Jagran Josh
UPPSC PCS Interview Call Letter has been released by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission on its official website. Candidates can check the UPPSC PCS 2022 Interview schedule from the official website of UPPSC PCS i.e., UPPSC PCS.gov.in For more information on the interview schedule, direct link to download the schedule, venue of the interview and other details, candidates can refer to the article below.

UPPSC PCS Interview Call Letter
The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has released the UPPSC PCS Interview Call Letter on its official website. Candidates going to appear for the UPPSC PCS Personality test can check the result from UPPSC PCS.gov.in
According to the schedule released by the UPPSC PCS Commission is all set to conduct the UPPSC Combined State/Upper Subordinate interview from 20th February 2023 onwards.
According to the short notice, the Commission will conduct interviews for candidates who qualified in the UPPSC Combined State/Upper Subordinate Mains exam from February 20 to March 21, 2023. The interview will take place in two sessions, at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Candidates who have qualified for the interview round can download their Interview Call Letter by entering their login credentials into the link on the home page. Candidates can check the details of the interview date/time using the range of roll numbers displayed on the official website.
It should be noted that 1070 candidates qualified for the Combined State/Upper Subordinate Mains Exam 2022. According to the Combined State/Upper Subordinate selection process, all qualified candidates have now to attend the interview round.
We have shared a step-by-step procedure on how to download the UPPSC PCS Interview Call Letter. The candidates can refer to the official website for more information on UPPSC PCS 2023 Interview Call Letter.
Here is the direct link to download the UPPSC PCS Interview Date Official Notification
Download PDF: UPPSC PCS Interview Date Notification
How to Download the UPPSC PCS Interview Admit Card 2023?
Step 1: Go to the official website of the UPPSC PCS i.e., UPPSC PCS.gov.in
Step 2: On the homepage, there will be a section at the bottom of the screen as “Recruitment Dashboard”
Step 3: Click on that link and then another page will appear with an option ‘Click Here To Download Interview Letter For ADVT. NO.A-2/E-1/2022, P.C.S. EXAMINATION-2022”
Step 4: Click on the result link and then download the call letter PDF.
Step 4: Check result by searching the roll numbers of candidates.
Here is the direct link to download the UPPSC PCS Interview Call Letter.
The candidates must download the list and keep a hard copy of the result for future reference. The candidates must report to the venue on time as per the schedule released by the UPPSC PCS. The interviews will commence from 13th March 2023 and then go on till 21st April 2023.
What is the UPPSC PCS Interview Date?
The Commission will conduct interviews for candidates who qualified in the UPPSC Combined State/Upper Subordinate Mains exam from February 20th to March 21, 2023. The interview will take place in two sessions, at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
How many candidates have qualified for the UPPSC PCS Interview Round?
It should be noted that 1070 candidates qualified for the Combined State/Upper Subordinate Mains Exam 2022. According to the Combined State/Upper Subordinate selection process, all qualified candidates have now to attend the interview round.
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