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We are all aware of the phrase “Agriculture is the backbone of India”. This is what we studied in our school life. It is not; agriculture is the backbone of the whole world. We can survive without electricity, Internet, and entertainment, but without food, survival is not possible. Food is the basic and essential part of human life. If the backbone is not good, the whole human body is going to fall. Likewise, if we aren’t really concerned about agriculture, then society is definitely going to face issues shortly.In this article we will explore Top government agriculture colleges in india.
Agriculture is what we all gonna need desperately in the future. People need to know the importance of agriculture before we fall prey to the lack of agricultural knowledge. You are what you eat. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. All these phrases indirectly show the importance of food. Food is the ultimate need of human life. People who are facing lots of confusion in choosing their career can check out whether agriculture works for them.
This generation of people is more realistic and understands the value of agriculture. Several students around the country are undertaking agriculture as their career. A great hats off to those students. It is not a career; it is life. We would love to help such students identify some of the best colleges where they can improve their agricultural skills to deliver innovation in the agricultural field. Take a look at the top government agriculture colleges in India. Indian Agricultural Statistical Research Institute, New DelhiIndian Agricultural Statistical Research Institute, New Delhi
Top Agricultural Colleges in India
1. Indian Agricultural Research Institute New Delhi
The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) in New Delhi is India’s leading agricultural research and education institution. Founded in 1905, IARI is renowned for its research excellence, innovative technology, and industry connections. It provides undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral courses with a focus on sustainable agriculture, food security, and rural development, making it a first preference for students seeking a career in agriculture.
Contact details
Address: ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Campus., New Delhi
Phone no.: +91- 11-25847121
Website: education.icar.gov.in
2. ICAR- National Dairy Research Institute Karnal
The ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) in Karnal is India’s leading institute for dairy education and research. NDRI, founded in 1923, is well known for its pioneering research, advanced technologies, and technical expertise in dairy production, processing, and management. Providing courses at the undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral levels, NDRI is an important institution in the development of India’s dairy industry, thus making it the first preference of students who wish to pursue a career in dairy science.
Contact details:
Address; GT Rd, near Jewels Hotel, Nyaypuri, Karnal, Haryana 132001
Phone no.: 01842259020
Website: ndri.res.in
3. Punjab Agricultural University
Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) in Ludhiana is a premier agricultural education and research institution in India. Founded in 1962, PAU is known for its cutting-edge research, academic performance, and close industry connections. Providing undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral courses, PAU is a driving force behind the development of Punjab’s agriculture sector, and thus it is one of the best options for students seeking a career in agriculture and allied sciences.
Contact details:
Address: Ferozepur Rd, Ludhiana, Punjab 141027
Phone no.; 01612401960
Website: pau.edu
4. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) in Coimbatore is India’s premier agricultural education and research institution. Founded in 1971, TNAU is celebrated for its out-of-the-box research, quality academics, and close industry linkages. Providing undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral courses, TNAU significantly contributes to the growth of Tamil Nadu’s agricultural sector, making it a favorite for those who wish to pursue a career in agriculture and allied sciences.
Contact details
Address: TNAU – RI Block, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Lawley Rd, P N Pudur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641003
Phone no.: 04226611200
Website: tnau.ac.in
5. G.B Pant Research of Agricultural & Techonology University
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology at Pantnagar is the trailblazing institution for agriculture education and research in India. Founded in 1960, it is famous for its out-of-the-box research, scholarly excellence, and robust industry interaction. Providing programs in undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral degrees.
Contact details
Address: Pantnagar, Tanda Range, Uttarakhand 263145
Phone no.: 05944233320
Website: gbpuat.ac.in
6. Acharya N.G Ranga Agricultural University
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU) is the top agricultural university because of its academic excellence, innovative research, and robust industry collaborations. With a glorious history of 57 years, ANGRAU provides holistic undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs. Its innovative research in agricultural sciences, horticulture, and veterinary sciences has greatly helped Andhra Pradesh’s agricultural development, making it a top-notch institution for agricultural education and research.
Contact details
Address: Administrative Office, Amaravathi Rd, Lam, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 522034
phone no.: 08632347001
Website: angrau.ac.in
Here is the simple procedure to apply for the abovementioned agricultural universities. The Indian Council Of Agricultural Research conducts the AIEEA ( All India Entrance Exam for admission to filter students for government colleges. Candidates can also apply for state-level examinations such as Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE 2018), KCET 2018 (Karnataka Common Entrance Test), and EAMCET 2018 (Engineering, Agriculture & Medical Common Entrance Test and many other exams are available. Some of the top guns will conduct their own exam to choose the students for their college.
Apply for the colleges mentioned here by attending the qualifying exams and start agriculturing for a better society and better living.
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