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Top Cybersecurity Books for Aspiring Ethical Hackers in India
Hacking– A word to attract many, maybe because of different intentions, but it does. The concept of hacking itself is captivating. It’s like having a super power in the world of computers. But can this interesting thing often thought of as a bad approach towards studies, lead to a good career???
The answer is yes. Ethical hacking can lead to a fabulous career. Ethical hacking is basically a process of helping an organization to find its weak points or loopholes. The ethical hacker gets through the organization’s personal website to search for the cracks or points to strengthen so that it could be protected from the other hackers outside with a grim motive of destroying the organization’s status. Thus, it is clear that ethical hackers are an important part of an organization. Even then, people criticize Ethical hacking. They do so because they believe that hackers can never be Ethical. But then, Ethical hackers have to follow some strict rules to go about hacking.
Thus, it is a great career opportunity. So, one needs to prepare well. Thus, for the help of aspirants of Ethical hacking, here are some of the best ethical hacking books available in India.
Hacking Exposed 7: Network security secrets and solutions 7th Edition
This 768-page book is essential and advised for any student who wants to learn about the issues and solutions to network security. A very important book for people learning hacking as they need to have strong knowledge about network security. This is one of the best ethical hacking books.
Publisher: MC-Grawhill Education India Ltd.
Print Price: 850
Discounted Price: 648(23% discount) available at flipcart.
The Grey Hat Hacking: The Ethical hackers handbook 3rd Edition
This book provides the way and solution to break into a network and check the security solutions to provide feedback. It also contains the recent vulnerabilities, remedies to them, and the disclosure methods. The book concentrates on the flaws in Windows and Linux systems. A good ethical hacking book.
Author: Allen Harper
Publisher: Tata MC-Grawhill Education Ltd.
Print Price: 825
Discounted price: 650(21% discount) available at flipcart.
CEH- Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide 1st Edition
The above book is an official book for learning the tricks and techniques of ethical hacking. The book provides a detailed explanation of the hacking procedure and also provides the different security threats and legal disclosures. The book comes with a CD that contains extra material for any motivated aspirant. An inspiring and guiding ethical hacking books.
Author: Kimberley Graves
Publisher: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Print Price: 399
Discounted Price: 344(14% discount) available at flipcart.
How to Unblock Everything on the Internet 1st Edition
This book by Ankit Fadia concentrates on hacking normal and small websites. For example, if you are denied access to social networking sites anywhere. This is the best of the ethical hacking books to pick. It will provide you a good concept of the basics of Ethical Hacking.
Author: Ankit Fadia
Publisher: Vikash publishing house pvt. ltd.
Print price: 1060
Discounted Price: 742(30% discount) available at flipcart
The CEH prep guide: The comprehensive guide to certified ethical hacking 1st Edition:
The book covers all the basic and important parts to cover the examination and for ethical hacking professionals. They are: Ethics, legality, footprinting, etc.
Author: Russell Dean Vines
Publisher: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Print price: 599
Discounted price: 500(16% Discount) available at flipcart
These are some of the good ethical hacking books. Now, a lot depends on the liking of the person and his coding ability. But then also these book will provide you the right information. By covering significant knowledge, you can prepare your hacking career in a better way.
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