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The WB Madhyamik exams will be held from 11:45 am to 3 pm (Representative image)
The WBBSE class 10 board exams 2023 will be conducted from February 23 to March 4. Students must carry their own pen and other stationery items as per the board guidelines
The West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) will commence the West Bengal Madhyamik (Class 10) Exams 2023 from today, February 23. Students can check the exam hall instructions on the official website at The WBBSE class 10 board exams 2023 will be conducted from February 23 to March 4. The results will be released in the last week of May, the board has said.
As per the official notice, the Madhyamik exams will be held from 11:45 am to 3 pm. Candidates must note that the first 15 minutes will be given for reading the question paper only. All appearing students must reach the examination centre/venue well in advance to avoid any last-minute hassle.
What is allowed and not allowed in the exam hall?
The West Bengal Board released the admit card for the Madhyamik exam on February 13. Students are advised to carry their respective admit cards along with a valid ID proof to the examination centre. The West Bengal Madhyamik results are likely to be announced by the end of May. Students must read all the instructions mentioned on the West Bengal Madhyamik admit card before appearing for the examination.
Students must carry their own pens and other stationery items as per the board guidelines. While any kind of electronic device is prohibited inside the exam hall.
The exam will begin with ‘First Language’ which comprises Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, English, Modern Tibetan, Telugu, Tamil, Urdu, Nepali, Odia, Gurumukhi (Punjabi), and Santali.
The exam in shorthand and typewriting will be conducted in Kolkata and Siliguri only, while the venue and date will be announced in due course. The exam in sewing and needlework will be for a duration of 4 hours and 15 minutes. The examination in music vocal and music instrumental will be for 2 hours and 15 minutes for the theoretical portion. Meanwhile, the date, venue, and duration of the practical examination in these subjects will be announced later.
According to news agency PTI, the WBBSE President Ramanuj Ganguly has said that about 9,500 students will be writing their exam papers in 68 exam centres of Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong, while around 6,98,628 students are slated to appear for West Bengal Class 10 exams. Ganguly further mentioned that the examination hall will be under CCTV surveillance. Even police personnel will be deployed outside the centre, he notified.
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