AP Inter hall tickets for 2023 exams likely on March 6: Reports – Times of India

Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India

TADEPALLI: Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education (APBIE) is likely to release the AP Inter Hall Tickets 2023 for 1st Year and 2nd Year Board examinations 2023 in the month of March.
According to the local media reports, the AP Inter Hall Tickets of IPE March 2023 for 1st & 2nd Year (both General and Vocational Streams) will be released on March 6, 2023, on the official website.
The Head of School (HOS) or the School’s administration department can check and download AP Inter Admit Cards for their students on the official websites — bieap.apcfss.in and jnanabhumi.apcfss.in. The Hall Tickets can be downloaded in the respective Jnanabhumi college logins.
Once the hall tickets are released, principals should carefully verify the correctness of the Names, Medium, Subjects appearing, etc., as indicated in the Hall Tickets. If any discrepancy is noticed it should be brought to the notice of the RIO concerned. After that, principals can distribute the hall tickets to the students.
The BIEAP will conduct the AP Inter 1st year examinations from March 15 to April 3, 2023, and 2nd year exams will be conducted from March 16 to April 4, 2023.
The AP Inter Hall Ticket is a crucial document that is required to appear for the Board of Intermediate Education Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) exams. Some of the key importance of AP Inter Hall Ticket are:
How to get AP Inter Hall Ticket for March 2023 Examination
Step 1: Visit the official website of the Board of Intermediate Education Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) at https://bie.ap.gov.in/.
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the “IPE March 2023” section.
Step 3: Now, click on the “Download Hall Tickets” option.
Step 4: Select stream i.e., General or Vocational, and enter your school’s login credentials
Step 5: After entering the details, click on the “Download Hall Ticket” button.
Step 6: Your School’s AP Inter Hall Ticket will appear on the screen.
Step 7: Download and take a printout of the Hall Tickets and check details such as Roll Number, Name, and Date of Birth of all the candidates and then distribute them among students.
Candidates are also advised to carefully check all the details on the Hall Ticket, such as your name, roll number, exam centre, exam dates, and timings. In case of any discrepancies or errors, contact your school’s principal immediately for corrections.

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Sanjay Sharma

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