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UPPSC PCS 2023 applications at (Representative image)
UPPSC PCS 2023: The deadline to apply for UPPSC PCS 2023 is April 6, and the exam fee must be paid by April 3. The prelims exam is scheduled for May 14
The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has started the registration process for the highly coveted combined state/upper subordinate services examination, commonly referred to as UPPSC PCS 2023, today, March 3. Candidates may send in their applications online at the commission’s official website
The deadline to apply for UPPSC PCS 2023 is April 6, and the exam fee must be paid by April 3. The prelims exam is scheduled for May 14. Estimates based on the previous year’s data suggest that lakhs of people will appear for this exam. In 2022, as many as six lakh candidates appeared for the UPPSC PCS exam.
For UPPSC PCS 2023, candidates must be at least 21 years old and no more than 40 years old. The cut-off date for determining the lower and upper age limits is July 1, 2023. There are relaxations on the upper age limit for candidates belonging to reserved categories. There are around 173 vacancies for the combined state/upper subordinate services this year.
UPPSC PCS 2023: How to apply
Step 1: Visit the official website of the commission at
You will find a registration link on the homepage. Click on it to get to the registrations window.
First, complete the one-time registration (OTR) process.
Once this is done, move on to the application form-filling process.
You will need to fill in details such as full name, date of birth, and other personal information.
Fill in your details and upload the required documents.
Pay the application fee and submit the form.
Keep a copy of the application form for future reference.
Those successful in the preliminary and main written examinations will be shortlisted for the interview round. The number of vacancies is around 73. The UPPSC PSC prelims exam will consist of multiple choice questions (MCQs) for 400 marks. The main exam will consist of a total of nine papers, out of which seven are compulsory and two are optional. It carries a total of 1,500 marks. The interview will be held for 100 marks.
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