PSEB Date Sheet 2023: Punjab Board 10th 12th Time Table Released on

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The Punjab Secondar Education Board (PSEB) has announced the PSEB class 10 and class 12 date sheet 2023 for annual exam. (Representative image)

Students can check the complete date sheet for PSEB class 10, 12 annual exams on the official website–

The Punjab Secondar Education Board (PSEB) has announced the PSEB class 10 and class 12 date sheet 2023 for annual exams. The Punjab annual exams will be held from March 24 to April 20, 2023 in the morning shift from 10 AM to 1:15 AM. Students can check the complete date sheet for PSEB class 10, 12 annual exams on the official website–

“Punjab School Education Board 12th and 10th Class Annual Examination (including Open School, Compartment/Reappear, Additional Subject, Performance Enhancement) from 20.2.2023 to 20.4.2023 and from 24.3.2023 to 20.4.2023 respectively. It has been conducted in the centers. The starting time for class XII examination will be at 2.00 PM and the starting time for class X examination will be at 10.00 AM. Datesheet and more information is available on-Board website” reads the statement from the official press note

The board has informed the students that candidates with disabilities will be given a scribe facility and an extra 20 minutes for the examination. In addition to this, all exams will be conducted with covid-19 guidelines in mind.

PSEB Date Sheet 2023: How to download the schedule?

Step 1. Visit the official website of the Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) at

Step 2. On the homepage, click on the “News Press Releases” section.

Step 3. Now, click on the link that reads, “Date Sheet Matriculation Examination March 2023″ or “Date Sheet Sr. Secondary Examination Feb. 2023.”

Step 4. The PSEB Class 10, 12 exam date 2023 pdf file will appear on the screen.

Step 5. Check the exam date, timing, and other important instructions carefully.

Step 6. Download it and take the printout of it for future use.

The regular subjects will be 3 hours in duration while computer science and NSQF exam will be 2 hours long. If a student fails an exam in any of the electives, a re-examination will be conducted on their request. As per the press note released, the exams for Class 12 will begin from February 20, 2023 and the Class 10 Exam will begin from March 24, 2023.

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By bpci

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