams in India 2024: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times | Hindustan Times

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) will share district information for the Rajasthan State and Sub. Services Combined Competitive (Prelims) examination today, January 26.

RPSC RAS Prelims exam district information today(File Photo)

Candidates will get the RAS Prelims exam district information on the SSO portal, sso.rajasthan.gov.in.

Direct link for the SSO portal

The exam will be conducted on February 2, from 12 pm to 3 pm.

The admit card will be released on January 30 on the SSO portal and the commission’s website, rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.

On exam day, candidates must arrive at the exam centre on time. They will be allowed to enter up to 60 minutes before the exam’s start time.

All candidates must undergo a security check before entering the exam hall.

Candidates need to carry their main Aadhar card (colour) along with the admit card to the exam venue.

If the photo on the Aadhar card is old or not unclear, they can bring other IDs, such as a driver’s license, passport, voter identity card, etc., where the photo is clear and new.

They also need to paste a recent, colour photo on the admit card.

The RPSC RAS prelims exam will consist of one paper. The questions will be objective-type and carry 200 marks.

The prelims examination will serve only as a screening. Marks obtained in this examination will not be considered for determining the final merit

The standard of the paper will be at the bachelor’s degree level. The exam duration will be 3 hours.

There will be negative marks in the RPSC RAS prelims exam.

RPSC RAS Prelims Exam 2024: How to download exam district information when released

  1. Go to the SSO portal, sso.rajasthan.gov.in.
  2. Log in to your account by providing the required information.
  3. Check the exam district information.

After the prelims examination, qualified candidates will be called for the mains written examination and the interview/personality test rounds.

RPSC RAS Prelims Exam 2024 on February 2, complete syllabus out at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in, download link here

This recruitment drive will fill up 733 vacancies.

For more details, candidates can check the official RPSC website.

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By bpci

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