Jagran Josh
DSSSB PGT Admit Card 2022 Released. DSSSB Teacher 2022 Exam to be held on 3rd and 21st November 2022 for PGT Sanskrit (Female), PGT Music (Male), PGT Urdu (Male & Female), PGT Computer Science (Male & Female).
DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022 Tips to Score High: The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board is all set to conduct the DSSSB PGT Teacher Exam 2022 on 3rd November and 21st November 2022 for filling up the posts of PGT Sanskrit (Female), PGT Music (Male), PGT Urdu (Male & Female), and PGT Computer Science (Male & Female).
DSSSB Teacher Recruitment 2022 Calendar
DSSSB Recruitment Events |
Important Dates |
Notification Release Date |
20th July 2022 |
Online Application Start Date |
28th July 2022 |
Online Application End Date |
27th August 2022 |
DSSSB Admit Card Download Date |
27th October 2022 |
DSSSB PGT Exam Dates |
3rd & 21st November 2022 |
DSSSB Result |
To be announced |
Also Read: DSSSB Teacher Recruitment 2022: Check Syllabus & Latest Exam Pattern for TGT, PGT & Other Posts
Also Read: DSSSB Recruitment 2022: Check Eligibility Criteria, Age, Qualifications for TGT & PGT Posts
Also Read: DSSSB Teacher Salary 2022: Check Pay Scale, Allowances, Vacancies for TGT, PGT & Other Posts
DSSSB Teacher Exam Pattern 2022 PGT Posts
PGT Sanskrit (Female), PGT Urdu (Male & Female)
S. No |
Subjects |
Questions |
Marks |
Duration |
Section-A |
3 hours |
1. |
Mental Ability and Reasoning Ability |
20 |
20 |
2. |
General Awareness |
20 |
20 |
3. |
English Language & Comprehension |
20 |
20 |
4. |
Hindi Language & Comprehension |
20 |
20 |
5. |
Numerical Aptitude & Data interpretation |
20 |
20 |
Section-B |
6. |
MCQs pertaining to Post Graduation qualification and teaching methodology required for the post. |
200 |
200 |
Total |
300 |
300 |
PGT Music (Male), PGT Computer Science (Male & Female)
S. No |
Subjects |
Questions |
Marks |
Duration |
Section-A |
3 hours |
1. |
Mental Ability and Reasoning Ability |
20 |
20 |
2. |
General Awareness |
20 |
20 |
3. |
English Language & Comprehension |
20 |
20 |
4. |
Hindi Language & Comprehension |
20 |
20 |
5. |
Numerical Aptitude & Data interpretation |
20 |
20 |
Section-B |
6. |
MCQs pertaining to Post Graduation qualification |
200 |
200 |
Total |
300 |
300 |
Also Read: DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022: Check Preparation Strategy for General Awareness
Also Read: DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022: Check Preparation Strategy for Numerical Aptitude and DI
Also Read: DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022: Check Preparation Strategy for English Language & Comprehension
Also Read: DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022: Check Preparation Strategy for Hindi Language & Comprehension
DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022: Best 5 Last-Minute Tips to Score High
1. Revision Time: Go through the syllabus, exam pattern, marking scheme, cut-offs
This is the wrap up time for preparation. Utilize this time to re-assess your progress, go through the entire syllabus, important topics, exam pattern, marking scheme, cut-off marks of previous years’, etc. These last few days before the exam day are crucial for revision, practice, and relaxation. Keep up with the study plan you have prepared for yourself. Keep practicing 10-20 questions from each question along with other preparation practices.
2. Attempt only what you know to avoid penalty
In the DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022 exam, a penalty of 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. Whereas 1 mark will be allotted for each right answer. Attempt only what you know to secure positive marks.
3. Solve previous years’ question papers, mock tests
Do not take up new topics. Last few days before the exam is best suited for practicing previous years’ question papers, mock tests, quizzes. Find a quiet place, set up a timer and start solving question papers from past years’ exam to get a real-time exam experience. This will also help in assessing your actual performance. This will also aid in learning the difficulty of questions and the type of questions mostly asked throughout different years.
4. Practice Questions from Important Topics section-wise
5. Keep your Admit Card, Photographs, ID Proofs, Aarogya Setu ready
The name of the Examination Centre and Date of Examination & Timing will be mentioned in the E-Admit Card. No candidate will be allowed to enter the exam centre after the end of reporting time mentioned in the Admit Card under any circumstances. No candidate will be allowed to enter the exam centre without Admit Card containing three pages and without any ID Proof (original). The second page of Admit card will be provided at the Exam Centre and the same will be handed over to the invigilator on the Exam Day after signing and affixing thumb impression in the presence of the invigilator. Candidates should follow all the COVID-19 related safety measures, including wearing masks, social distancing, etc.
Candidates should get good sleep and eat healthy foods. Consume mood-lifting foods and give proper rest to your brain. Engage in fun activities before the exam day. A rested brain is able to recall better during the exam. Affirm ‘I am prepared for the exam’. Do not pull an all-nighter before the exam day. Sleep early, wake up on time, have a fulfilling breakfast.
Wish you the best!
DSSSB PGT Admit Card 2022 (Link Active)
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