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Population Growth in India: A Problem?
India, on the verge of becoming a developed country, is still a developing one. The reason behind–“OVERPOPULATION”. Coming towards the rural areas, this situation is at hike. The reason behind-“ILLITERACY”. Increasing Population in India is Problem for country has always been a topic of discussion. Today, India is 2nd largest country in terms of population, and it is expected to surpass China by 2025. We are not able to manage our human resources properly. Now a days increasing Population of India is big Problem. The Increasing Population in India without any limit is one of the problems behind the lacking development in the country. India is the second largest country in terms of population.
Drak Side of Population
Illiteracy and lack of awareness creates a thought that having more children, will give a secure future to the parents and the society, but, whats the use if the children themselves do not get the desired facilities? What’s the use if they’ll be a burden for society?
What is the use if they ll not be able to contribute to the welfare and development of the country? The answer lies within. They can serve the country only if they get the desired facilities like food, shelter and most importantly–“EDUCATION”. The prime concern is to literate the people, especially in the rural areas and simultaneously making them aware about the ill consequences of having more children.
The government should allow certain rules regarding families, having more than 2 or 3 children to solve out the problem of Increasing Population in India. The people also should get aware of the birth control measures. Television, radio, newspaper or advertisements etc can be the best source to spread awareness among the people.
Hence, there should be the rising voices and helping hands from all over to eradicate this issue as over population is the main hindrance in the development of a developing country like India because government has to spend more and more money in giving subsidies at the underdeveloped areas.
If India does not control its population very soon we will have problem of feeding this huge population very soon. Either we need to learn to manage human resources quickly, or we need to decrease our population growth rate ASAP. We, as Indian citizens, need to understand our responsibilities. India is a free democratic country; this does not mean that citizens do not have some responsibility.
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Taniya Vohra
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