JEE Main 2023: Aspirants Demand First Session be Held in April, Says ‘Not Enough Time for Revision’

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JEE Main 2023 notification soon (Representative image)

JEE Main 2023: Aspirants of the engineering entrance claimed that they will not be able to give the exam as holding JEE Main in January will lead to a clash with other exams

The National Testing Agency (NTA) will likely release the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) 2023 Main notification by this month. The engineering entrance exam is expected to be held in two sessions — the first one in January and the second one in April. Amidst this, several candidates have taken to social media platforms to urge the NTA to release the exam date. Many have also demanded that the first session of the JEE Main 2023 be conducted in April.

Aspirants of the engineering entrance claimed that they will not be able to give the exam as holding JEE Main in January will lead to a clash with other exams. Several have claimed that conducting the exams in January will not give them enough time for revision and the syllabus of class 12 is yet to be completed. Demanding “justice” many have taken to Twitter with the hashtag #jeemainsinapril.

“Please do not conduct jee mains in January as we are having our practices and our syllabus is not yet completed and we will not get enough time for revision, if jee mains held in January,” wrote one user, while another tweeted, “please conduct jee main 1st attempt in april. I am a dropper after jee advanced time is not sufficient to do it again.”

The dates for the JEE Main 2023 are anticipated to be released by next week. The COVID-19 outbreak caused the board test to be postponed last year. The JEE Main 2022 was held in June and the second session in July.  For several boards this year, board test practical would begin in January. In 2022, a total of 10,26,799 candidates registered for the JEE Main 2022 – including both June and July attempts. Out of the total, 9,05,590 students appeared for the exam.

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By bpci

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