Jagran Josh
JAC Class 11th Exam 2023: Jharkhand board has postponed the exam for class 11th to be held today – April 19. The exam was scheduled to be held in two shifts for Commerce, Science and Arts. Check new date here.

JAC Class 11th Exam 2023
JAC Class 11th Exam 2023: Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) has decided to postpone the class 11th Arts, Science and Commerce exam to be held on April 19, 2023. As per the schedule released earlier, JAC was conducting paper III (optional subject – 3rd and 4th) and (Elective language) for Science, Commerce and Arts respectively today. However, it has been postponed due to unavoidable reasons for both the shifts. Now, the Jharkhand board class 11th exam will be held on April 20, 2023.
JAC released an official notification to inform all school headmasters, parents and students appearing for the exam. Jharkhand Board has already concluded the class 8th and 9th exams 2023. Also, the board concluded class 10th and 12th exams 2023 on April 3 and 5 respectively. Students who appeared for class 10th, and 12th board exams 2023 can expect the JAC result to be announced by the end of May.
JAC Class 11th Exam 2023 Revised Date
As per the recent updates, the board has postponed the class 11th exam for April 19 due to unavoidable reasons. Here, students can check the revised date for Science, Commerce and Arts streams:
Date and Time |
1st Shift |
2nd Shift |
April 20, 2023 |
Paper III, Optional Subject for Science and Commerce |
Paper III, Elective Language for Arts |
Time |
10.45 to 1 PM |
2 to 3.15 PM |
JAC Class 10th, 12th Result 2023 Updates
Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) is expected to announce the JAC class 10th and 12th result 2023 by last week of May. Students can check their Jharkhand Board 10th, 12th result 2023 at jac.jharkhand.gov.in. To check the JAC Board result 2023, students have to use their roll code and roll number in the login window. As per last year’s update, the board is expected to release the Jharkhand class 10th, 12th result 2023 on the same day in a press conference. As per last year’s pattern, the 12th Science result was announced on a different date whereas Arts & Commerce was released on the same day. Therefore, it is expected to that this time too, the same pattern can be followed.
#JAC #Class #11th #Exam #Held #April #Postponed #Check #Revised #Date