“I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.”
J.K. Rowling
Have you ever looked for just the right book to give you advice, guidance, instruction or a step-by-step process to achieve what you desire and felt overwhelmed with the choices?
If you feel a little lost in your career, a good book focusing on your specific needs whether it’s leadership, career development, personal branding, LinkedIn or job search, conflict management or on-boarding, the right book can give you that boost and the inspiration to take control of your career.
I’ve put together a list of my favourite books that will support you in your career, and because I love books so much, at the end of this post I’ve included some books just because they are great to read and I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.
Ever since I was a young child I’ve loved books. I remember very fondly how much my father loved books too (he passed away, sadly, when I was only 11 years old.)
When I was growing up in Hong Kong in the 1960’s, Dad would regularly take me to a magical book store in Central. I think it was called the Hong Kong Book Store, but my memory is fuzzy. If you’re reading this and you happen know the actual name please let me know! The book store was in the building next to Statue Square.
We’d walk down the steep stairs down into what was a wonderland of book, books and more books.
Entering what felt like Aladdin’s Cave to me, I’d immerse myself in the smell of books and trail my fingers along the bookshelves stopping to look at what had a particularly interesting spine or colour.
We would spend hours in the book store, Dad would flip through the pages of many new books, I’d look in the children’s section and Dad would always buy several books and we’d leave with the treasures in a brown paper bag. Such excitement!
Back home we’d stretch out on the carpet in our living room at the Hong Kong University and he would read to me. What special times and memories. Dad was an avid reader and showed me what a wonderful world a good book opens to us.
I remember the first book I read all by myself. It was Gobbolino the Witch’s Cat by Ursula Moray Williams. I was so absorbed by the story that at the end I cried that I’d come to the end! That was the start of my lifelong love for cats.
But I digress. This article is to recommend excellent books I’ve read and LOVE that will help you in your career. The following are highly recommended books for career transition, career development and setting up your own business. Check each one out and treat yourself to a good read.
Books for your Career Success
The First 90 Days: Proven strategies for getting up to speed faster and smarter by Michael Watkins
Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? How to drive your career and create a remarkable future by Seth Godin
Navigating Career Crossroads: How to Thrive When Changing Direction by Jane Jackson
Atomic Habits: The life-changing million copy bestseller by James Clear
The Barefoot Investor: The Only Money Guide You’ll Ever Need by Scott Pape
7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
The Success Principles: How to get from where you are to where you want to be by Jack Canfield
The E-Myth Revisited: Why most small businesses don’t work and what to do about it by Michael E Gerber
FOREVER EMPLOYABLE: How to Stop Looking for Work and Let Your Next Job Find You by Jeff Gothhelf
DEEP WORK: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport
INVISIBLE TO INVINCIBLE: A self promotion handbook for executive women by Amanda Blesing
REBIRTH OF THE SALESMAN: The world of sales is evolving – are you? by Cian McLoughlin
INFLUENCER: The 9-step guide to becoming highly influential in any industry by Adam Houlahan
WHAT COLOUR IS YOUR PARACHUTE: Your guide to a lifetime of meaningful work and career success by Richard N Bolles & Katharine Brooks
Well, these will keep you busy for a while!
Books I love and hope you do too
Dracula by Bram Stoker – A classic must-read (currently reading this as I recently visited Whitby on holiday)
Saturday by Ian McEwan – I love Ian McEwen’s storytelling style
Gweilo by Martin Booth – A joyous tale of growing up in Hong Kong in the 50’s and 60’s
Crime Scene by Esther McKay – true stories from the life of a forensic investigator (and my friend!)
Typhoon by John Gordon Davis – more fascinating stories about Hong Kong in the 60’s
Cats by Norman Lindsay – because I love cats and Norman Lindsay’s art
I’ll keep adding to this over time and would welcome your recommendations. There are so many wonderful self-help books and also novels, the list can be endless!
I’d love to hear your stories about books you love and why too. Pop them in the comments – we may find we have much in common.
Enjoy my recommendations and I hope the career books make a positive difference in your career journey!
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Jane Jackson
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