New pass criteria, revision of syllabus: Changes in ISC exam on the cards

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The Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has decided to make major changes in the Indian School Certificate (ISC for Class 12) examination system from 2027.

New pass criteria, revision of syllabus: Changes in ISC exam on the cards

These changes include new pass criteria, two streams and English and maths, revision of syllabus and introduction of new subjects among others.

The terms pass certificate awarded (PCA) and pass certificate not awarded (PCNA), which that denote the result of a candidate in the result document, will now be replaced by the terms qualified and not qualified respectively, said CISCE chief executive and secretary Dr Joseph Emmanuel in a circular released by the council.

“Most of these decisions were taken in the interest of students,” Emmanuel said. The two result documents i.e. statement of marks and pass certificate, earlier provided to the candidates with PCA result, will now be merged into a single document titled pass certificate-cum-statement of marks for candidates who qualify the examination, he said.

“The candidates, who do not qualify the ICSE (Class 10)/ISC (Class 12) examination and their result is declared as not qualified, will be issued a document titled statement of marks,” he added.

Candidates who take the supplementary examination after qualifying ICSE/ISC examination in the previous years will be issued the result document titled supplementary statement of marks.

Candidates may apply for the duplicate copy of any/all the result document/s (where applicable): Duplicate statement of marks, duplicate pass certificate-cum-statement of marks and duplicate supplementary statement of marks, according to the circular.

The document certifying statement of marks, which was earlier issued to the candidates who applied for the issuance of a duplicate pass certificate, will cease to exist here on.

Changes for ISC 2026 exams

A total of six subjects have been revised for Class XII 2026 examination. They are chemistry, biology, history, political science, psychology and legal studies. The syllabus and its scope of the remaining subjects for the ISC examination 2026 remains the same.

“One specific change has been made for ISC 2027 examination in pass criteria. To qualify the ISC examination, a candidate will be required to attain pass standard in five or six subjects (instead of four or more subjects) which must include the subject English/Modern English and a pass grade in SUPW and community service as assessed internally by the school,” the circular said.

Total number of subjects to be offered

All candidates for the examination must enter for English/Modern English, with four or five elective subjects (instead of three, four or five elective subjects). The nomenclature for the subject “Accounts” (858) has been changed to “Accountancy” (858).

The following subject combinations are not permitted for the ISC examination: English (subject code 801) with Modern English (891), physics (861) with engineering science (867), geometrical and mechanical drawing (869) with geometrical and building drawing (870), mathematics (860) with applied mathematics (885), robotics (884) with artificial intelligence (883).

Applied mathematics (subject code 885) is suitable for candidates who wish to pursue a career in humanities/commerce/economics/ Biosciences/social sciences and other related fields.

Mathematics (subject code 860) is suitable for candidates who wish to pursue a career in mathematics/physics/chemistry/ engineering/architecture/ and other related fields.

2 streams of English and maths

The details about the exemption from the study of a second language and the concessions and accommodations for candidates having specific learning/physical disabilities can be accessed from the document titled CISCE Guidelines for Comprehensive Support Measures in Examinations: Concessions and Benefits for Diverse Need Learners, published on the official website of CISCE.

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Guidelines for comprehensive support measures in exams

For the examination year 2027, five new subjects have been introduced at the ICSE level and one at ISC level. Now in ICSE, examinees may choose from artificial intelligence, robotics, applied mathematics, Modern English and Bhutia language while at ISC level only Bhutia language was added.

Syllabus for 12 subjects has been revised at ISC level and 10 at ICSE level. These 12 subjects are: Mathematics, Elective English, biology, commerce, accountancy, history, political science, sociology, psychology, chemistry, physics and legal studies.

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Likewise, syllabus of 10 ISC (Class 12) subjects was revised. These are: History and civics, geography, chemistry, economics, economic applications, commercial studies, Assamese, Marathi, Carnatic music, robotics and AI. The syllabus of the remaining subjects for the ISC and ICSE for 2027 examination remains the same.

All heads of schools were requested to ensure that printed copies of the ICSE and ISC regulations and syllabuses of the subjects being opted by each candidate should be handed over to all candidates and teachers teaching those subjects. This will facilitate better planning, preparation, and transaction of the syllabus for both candidates and teachers.

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All candidates registered for the examination download from the CISCE’s website, a copy of the regulations and syllabuses for the year of Examination in which they are appearing, for their reference.

All stakeholders are made aware of the changes in the regulations that have been put in place from the examination year 2027 onwards.

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