4 Ideal Career Choices For Introverts | Mike McRitchie | Resume and LinkedIn Profile Writer

Mike McRitchie | Resume and LinkedIn Profile Writer | Telecom Marketing Content Writer

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A recent study showed that extroverts have an advantage over introverts in the workplace, so you might be wondering whether you can have a successful career despite being reserved, self-aware, and selectively social. However, all hope is not lost if you constitute the 25% to 40% of Americans who describe themselves as introverts. Being an introvert comes with several advantages that can help you advance in your career. Still, there are roles you might be more drawn to than others because they are a perfect fit for your personality type, making you more likely to succeed in your professional life. Below are four ideal careers worth considering as an introvert.

  1. Social media manager

Social media managers work with people every day, but these interactions occur in the virtual world instead of face-to-face. Indeed, these professionals spend their time interacting with thousands of social media users without having their bubbles invaded. The lack of face-to-face interaction and the chance to express helpful ideas and thoughts anonymously makes this career path ideal for introverts.

  1. Truck driver

Trucking is, without a doubt, a multi-million industry in America. This reality is hardly surprising, given that trucks deliver more than 70% of goods moved in America. Truck drivers, particularly long-haul drivers, spend a lot of time on the road alone instead of in an office. Consequently, introverts make for perfect truck drivers since the job requires almost no interaction with people. You get to drive for hours, explore the country, and listen to the radio, all alone with your thoughts and away from the external world. One of the best things about this job is that it doesn’t require much to get started. You need a high school diploma or GED and a commercial driver’s license. Also, you can make a lot of money as a truck driver, especially if you become an owner-operator through straight truck lease purchase programs.

  1. Graphic designer

Artists have various personality types, with some preferring independent work in homes and studios while others like working in agencies surrounded by other creatives. However, all artists like spending long periods in solitude developing their craft. As such, graphic design is one of the best career paths for introverts, who are also mostly creative people. You will be responsible for crafting custom visuals that communicate ideas about products and services to captivate consumers. Nearly every marketing and communications team need graphic designers, and many will allow you to work remotely or on a freelance basis to guarantee well-being and job satisfaction.

  1. Accountant

Accountants spend most of their workday engaging with numbers instead of people, so this is an excellent career path for introverts with strong organization and mathematical skills. You will work through several records, statements, and financial operations and prepare tax documents for individuals and corporations from time to time. There will be interactions with patrons or coworkers (if you work in an office setting,) but this is kept to the minimum. What’s more, your job is relatively secure since human accountants are still needed despite strides in artificial intelligence. Accountants earned a median salary of $73,560 in 2020, so this role is fairly lucrative.

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By bpci

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