ICSE Physics Specimen Paper 2023 Class 10: CISCE Physics Sample Paper, Download PDF

Jagran Josh

Physics Specimen Paper Class 10 ICSE: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has released the specimen papers for the ICSE exams 2023. Going through the specimen papers is essential for all class 10 ICSE students, and one of the most important subjects is physics. Check here and download the ICSE Physics Specimen Paper 2023 for class 10.

Download Physics Specimen Paper for Class 10 ICSE Board Exam

Download Physics Specimen Paper for Class 10 ICSE Board Exam

ICSE Physics Specimen Paper 2023 for Class 10: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has released the specimen papers for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) exams 2023. The ICSE exams for class 10th are set to begin on February 27, and the time has come to start solving the specimen papers. Furthermore, some subjects have a greater requirement for studying specimen papers. For instance, Science paper-1 Physics (Code: 52) is one of the most challenging subjects in ICSE Class 10 and acts as a thorn in the shoe of many students. But there is no way around it, especially if you’ve chosen science course in ICSE class 10. However, analysing the ICSE Physics specimen paper can help relieve much of the anxiety students have due to physics. The ICSE Class 10 Physics specimen paper can give students an idea about the exam pattern, marks distribution and what type of questions and difficulty level they can expect from the final exam. Check here the ICSE Physics Specimen Paper Class 10 and download pdf.

Related: ICSE Class 10th Datesheet 2023 Released: Check the complete exam date sheet and guideline here

ICSE Class 10 Physics Specimen Paper 2023

  • The ICSE Board class 10 physics paper consists of 80 marks and a duration of two hours. The questions will be of both objective and descriptive type.
  • 15 minutes of reading time will be provided in each paper.
  • The ICSE Class 10th Physics exam will have two sections: A & B.
  • All questions from Section A will be compulsory, while students will be allowed to attempt any four questions of their choice from Section B.
  • Both sections carry 40 marks each.

Related: ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023

Read the 2023 ICSE Physics Specimen Paper for class 10 in pdf format here. The download link is attached at the end of the article.

ICSE Physics Specimen Paper 2023 Image 1

ICSE Physics Specimen Paper 2023 Image 2

ICSE Physics Specimen Paper 2023 Image 3

ICSE Physics Specimen Paper 2023 Image 4

You can view and download the Complete ICSE Class 10 Physics Specimen Paper 2023 below.

Also Read: ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2023

Also Read: ICSE Syllabus 2023


How to Download ICSE Physics Specimen Paper for Class 10?

The ICSE Physics specimen paper for class 10 is available for download on the official website of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), cisce.org. You can also view and download the ICSE class 10 Physics specimen paper pdf at Jagran Josh.

What is the Syllabus of Physics in Class 10 ICSE?

The syllabus of ICSE Class 10 Physics is a bit different and bigger than other boards, emphasizing more practical learning over theory. The topics taught in the ICSE Class 10 Physics syllabus comprise Force, Work, Power and Energy, Light, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism, Heat, and Modern Physics.

Is ICSE Physics Sample Paper for Class 10 helpful for the CISCE Board Exam?

Sample papers give students an idea about the exam pattern and marks distribution of topics. This is helpful to prepare for the exams as you learn how to write, how much to write and what not to write, depending on the marks and word limit of questions.

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