Jagran Josh
The Telangana SLPRB has released the exam schedule for the post of SCT Sub Inspector and other posts on its official website-tslprb.in. Check download link.

Telangana Police SCT Sub Inspector Admit Card 2023 Link
Telangana Police SCT Sub Inspector Admit Card 2023: The Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) has released the exam schedule for the post of SCT SIs (Civil) and SCT SI (IT&CO) / SCT SI (PTO) / SCT ASI (FPB) on its official website.
TSLPRB will be conducting the written exam for the above posts from 8th April 2023 onwards. The TSLPRB has uploaded the Admit Card download link for the written exam on its official website-tslprb.in.
All those candidates who have applied for the above posts can download their admit card by visiting the TSLPRB website-tslprb.in.
Alternatively you can download the Telangana Police SCT Sub Inspector Admit Card 2023 directly through the link given below.
Direct Link To Download: Telangana Police SCT Sub Inspector Admit Card 2023
Exam for the Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning / Mental Ability Posts for of all SCT SIs / ASIs SCT SIs (Civil) and/or equivalent Posts (Paper III) and SCT SI (IT&CO), SCT SI (PTO), SCT ASI (FPB) (Paper II) will be held on 8th April 2023.
Exam for English Language Paper will be held on 8th April 2023 from 2.30 to 5.30 pm. Exam for General Studies will be conducted on 9th April 2023 from 10 am to 1 pm and exam for Telugu / Urdu Language Paper will be held from 2.30 to 5.30 pm.
Telangana Police SCT Sub Inspector Exam 2023: Overview
Date & Time | Exam | Posts |
8th April 2023 10 am to 1 pm |
Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning / Mental Ability |
All SCT SIs / ASIs SCT SIs (Civil) and/or equivalent Posts (Paper III) and SCT SI (IT&CO), SCT SI (PTO), SCT ASI (FPB) (Paper II) |
8th April 2023 2.30 to 5.30 pm |
English Language Paper |
All SCT SIs / ASIs SCT SIs (Civil) and/or equivalent Posts (Paper I) and SCT SI (IT&CO), SCT SI (PTO), SCT ASI (FPB) (Paper I) |
9th April 2023 10 am to 1 pm |
General Studies | SCT SIs (Civil) and/or equivalent Pots (Paper IV) |
9th April 2023 2.30 to 5.30 pm |
Telugu / Urdu Language Paper |
SCT SIs (Civil) and/or equivalent Pots (Paper II) |
To download the Admit Card, you will have to provide your login credentials including to the link on the home page. Last date for downloading the Admit Card is 6th April 2023.
Steps To Follow After Downloading Admit Card
Once after downloading the Hall Tickets, candidates are advised to take a printout of the same, preferably on an A4 size paper on both the sides in such a way so that the Hall Ticket is available on a single-sheet paper). Candidate will have to affix their
passport photograph (whose digital copy was earlier uploaded along with the Application Form) at the designated place provided in the left-bottom area of the first page of the Hall Ticket.
Process to Download: Telangana Police SCT Sub Inspector Admit Card 2023
Step 1: Go to the official website of TS Police at tslprb.in.
Step 2: Click on the link “SCT SIs (Civil) and SCT SI (IT&CO) / SCT SI (PTO) / SCT ASI (FPB)” available on the homepage.
Step 3: Enter your login credentials in the given fields.
Step 4: The hall ticket for TS Police SCT SIs (Civil) and others will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Download the admit card and take a printout for future reference.
When the Telangana Police SCT Sub Inspector written exam will be conducted?
The written exam for the various SI and others posts will be held from 8th April 2023 onwards.
How one can download the SCT Sub Inspector Admit Card 2023?
You can download the SCT Sub Inspector Admit Card 2023 after providing your login credentials to the link on the official website.
#Telangana #Police #SCT #Inspector #Admit #Card #Released #tslprb.in #Check #Exam #Date #Details