APPSC group 2 mains exam not postponed, commission issues clarification

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The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) on Saturday clarified that it has no plans to postpone the group 2 services mains examination scheduled for today, February 23.

The APPSC group 2 main exam will be held today. The commission confirmed the exam postponement notice circulating on social media is fake. (Getty Images/iStockphoto/ Representational image)

“It is learnt that a fake Web Note is circulating in social media saying that Main Examination for Group-II Services (Notification. No. 11/2023), scheduled on 23/02/2025 FN & AN is postponed. This information is false and police compliant for criminal prosecution is being given in this regard,” the commission said in a web note on its official website,

The examination will be held today in two shifts: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Hall tickets for the test have already been released.

According to HT Telugu, 92,250 candidates are eligible to appear for the APPSC group 2 mains examination, which will be held at 175 exam centres located in 13 districts.

The Main Examination will have objective-type questions and will be taken offline (OMR-based) or in Computer Test (CBT) mode.

APPSC Group 2 aspirants have been protesting to postpone the exam saying there are errors in the roaster system.

They wanted the government to correct the errors before holding the main examination, and they even took to the roads to raise their voices.

The High Court refused to interfere in the exam but gave the government the authority to correct the mistakes.

In a previous notification, APPSC said it will take post preferences from candidates again after the Mains round.

“This is to inform that as per para 15.8 of the Notification pertaining to Group-II services (Notification No.11/2023, Dated: 07.12.2023), the Commission will be taking the preferences of the candidates once again for the various posts notified after conduct of main examinations i.e., prior to preparation of the selection list,” the notification reads.

The APPSC is conducting group 2 recruitment examination to fill up 899 posts in various state government departments.

Will explore all possible avenues to find a solution: Minister

On Friday, Andhra Pradesh Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Nara Lokesh acknowledged candidates’ requests to postpone the examination and said all possible avenues would be explored to arrive at a solution.

“I’ve received numerous requests from Group 2 aspirants to postpone the examinations. I understand their concerns and, in consultation with our legal teams, we will explore all possible avenues to find a solution,” the minister posted on X.

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By bpci

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