Personal Branding Blog – Stand Out In Your Career
What is the best way to build your personal brand when attending or participating in online events?
These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year and have created tens of thousands of jobs. Learn more at
1. Share Advice
“Even if you’re not a speaker or hosting the online event, you can still build your personal brand by sharing your advice with other attendees. For instance, if you’re participating in a webinar and someone in the chat asks a question that doesn’t get answered, you can answer it. Share your own personal advice and how it helps with your business in the chat to help others and promote your brand.”
Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms
2. Engage In Discussions
“You don’t have to self-promote if people remember you as someone worth their attention. The best way to come across as an interesting person is to be interested in others. Engage in conversations with other people, ask them questions, encourage them to share their expertise and bring something valuable to them by sharing yours. Be active and they will Google you after the event.”
Solomon Thimothy, OneIMS
3. Continue the Contact
“Request the email addresses for all participants and continue to maintain contact after the online event. Send emails after the presentation thanking them for their attendance and begin to initiate further communication. The best way to build relationships and your brand is through numerous interactions. One single event is likely not enough to create brand awareness or recognition.”
Matthew Podolsky, Florida Law Advisers, P.A.
4. Offer a Demo
“One of the best ways to build your personal brand when attending or participating in online events is by offering a free demo so potential leads can see what your product does or learn how it will add value to their life. You don’t have to go over the top or use an outlandish sales pitch — simply let people know why they should choose your brand by offering a demonstration of your product or service.”
Blair Williams, MemberPress
5. Start a Unique Discussion
“When attending an online event, there are likely to be many different discussions occurring based around a predetermined schedule of live streams or roundtable discussions. My advice is for you to find a topic that is interesting and pertinent but underrepresented and start talking about that. People will be drawn to you out of curiosity, giving you a chance to build your brand.”
Bryce Welker, Crush The CPA Exam
6. Share Your Brand Story
“Everyone has a story of how their personal branding came to be, and you can use yours to entice people to want to know more about its inception. Sometimes the most compelling thing about a business is how it started because many stories follow a “rags to riches” storyline. Use your branding story to entice others to want to know more about your business and what it stands for.”
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The Young Entrepreneur Council
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