Haryana declares its Group A posts eligible for nomination as IAS – Times of India

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CHANDIGARH: Haryana Government has declared its Group – A posts eligible for recommendation to the Union Public Service Commission for selection to the Indian Administrative Services as per the eligibility criteria of Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Selection) Regulation, 1997.
An order to this effect has been issued by the Chief Secretary, Sanjeev Kaushal on Monday.
According to the Regulation, “the State Government shall consider the case of a person not belonging to the State Civil Service but serving in connection with the affairs of the State who is of outstanding merit and ability and holds a Gazetted post in a substantive capacity. The officer should have completed not less than 8 years of continuous service under the State Government on the first day of January of the year in which his case is being considered in any post which has been declared equivalent to the post of Deputy Collector in the State Civil Service and proposes the person for consideration of the Committee. The number of persons proposed for consideration of the Committee shall not exceed five times the number of vacancies proposed to be filled during the year.”
The State Government further declares, “Group – A posts which have been filled up by appointment promotion from the feeder posts recruited through the Haryana Civil Services (Executive Branch) and Allied Services and other Services Common/Combined Examination excluding State Police Service, State Forests Service, Judicial Services, All Boards/Corporations and other autonomous bodies which are not under the definition of Government Departments, equivalent to the post of Deputy Collector in the State Civil Service for the limited purpose as specified in Regulation,” reads the order.
Posts declared equivalent to deputy collector
The posts declared equivalent to Deputy Collector are Deputy Excise and Taxation Commissioner, Joint Excise and Taxation Commissioner, Additional Excise and Taxation Commissioner, Deputy Director, Food and Supplies, Joint Director, Food and Supplies, Additional Director, Food and Supplies, District Revenue Officers, Principal of Centre of Cooperative Management, Rohtak, Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chief Auditor of Cooperative Societies, DDPO, Principal State Community Development Training Centre, Deputy Director, Panchayats, Joint Director, Development Additional Director, Panchayats, Deputy Transport Controller (Traffic), Flying Squad Officer (Traffic) General Manager, State Transport, Assistant Director , Employment Deputy Director, Employment Joint Director, Employment and Divisional Employment Officer, reads the order.
Exam pattern
In another notification issued by the Chief Secretary here, there will be five options i.e. (A, B, C, D and E) available in each question of Haryana Civil Services Examination (Executive Branch). If a candidate is attempting a question, he/she will have to darken the appropriate circle A, B, C or D and if not attempting a question, then, he/she will have to darken E circle. If none of the circles is darkened, one fourth (0.25) mark shall be deducted. If any candidate does not darken any of the five circles in more than 10% questions, he will be disqualified.

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Ajay Sura

#Haryana #declares #Group #posts #eligible #nomination #IAS #Times #India

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