Tips for Work-Life Balance During a Career Transition – Hallie Crawford

Career Blog – Hallie Crawford

Have you decided that it’s time for a career shift? The “Great Resignation” has many professionals considering a job change. However, it can be overwhelming to think about where to start, especially if you have had the same job for a long time. It can also seem too difficult to maintain work-life balance during a career transition.

We understand this challenge. We help professionals like you every day to find a career that they truly love. We have been there ourselves and know that it can be difficult to stay balanced. However, we also know that it is possible to maintain work-life balance during a career transition. Here are a few of our top tips to get you started.

#1 Set boundaries. To avoid becoming overwhelmed and losing balance during a career transition, decide how much you can realistically spend on your career transition each week. Once you have decided how much time you can spend, set realistic goals for yourself based on that.

#2 Schedule time for self-care. It’s important to schedule some downtime for yourself during a career transition to clear your mind and relieve stress. We recommend writing this down in your calendar so it doesn’t get overlooked.

#3 Reach out to others. We also recommend reaching out to others for support while making a career transition. Ask supportive friends and family for help with certain tasks, whether it’s finding job listings or walking the dog. Reach out to those in your network who have made a career transition for any advice they may have. All of this can contribute greatly to your maintaining work-life balance.  

#4 Work with a career coach. A career coach is a key element of your professional support system. A career coach is someone who will provide support and encourage you during your career transition. It can be overwhelming to determine what is best for you and your career. A coach will help you determine what you want out of your new career and provide you with the knowledge and expertise to get there.

A good career coach will provide you with the skills, tools, and confidence you need to make a successful career transition while maintaining work-life balance. This includes communication, management of time and resources, emotional intelligence for personal effectiveness, visioning, identifying strengths and weaknesses, understanding and communicating your vision, and your mission and brand.

Find out how we can help you with your career transition, schedule a free consult today.

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Hallie Crawford – Career Coach

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